Гробница раскаяния

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История продолжается после трагедии в Призрачном дворце, Тиара и Сакрай теперь скрываются среди мертвых. Помогите Маркизу покончить с ними! Основная цель этого нового Экземпляра - собрать как можно больше  Mineas, которые пригодятся при создании и зачаровывании Оружие возмездия.
Прежде чем войти в инстанс, поговорите с Тиарой (/navi dali02 78/116 ), каждый член отряда должен поговорить с NPC Маркизом (/navi dali02 78/112 ) пройти все квесты, доступные для  Mineas награды (option 1 - 4).

Header text  Mineas Reward
Kill Sakray 10
Kill Tiara 8
Collect Memories of the Past 1
Collect Fragment of the Past 1

"'Примечание :"' Монстры и mvp внутри инстанса также выпадают из списка  Mineas с очень малой вероятностью.

Пошаговое руководство

Example of Fragment of the Past. Notice the clickable NPC is just a spot of Shadow

Floor 1


  • GREEN: Start Location
  • RED: Portal to Next Floor
  • ORANGE: Memory
  • BLUE: Fragment of the Past

На этом этаже цель предельно проста - уничтожить все группы врагов на карте. Перед тем, как в северной части карты появится портал на следующий этаж, их будет несколько. Не забудьте активировать все "Воспоминания" и "Фрагменты прошлого" для квеста "Маркиз".

Floor 2


  • GREEN: Start Location
  • RED: Portal to Next Floor
  • ORANGE: Memory
  • BLUE: Fragment of the Past

На этом этаже убейте всех появляющихся монстров, прежде чем сразитесь с первым боссом, "Тиарой". У нее много здоровья и широкий спектр навыков, которые могут уничтожить всю группу, если вы не будете осторожны. Она также разыграла карту "Золотой вор-жук", которая аннулирует промежуточный навык, так что будьте осторожны! После того, как покончите с боссом, соберите все "Воспоминания" и "Фрагменты прошлого".

Floor 3


  • GREEN: Start Location
  • RED: Portal to Next Floor
  • ORANGE: Memory
  • BLUE: Fragment of the Past

Как и на первом этаже, цель состоит в том, чтобы убить всех врагов и собрать все "Воспоминания" и "Фрагменты прошлого", прежде чем в середине карты появится портал в следующую комнату. Имейте в виду, что убедитесь, что вы активировали все, прежде чем убивать всех врагов, так как вы не сможете войти в нижнюю / верхнюю часть карты, если вы уже создали портал.

Floor 4


  • ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ: Начальная локация
  • ФИОЛЕТОВЫЙ: "Столп сожаления" (появляется случайным образом)

Это последний этаж, на котором вы должны победить "Сакрая", чтобы пройти его. Будьте осторожны, так как "Сакрай" обладает множественным физическим AOE-навыком в сочетании со смертельным напряжением Земли. Он также часто применяет карточный навык "Защита от золотого вора", поэтому старайтесь держаться от него на расстоянии. На этой карте случайным образом появляются 3 "Столба сожаления" во всех трех направлениях карты, и когда это происходит, "Сакрай" получает значительно меньше урона от любого источника, поэтому участник должен уничтожить все столбы, поговорив с ними в течение нескольких секунд, не получив при этом никакого урона.

Монстры и карты

Обычный монстр в этом случае нанесет довольно большой урон, если вы не будете готовы. Будьте осторожны с группой лучников, так как они редко промахиваются и имеют довольно большую дальность атаки.

Remorseful Servant
Remorseful Noble
Remorseful Soldier
Remorseful Archer
Remorseful Witch
Remorseful Wizard
Remorseful Knight
Tiara (MVP)
Sakrai (MVP)

Тиара и Сакрай также сбрасывают свои карты с очень низкой вероятностью. И Сакрай также сбрасывает 4 вида шлемов Таноса с низкой вероятностью.

Card Location Description
 Sakrai Card Headgear P.ATK + 1, S.MATK + 1, After Cast Delay - 5%.

When equipped with Tiara Card, additional P.ATK + 3, S.MATK + 3, and After Cast Delay - 10%.

 Tiara Card Headgear P.ATK + 1, S.MATK + 1, After Cast Delay - 5%.

Оружие возмездия

Этот экземпляр также принесет новый набор оружия для всего 4-го класса. Имейте в виду, что все это оружие 5-го уровня.

Item Exchange

You can talk to Marquess and select 5th option from the conversation to start exchanging your collected  Mineas into weapon & its enchantment catalyst. All of the weapon cost you 700  Mineas.
Для класса Императорской гвардии оружие поставляется в коробке, в которую входит пара щитов.

IMG Item Name Description
Poenitentia Ensis [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Storm Slash damage by 10%.
Increases Ignition Break damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Ignition Break damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces cooldown of Ignition Break by 0.7 seconds.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Storm Slash damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Storm Slash damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Storm Slash damage by additional 12%, POW + 2.
Class: Two-handed Sword Attack: 315
Weight: 220
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Dragon Knight

Poenitentia Catapulta [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Madness Crusher damage by 10%.
Increases Hundred Spears damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Hundred Spears damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces cooldown of Hundred Spears by 2 seconds.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Madness Crusher damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Madness Crusher damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Madness Crusher damage by additional 12%, POW + 2.
Class: Two-handed Spear Attack: 320
Weight: 230
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Dragon Knight

Poenitentia Gladius [2]
Included in
 Penitentia Gladius Box
Matk + 250.

Matk + 10%.
Increases Cross Rain damage by 10%.
Increases Genesis Ray damage by 4% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Genesis Ray damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases holy property magical damage by 10%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Cross Rain damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Cross Rain damage by additional 8%, S.Matk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Cross Rain damage by additional 12%, SPL + 1.
Class: Sword Attack: 195
Weight: 180
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Imperial Guard

Poenitentia Hasta [2]
Included in
 Penitentia Asta Box
Atk + 10%.

Increases Overslash damage by 10%.
Increases Overbrand damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Overbrand damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases melee physical damage by 10%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Overslash damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Overslash damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Overslash damage by additional 12%, POW + 1.
Class: Spear Attack: 205
Weight: 190
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Imperial Guard

Poenitentia Aegis [1]
Included in both
 Penitentia Gladius Box
 Penitentia Asta Box
MaxHP + 5%, MaxSP + 5%.

Def + 50 and Mdef + 10 per 3 refine rate.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Shield Shooting damage by 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Shield Shooting damage by additional 8%.
[Grade B] Increases Shield Shooting damage by additional 15%, POW + 1, SPL + 1.

When equipped with Poenitentia Gladius or Poenitentia Hasta, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%), reduces damage taken from all property enemies by 10%.
Class: Shield Defense: 120
Weight: 150
Armor Level: 2
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Imperial Guard

Poenitentia Ascia [2] Can't be destroyed.

Atk + 10%.
Increases Axe Stomp damage by 10%.
Increases Axe Tornado damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%).
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Axe Tornado damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases physical damage against all size enemies by 15%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Axe Stomp damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Axe Stomp damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Axe Stomp damage by additional 12%, POW + 2.
Class: Two-handed Axe Attack: 325
Weight: 320
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Meister

Poenitentia Clava [2] Can't be destroyed.

Atk + 10%.
Increases Axe Stomp damage by 10%.
Increases Knuckle Boost damage by 5% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Vulcan Arm damage by 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases Arm Cannon damage by 25%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases long ranged physical damage by 2%.
[Grade C] Increases long ranged physical damage by additional 3%,
[Grade B] Increases Arm Cannon damage by 10%, P.Atk + 1.
Class: Axe Attack: 205
Weight: 180
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Meister

Poenitentia Pendulus [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Acidified Zone (Fire/Water/Wind/Earth) damage by 10%.
Increases Cart Tornado damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Cart Tornado damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases melee physical damage by 10%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Acidified Zone (Fire/Wind) damage by 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Acidified Zone (Water/Earth) damage by 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Acidified Zone (Fire/Water/Wind/Earth) damage by 10%, POW + 2.
Class: Mace Attack: 195
Weight: 165
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Biolo

Poenitentia Ligula [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Acidified Zone (Fire/Water/Wind/Earth) damage by 10%.
Increases Cart Cannon damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Cart Cannon damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Acidified Zone (Fire/Wind) damage by 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Acidified Zone (Water/Earth) damage by 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Acidified Zone (Fire/Water/Wind/Earth) damage by 10%, POW + 2.
Class: Sword Attack: 185
Weight: 180
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Biolo

Poenitentia Termes [2] Can't be destroyed.

Matk + 300.
Matk + 10%.
Increases Crimson Arrow and Frozen Slash damage by 10%.
Increases Crimson Rock and Frost Misty damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Crimson Rock and Frost Misty damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases fire and water property magical damage by 10%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Crimson Arrow and Frozen Slash damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Crimson Arrow and Frozen Slash damage by additional 8%, S.Matk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Crimson Arrow and Frozen Slash damage by additional 12%, SPL + 2.
Class: Two-handed Staff Attack: 170
Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Arch Mage

Poenitentia Virga [2] Can't be destroyed.

Matk + 300.
Matk + 10%.
Increases Storm Cannon and Rock Down damage by 10%.
Increases Chain Lightning and Earth Strain damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Chain Lightning and Earth Strain damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases wind and earth property magical damage by 10%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Storm Cannon and Rock Down damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Storm Cannon and Rock Down damage by additional 8%, S.Matk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Storm Cannon and Rock Down damage by additional 12%, SPL + 2.
Class: Two-handed Staff Attack: 170
Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Arch Mage

Poenitentia Scipio [2] Can't be destroyed.

Matk + 215.
Matk + 10%.
Increases Conflagration and Lightning Land damage by 10%.
Increases Psychic Wave and Varetyr Spear damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Psychic Wave and Varetyr Spear damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces cooldown of Psychic Wave by 1.5 seconds, reduces cooldown of Varetyr Spear by 2 seconds.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Conflagration and Lightning Land damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Conflagration and Lightning Land damage by additional 8%, S.Matk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Conflagration and Lightning Land damage by additional 12%, SPL + 1.
Class: Staff Attack: 150
Weight: 160
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Elementel Master

Poenitentia Codex [2] Can't be destroyed.

Matk + 215.
Matk + 10%.
Increases Diamond Storm and Terra Drive damage by 10%.
Increases Diamond Dust and Earth Grave damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Diamond Dust and Earth Grave damage by additional 25%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces cooldown of Diamond Dust and Earth Grave by 2 seconds.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Diamond Storm and Terra Drive damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Diamond Storm and Terra Drive damage by additional 8%, S.Matk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Diamond Storm and Terra Drive damage by additional 12%, SPL + 1.
Class: Book Attack: 150
Weight: 160
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Elementel Master

Poenitentia Liber [2] Can't be destroyed.

Atk + 5%, Matk + 5%, Matk + 215.
Increases Petitio damage by 10%.
Increases Duple Light damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%).
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Duple Light damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases holy property magical damage by 15%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Petitio damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Petitio damage by additional 8%, S.Matk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Petitio damage by additional 12%, SPL + 1.
Class: Book Attack: 230
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Cardinal

Poenitentia Crystallum [2] Can't be destroyed.

Matk + 250, Matk + 10%.
Increases Flamen damage by 10%.
Increases Adoramus damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Adoramus damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases magical damage against all race monsters (except players) by 15%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Flamen damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Flamen damage by additional 8%, S.Matk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Flamen damage by additional 12%, SPL + 1.
Class: Staff Attack: 150
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Cardinal

Poenitentia Caestus [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Second Faith damage by 10%.
Increases Tiger Cannon damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, MaxHP + 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Tiger Cannon damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces cooldown of Tiger Cannon by 1 second.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Second Faith damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Second Faith damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Second Faith damage by additional 12%, POW + 1.
Class: Knuckle Attack: 230
Weight: 150
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Inquisitor

Poenitentia Ungula [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Explosion Blaster damage by 10%.
Increases Rampage Blast damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces SP consumption of Rampage Blast by 12%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Rampage Blast damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces cooldown of Rampage Blast by 1 second.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Explosion Blaster damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Explosion Blaster damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Explosion Blaster damage by additional 12%, POW + 1.
Class: Knuckle Attack: 230
Weight: 150
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Inquisitor

Poenitentia Manus [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Impact Crater damage by 10%.
Increases Rolling Cutter damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%).
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Rolling Cutter damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 12%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Impact Crater damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Impact Crater damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Impact Crater damage by additional 12%, POW + 1.
Class: Katar Attack: 280
Weight: 190
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Shadow Cross

Poenitentia Mucro [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Shadow Stab damage by 10%.
Increases Cross Impact damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases critical damage by 15%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Cross Impact damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases physical damage against all size enemies by 15%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Shadow Stab damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Shadow Stab damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Shadow Stab damage by additional 12%, POW + 1.
Class: Dagger Attack: 190
Weight: 90
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Shadow Cross

Poenitentia Tenon [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Frenzy Shot damage by 10%.
Increases Triangle Shot damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases critical damage by 15%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Triangle Shot damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 15%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Frenzy Shot damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Frenzy Shot damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Frenzy Shot damage by additional 12%, CON + 1.
Class: Bow Attack: 250
Weight: 140
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Abyss Chaser

Poenitentia Dilacero [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Deft Stab damage by 10%.
Increases Fatal Menace damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%).
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Fatal Menace damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 12%.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Deft Stab damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Deft Stab damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Deft Stab damage by additional 12%, POW + 1.
Class: Dagger Attack: 190
Weight: 90
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Abyss Chaser

Poenitentia Nervus [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Crescive Bolt damage by 10%.
Increases Aimed Bolt damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Aimed Bolt damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces cooldown of Aimed Bolt by 1 second.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Crescive Bolt damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Crescive Bolt damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Crescive Bolt damage by additional 12%, CON + 1.
Class: Bow Attack: 250
Weight: 140
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Windhawk

Poenitentia Attendo [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Gale Storm damage by 10%.
Increases Arrow Storm damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Arrow Storm damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces cooldown of Arrow Storm by 0.7 seconds.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Gale Storm damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Gale Storm damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Gale Storm damage by additional 12%, CON + 1.
Class: Bow Attack: 250
Weight: 140
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Windhawk

Poenitentia Chorda [2] Matk + 250.

Matk + 10%.
Increases Metallic Fury damage by 10%.
Increases Reverberation damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Reverberation damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces fixed casting time of Reverberation by 0.5 seconds.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Metallic Fury damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Metallic Fury damage by additional 8%, S.Matk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Metallic Fury damage by additional 12%, SPL + 1.
Class: Instrument Attack: 220
Weight: 110
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Troubadour

Poenitentia Flagellum [2] Matk + 250.

Matk + 10%.
Increases Metallic Fury damage by 10%.
Increases Reverberation damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Reverberation damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces fixed casting time of Reverberation by 0.5 seconds.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Metallic Fury damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Metallic Fury damage by additional 8%, S.Matk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Metallic Fury damage by additional 12%, SPL + 1.
Class: Whip Attack: 220
Weight: 110
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Trouvere

Poenitentia Vatia [2] Atk + 10%.

Increases Rhythm Shooting damage by 10%.
Increases Severe Rainstorm damage by 3% per 2 refine rate.
If refine rate is 7 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases Severe Rainstorm damage by additional 30%.
If refine rate is 11 or higher, reduces cooldown of Severe Rainstorm by 2 seconds.
[Bonus by grade]
[Grade D] Increases Rhythm Shooting damage by additional 5%.
[Grade C] Increases Rhythm Shooting damage by additional 8%, P.Atk + 1.
[Grade B] Increases Rhythm Shooting damage by additional 12%, CON + 1.
Class: Bow Attack: 250
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 5
Required Level: 230
Jobs: Troubadour, Trouvere


Катализатор зачарования можно купить у Маркиза, он также выпадает случайным образом из монстра внутри экземпляра с очень низкой вероятностью.
В нем используется система зачарования Laphine, так что вы можете без проблем повторно зачаровать свой предмет столько раз, сколько захотите, пока у вас есть катализатор. The  Condensed Sakray's Wrath and  Condensed Sakray's Regret это лучший катализатор зачарования, который можно использовать, поскольку вы, возможно, сможете получить 3 варианта зачарования оружия с более высокой стоимостью.

Enchant Item Cost Enchant Options
 Sakray's Wrath 100.000 zeny
 Mineas 50x
2 Line Options
 Sakray's Regret 100.000 zeny
 Mineas 50x
2 Line Options
 Condensed Sakray's Wrath 100.000 zeny
 Mineas 250x
3 Line Options
 Condensed Sakray's Regret 100.000 zeny
 Mineas 250x
3 Line Options
Sakrai's Wrath Type Line Option Possible Enchant
 Sakray's Wrath
 Condensed Sakray's Wrath
1 MHP + 200 ~ 500
MSP + 30 ~ 120
CRIT + 3 ~ 10
FLEE + 10 ~ 30
HIT + 10 ~ 30
ASPD + 1 ~ 2
ATK + 20 ~ 70
2 Attack Speed + 10% ~ 18%
ATK + 5% ~ 10%
Long Range Damage + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Melee Damage + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Neutral Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Water Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Fire Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Earth Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Wind Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Poison Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Holy Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Shadow Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Undead Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Physical Damage to Ghost Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
 Condensed Sakray's Wrath 3 DEF + 30 ~ 100
MDEF + 10 ~ 40
MHP + 1% ~ 5%
MSP + 1% ~ 5%
Physical Damage to Small Monsters + 5% ~ 10%
Physical Damage to Medium Monsters + 5% ~ 10%
Physical Damage to Large Monsters + 5% ~ 10%
Physical Damage to Normal Monsters + 5% ~ 10%
Physical Damage to Boss Monsters + 5% ~ 10%
Sakrai's Regret Type Line Option Possible Enchant
 Sakray's Regret
 Condensed Sakray's Regret
1 MHP + 200 ~ 500
MSP + 30 ~ 120
DEF + 10 ~ 50
FLEE + 10 ~ 30
Heal Recovery + 10% ~ 30%
ASPD + 1 ~ 2
MATK + 20 ~ 70
2 Attack Speed + 10% ~ 18%
MATK + 5% ~ 10%
Variable Casting Time - 5% ~ 15%
SP Consumption - 5% ~ 10%
Magical Damage to Neutral Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Water Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Fire Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Earth Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Wind Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Poison Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Holy Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Shadow Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Undead Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
Magical Damage to Ghost Property Monsters + 5% ~ 15%
 Condensed Sakray's Regret 3 DEF + 30 ~ 100
MDEF + 10 ~ 40
MHP + 1% ~ 5%
MSP + 1% ~ 5%
Magical Damage to Small Monsters + 5% ~ 10%
Magical Damage to Medium Monsters + 5% ~ 10%
Magical Damage to Large Monsters + 5% ~ 10%
Magical Damage to Normal Monsters + 5% ~ 10%
Magical Damage to Boss Monsters + 5% ~ 10%

Корона Вомездия

Обмен товарами

Вы можете связаться с "Маркизом" и выбрать 5-й вариант в разговоре, чтобы начать обмен собранными вами  Mineas into equipments. All of the equipment will cost you 700  Mineas.

IMG Item Name Description
Poenetentia Ambition Crown [1] A crown filled with ambition.

It might resonate well with equipment from a certain tomb palace.


MDEF + 10.


For every 2 refine level, ATK + 15.


For every 3 refine level, Critical Damage + 5%.


For every 4 refine level, Melee Physical Damage + 4%.


When refined to +9 or higher, CRI + 8.


When refined to +11 or higher, increase physical damage against all size enemies by 15%.


When refined to +13 or higher, ATK + 20%, Fixed Casting Time - 0.5 seconds.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Ambition Crown [1]

Poenitentia Manus [2]

P.ATK + 10.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Rolling Cutter and Impact Crater damage by 10%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Ambition Crown [1]

Poenitentia Mucro [2]

Critical Damage + 20%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Cross Impact and Shadow Stab damage by 10%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Ambition Crown [1]

Poenitentia Dilacero [2]

P.ATK + 10.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Fatal Menace and Deft Stab damage by 10%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Ambition Crown [1]

Poenitentia Caestus [2]

Melee Physical Damage + 15%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Tiger Cannon and Second Faith damage by 8%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Ambition Crown [1]

Poenitentia Ungula [2]

Long Ranged Physical Damage + 15%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Rampage Blast and Explosion Blaster damage by 8%.

Poenetentia Courage Crown [1] A crown filled with courage.

It might resonate well with equipment from a certain tomb palace.


MDEF + 10.


For every 2 refine level, ATK + 15.


For every 3 refine level, ATK + 5%.


For every 4 refine level, increase physical and magical damage against all property enemies by 3%.


When refined to +9 or higher, ASPD + 10%.


When refined to +11 or higher, increase physical damage against all size enemies by 15%.


When refined to +13 or higher, ATK + 20%, Fixed Casting Time - 0.5 seconds.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Courage Crown [1]

Poenitentia Ensis [2]

Melee Physical Damage + 15%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Storm Blast and Storm Slash damage by 8%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Courage Crown [1]

Poenitentia Katapulta [2]

Melee Physical Damage + 15%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Hundred Spears and Madness Crusher damage by 10%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Courage Crown [1]

Poenitentia Asta [2]

Melee Physical Damage + 15%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Overbrand and Overslash damage by 10%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Courage Crown [1]

Poenitentia Liber [2]

Melee Physical Damage + 15%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, CRI + 3, increase Petitio damage by 15%.

Poenetentia Glory Crown [1] A crown filled with glory.

It might resonate well with equipment from a certain tomb palace.


MDEF + 10.


For every 2 refine level, MATK + 15.


For every 3 refine level, MATK + 5%.


For every 4 refine level, increase all property magical damage by 5%.


When refined to +9 or higher, Variable Casting Time - 10%.


When refined to +11 or higher, increase magical damage against all size enemies by 15%.


When refined to +13 or higher, MATK + 20%, Fixed Casting Time - 0.5 seconds.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Glory Crown [1]

Poenitentia Gladius [2]

Reduce Ray of Genesis cooldown by 1 second.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Genesis Ray damage by 10% and Cross Rain damage by 8%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Glory Crown [1]

Poenitentia Crystallum [2]

Reduce Adoramus cooldown by 1 second.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Adoramus damage by 10% and Flamen damage by 8%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Glory Crown [1]

Poenitentia Chorda [2]


Poenetentia Glory Crown [1]

Poenitentia Flagellum [2]

S.MATK + 10.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Reverberation and Metallic Fury damage by 10%.

Poenetentia Purity Crown [1] A crown filled with purity.

It might resonate well with equipment from a certain tomb palace.


MDEF + 10.


For every 2 refine level, ATK + 15.


For every 3 refine level, ATK + 5%.


For every 4 refine level, Long Ranged Physical Damage + 4%.


When refined to +9 or higher, ASPD + 10%.


When refined to +11 or higher, increase physical damage against all size enemies by 15%.


When refined to +13 or higher, ATK + 20%, Fixed Casting Time - 0.5 seconds.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Purity Crown [1]

Poenitentia Tenon [2]

Long Ranged Physical Damage + 15%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Triangle Shot and Frenzy Shot damage by 8%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Purity Crown [1]

Poenitentia Nervus [2]

Long Ranged Physical Damage + 15%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Crescive Bolt and Aimed Bolt damage by 8%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Purity Crown [1]

Poenitentia Attendo [2]

Long Ranged Physical Damage + 15%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Gale Storm and Arrow Storm damage by 8%.


Set Bonus:

Poenetentia Purity Crown [1]

Poenitentia Vatia [2]

Long Ranged Physical Damage + 15%.

For every 2 refine level of Weapon, increase Rhythm Shooting and Severe Rainstorm damage by 10%.