Биосферы глубины
Это самая сложная версия карты "Биосфера Вармундта", справиться с которой могут только игроки высокого уровня, полностью подготовленные к игре, или группа игроков. Вы можете получить доступ к этой карте через нашего Варпера
- /navi bl_grass 131/36)
- /navi bl_ice 198/268
- /navi bl_lava 151/263
- /navi bl_soul 300/292
- /navi bl_temple 272/331
- /navi bl_venom 182/250
Имейте в виду, что на этой новой карте (bl_depth1) есть специальная механика, которая может оказаться сложной, если вы не подготовлены, а именно: :
- Увеличены показатели здоровья, ATK, MATK, DEF и MDEF. В дополнение к RES и MRES.
- Монстры выше 250-го уровня. Будьте осторожны с менее эффективным бегством, точностью и природной устойчивостью к болезням.
- Раса, размер и стихия остаются неизменными по сравнению с первоначальными.
- Входящий урон по монстрам уменьшен на 95%.
Информация о монстрах
Ежедневный квест на репутацию
В Биосфере глубины есть специальный ежедневный квест на репутацию, который вознаградит вас за "Репутацию Вармундта", "Некоторый базовый опыт и JEXP" и "{{Item List2|id=1001289|предмет=Исследовательский документ 1-го уровня глубины}", которые можно использовать каждые 2 из них в /navi ba_in01 292/104, чтобы получить случайные материалы для изготовления доспехов глубины Вармундта. Ежедневное задание заключается в следующем :
Местоположение | Задание | Требования к уровню | Награда |
/navi ba_in01 286/104 | Hunt 2,000 any monsters in Depth Level 1 | 250 | Depth Level 1 Research Document
Varmundt Reputation Base Exp/Job Exp |
Hunt 300 any monsters in Depth level 1 | |||
Hunt 80x Depth Lava Toad and Depth Fire Frilldora
Collect 30x Deep Flame Sample Deep Flame Sample | |||
Hunt 80x Depth Anolian and Depth Kapha
Collect 30x Deep Ice Sample Deep Ice Sample | |||
Hunt 80x Depth Sting and Depth Wood Goblin
Collect 30x Deep Earth Sample Deep Earth Sample | |||
Hunt 80x Depth Dragon Tail and Depth Little Fatum
Collect 30x Deep Storm Sample Deep Storm Sample | |||
Hunt 80x Depth Holy Frus and Depth Holy Skogul
Collect 30x Deep Purification Sample Deep Purification Sample | |||
Hunt 80x Depth Skeleton Archer and Depth Soldier Skeleton
Collect 30x Deep Corruption Sample Deep Corruption Sample | |||
Hunt 80x Depth Empathize and Depth Pray
Collect 30x Deep Soul Sample Deep Soul Sample | |||
Hunt 80x Depth Dark Pinquicula and Depth Pom Spider
Collect 30x Deep Poison Sample Deep Poison Sample |
Доспехи с рунами глубины Вармунда
Эти доспехи с рунами глубины являются базовыми, которые вы можете изготовить из материалов, собранных в подземелье Глубины Вармунда. Имейте в виду, что эти доспехи привязаны к аккаунту, а это значит, что вы не можете обмениваться ими, отправлять по почте или хранить в гильдии.
Изображение | Описание | Ремесленные материалы |
Fiery Earth Rune Armor [1] | Cri - 10.
Atk + 100. Every 2 refine rate, Atk + 15, Def + 30. If refine rate is 7 or higher, Atk + 3%, P.Atk + 2, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional P.Atk + 3, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces global cooldown 10%, increases melee physical damage by 5%. _ [Bonus by grade] [Grade D] Atk + 10, Atk + 5%. [Grade C] Additional Atk + 20, Atk + 8%, increases melee physical damage by 3%. [Grade B] Additional Atk + 11%, increases melee physical damage by additional 5%, POW + 5. [Grade A] Additional Atk + 14%, increases melee physical damage by additional 7%, CON + 5. Class: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 Required Level: 250 Jobs: All Jobs |
45x Depth Flame Rune 45x Depth Earth Rune 30x Depth Flame Essence 30x Depth Earth Essence |
Icy Storm Rune Suit [1] | Cri - 10.
Atk + 100. Every 2 refine rate, Atk + 15, Def + 30. If refine rate is 7 or higher, Atk + 3%, P.Atk + 2, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional P.Atk + 3, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces global cooldown 10%, increases long ranged physical damage by 5%. _ [Bonus by grade] [Grade D] Atk + 10, Atk + 5%. [Grade C] Additional Atk + 20, Atk + 8%, increases long ranged physical damage by 3%. [Grade B] Additional Atk + 11%, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 5%, POW + 5. [Grade A] Additional Atk + 14%, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 7%, CON + 5. Class: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 75 Armor Level: 2 Required Level: 250 Jobs: All Jobs |
45x Depth Ice Rune 45x Depth Storm Rune 30x Depth Ice Essence 30x Depth Storm Essence |
Soul Purifying Rune Robe [1] | Increases SP consumption of skills by 10%.
Matk + 100. Every 2 refine rate, Matk + 15, Def + 30. If refine rate is 7 or higher, Matk + 3%, S.Matk + 2, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional S.Matk + 3, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces global cooldown 10%, increases all property magical damage by 5%. _ [Bonus by grade] [Grade D] Matk + 10, Matk + 5%. [Grade C] Additional Matk + 20, Matk + 8%, increases all property magical damage by 3%. [Grade B] Additional Matk + 11%, increases all property magical damage by additional 5%, SPL + 5. [Grade A] Additional Matk + 14%, increases all property magical damage by additional 7%, CON + 5. Class: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 50 Armor Level: 2 Required Level: 250 Jobs: All Jobs |
45x Depth Soul Rune 45x Depth Purification Rune 30x Depth Soul Essence 30x Depth Purifying Essence |
Corrupted Poison Rune Cloth [1] | Cri + 5.
Atk + 70. Every 2 refine rate, Atk + 12, Def + 30. If refine rate is 7 or higher, Atk + 3%, P.Atk + 2, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional Mdef + 25, C.Rate + 3, If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces global cooldown 10%, increases melee / long ranged physical damage by 2%, increases critical damage by 5%. _ [Bonus by grade] [Grade D] Atk + 10, Atk + 5%. [Grade C] Additional Atk + 20, Atk + 8%, increases critical damage by 8%. [Grade B] Additional Atk + 11%, increases melee / long ranged physical damage by additional 5%, POW + 5. [Grade A] Additional Atk + 14%, increases melee / long ranged physical damage by additional 7%, CRT + 5. Class: Armor Defense: 0 Weight: 100 Armor Level: 2 Required Level: 250 Jobs: All Jobs |
45x Depth Corruption Rune 45x Depth Poison Rune 30x Depth Corruption Essence 30x Depth Poison Essence |
Доспехи с глубокой гравировкой рун Вармундта
Вы можете преобразовать базовые доспехи с рунами в доспехи с гравировкой рун, используя некоторые материалы, и для этого вам потребуется 1500 репутаций. Вы можете сделать это по адресу /navi ba_in01 293/116 NPC. Имейте в виду, что эти доспехи также привязаны к аккаунту, что означает, что вы не можете обмениваться ими, отправлять их по почте или хранить в гильдии между игроками. Если броня уже зачарована, игрок не сможет перейти в версию с гравировкой.
Image | Description | Reform Materials |
Engraved Fiery Earth Rune Armor [1] | POW + 3, CON + 3, Cri - 10.
Atk + 140. Every 2 refine rate, Atk + 15, Def + 30. If refine rate is 7 or higher, Atk + 5%, P.Atk + 2, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional P.Atk + 5, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces global cooldown 10%, increases melee physical damage by 15%. _ [Bonus by grade] [Grade D] Atk + 25, Atk + 5%. [Grade C] Additional Atk + 45, Atk + 8%, increases melee physical damage by 3%. [Grade B] Additional Atk + 13%, increases melee physical damage by additional 5%, POW + 10. [Grade A] Additional Atk + 16%, increases melee physical damage by additional 7%, CON + 10. Class: Armor Defense: 200 Weight: 0 Armor Level: 2 Required Level: 250 Jobs: All Jobs |
Fiery Earth Rune Armor [1]
30x Depth Flame Rune |
Engraved Icy Storm Rune Suit [1] | POW + 3, CON + 3, Cri - 10.
Atk + 140. Every 2 refine rate, Atk + 15, Def + 30. If refine rate is 7 or higher, Atk + 5%, P.Atk + 2, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional P.Atk + 5, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces global cooldown 10%, increases long ranged physical damage by 15%. _ [Bonus by grade] [Grade D] Atk + 25, Atk + 5%. [Grade C] Additional Atk + 45, Atk + 8%, increases long ranged physical damage by 3%. [Grade B] Additional Atk + 13%, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 5%, POW + 10. [Grade A] Additional Atk + 16%, increases long ranged physical damage by additional 7%, CON + 10. Class: Armor Defense: 125 Weight: 0 Armor Level: 2 Required Level: 250 Jobs: All Jobs |
Icy Storm Rune Suit [1]
30x Depth Ice Rune |
Engraved Soul Purifying Rune Robe [1] | SPL + 3, CON + 3, Increases SP consumption of skills by 10%.
Matk + 140. Every 2 refine rate, Matk + 15, Def + 30. If refine rate is 7 or higher, Matk + 5%, S.Matk + 2, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional S.Matk + 5, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces global cooldown 10%, increases all property magical damage by 15%. _ [Bonus by grade] [Grade D] Matk + 25, Matk + 5%. [Grade C] Additional Matk + 45, Matk + 8%, increases all property magical damage by 3%. [Grade B] Additional Matk + 13%, increases all property magical damage by additional 5%, SPL + 10. [Grade A] Additional Matk + 16%, increases all property magical damage by additional 7%, CON + 10. Class: Armor Defense: 75 Weight: 0 Armor Level: 2 Required Level: 250 Jobs: All Jobs |
Soul Purifying Rune Robe [1]
30x Depth Soul Rune |
Engraved Corrupted Poison Rune Cloth [1] | POW + 3, CRT + 3, Cri + 5.
Atk + 120. Every 2 refine rate, Atk + 12, Def + 30. If refine rate is 7 or higher, Atk + 5%, P.Atk + 2, Mdef + 25. If refine rate is 9 or higher, additional Mdef + 25, C.Rate + 7, If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces global cooldown 10%, increases melee / long ranged physical damage by 5%, increases critical damage by 10%. _ [Bonus by grade] [Grade D] Atk + 25, Atk + 5%. [Grade C] Additional Atk + 45, Atk + 8%, increases critical damage by 8%. [Grade B] Additional Atk + 13%, increases melee / long ranged physical damage by additional 5%, POW + 10. [Grade A] Additional Atk + 16%, increases melee / long ranged physical damage by additional 7%, CRT + 10. Class: Armor Defense: 150 Weight: 0 Armor Level: 2 Required Level: 250 Jobs: All Jobs |
Corrupted Poison Rune Cloth [1]
30x Depth Corruption Rune |
Наложение чар на доспехи
Все чары выбираются со 100% вероятностью успеха и не могут быть сброшены. Возможно, вам придется посетить NPC в ba_in01 359/51, чтобы обменяться необходимыми рунами.
Зачаровать броню с рунами Пламени и Земли
Целевые предметы | Порядок размещения | Необходимо уточнить | Сбросить |
Fiery Earth Rune Armor [1] | 4->3->2 | 0 | No |
Engraved Fiery Earth Rune Armor [1] |
All enchantment is choosable with 100% success rate and cannot be reset.
Enchant Table | Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 |
Materials | 75x Depth Flame Rune
75x Depth Earth Rune 2.500.000z |
100x Glade Rune
75x Glade Essence 50x Depth Earth Rune 2.500.000z |
100x Fire Rune
75x Flame Essence 50x Depth Flame Rune 2.500.000z |
Enchantment | Flame Earth Rune 1Lv | Earth Rune 1Lv | Flame Rune 1Lv |
Костюм с рунами Ледяной бури зачарование
Target Items | Slot Order | Refine Need | Reset |
Ice Storm Rune Suit [1] | 4->3->2 | 0 | No |
Engraved Ice Storm Rune Suit [1] |
All enchantment is choosable with 100% success rate and cannot be reset.
Enchant Table | Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 |
Materials | 75x Depth Ice Rune
75x Depth Storm Rune 2.500.000z |
100x Glade Rune
75x Glade Essence 50x Depth Storm Rune 2.500.000z |
100x Ice Rune
75x Ice Essence 50x Depth Ice Rune 2.500.000z |
Enchantment | Ice Storm Rune 1Lv | Storm Rune 1Lv | Ice Rune 1Lv |
Рунная мантия очищения души зачарование
Target Items | Slot Order | Refine Need | Reset |
Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] | 4->3->2 | 0 | No |
Engraved Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] |
All enchantment is choosable with 100% success rate and cannot be reset.
Enchant Table | Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 |
Materials | 75x Depth Soul Rune
2.500.000z |
100x Temple Rune
2.500.000z |
100x Soul Rune
50x Depth Soul Rune 2.500.000z |
Enchantment | Soul Purification Rune 1Lv | Purification Rune 1Lv | Soul Rune 1Lv |
Ткань с рунами, отравляющими порчу, Зачарована
Target Items | Slot Order | Refine Need | Reset |
Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] | 4->3->2 | 0 | No |
Engraved Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] |
All enchantment is choosable with 100% success rate and cannot be reset.
Enchant Table | Slot 2 | Slot 3 | Slot 4 |
Materials | 75x Depth Corruption Rune
2.500.000z |
100x Venom Rune
2.500.000z |
100x Death Rune
75x Death Essence 2.500.000z |
Enchantment | Corruption Poison Rune 1Lv | Poison Rune 1Lv | Corruption Rune 1Lv |
Грейд зачарование
Как читать :
- Улучшения можно делать для каждого слота отдельно
- Улучшения начинаются со 2-го уровня (по возрастанию)
Доспехи с рунами Земли и гравировкой
Target Items |
Flame Earth Rune Armor [1] |
Engraved Flame Earth Rune Armor [1] |
Slot 2
Slot 3
Level | Earth Rune 2Lv | Earth Rune 3Lv | Earth Rune 4Lv | Earth Rune 5Lv |
Materials | 100x Glade Rune Fragment
150x Depth Earth Energy |
120x Glade Rune Fragment
50x Glade Rune |
75x Glade Rune
25x Glade Essence |
100x Glade Rune
50x Glade Essence |
Slot 4
Level | Flame Rune 2Lv | Flame Rune 3Lv | Flame Rune 4Lv | Flame Rune 5Lv |
Materials | 100x Fire Rune Fragment
150x Depth Flame Energy |
120x Fire Rune Fragment
50x Fire Rune |
75x Fire Rune
25x Flame Essence |
100x Fire Rune
50x Flame Essence |
Костюмы с рунами ледяной бури украшены гравировкой
Target Items |
Icy Storm Rune Suits [1] |
Engraved Icy Storm Rune Suits [1] |
Slot 2
Slot 3
Level | Storm Rune 2Lv | Storm Rune 3Lv | Storm Rune 4Lv | Storm Rune 5Lv |
Materials | 100x Glade Rune Fragment
150x Depth Storm Energy |
120x Glade Rune Fragment
50x Glade Rune |
75x Glade Rune
25x Glade Essence |
100x Glade Rune
50x Glade Essence |
Slot 4
Level | Ice Rune 2Lv | Ice Rune 3Lv | Ice Rune 4Lv | Ice Rune 5Lv |
Materials | 100x Ice Rune Fragment
150x Depth Ice Energy |
120x Ice Rune Fragment
50x Ice Rune |
75x Ice Rune
25x Ice Essence |
100x Ice Rune
50x Ice Essence |
Мантия с рунами очищения души и выгравированной на ней надписью
Target Items |
Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] |
Engraved Soul Purification Rune Robe [1] |
Slot 2
Slot 3
Level | Purification Rune 2Lv | Purification Rune 3Lv | Purification Rune 4Lv | Purification Rune 5Lv |
Materials | 100x Temple Rune Fragment
150x Depth Purification Energy |
120x Temple Rune Fragment
50x Temple Rune |
75x Temple Rune | 100x Temple Rune
50x Temple Essence |
Slot 4
Level | Soul Rune 2Lv | Soul Rune 3Lv | Soul Rune 4Lv | Soul Rune 5Lv |
Materials | 100x Soul Rune Fragment
150x Depth Soul Energy |
120x Soul Rune Fragment
50x Soul Rune |
75x Soul Rune
25x Soul Essence |
100x Soul Rune
50x Soul Essence |
Ткань с рунами яда порчи и гравировкой
Target Items |
Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] |
Engraved Corruption Poison Rune Cloth [1] |
Slot 2
Slot 3
Level | Poison Rune 2Lv | Poison Rune 3Lv | Poison Rune 4Lv | Poison Rune 5Lv |
Materials | 100x Venom Rune Fragment
150x Depth Poison Energy |
120x Venom Rune Fragment
50x Venom Rune |
75x Venom Rune
25x Venom Essence |
100x Venom Rune
50x Venom Essence |
Slot 4
Level | Corruption Rune 2Lv | Corruption Rune 3Lv | Corruption Rune 4Lv | Corruption Rune 5Lv |
Materials | 100x Death Rune Fragment | 120x Death Rune Fragment
50x Death Rune |
75x Death Rune
25x Death Essence |
100x Death Rune
50x Death Essence |