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Tickets shows the reset time and the quantity of re-enter tickets available for an instance. It's only used when the instance has one difficult, for instances with two difficults use Template:DifficultyTickets.



(Optional) Used when the instances resets in a fixed timer.
never : When the instance has no cooldown, this keyword can be added to show that the instance has no cooldown.
e.g.: reset=never
(Optional) Used when the instance resets in X days.
(Optional) Used when the instance resets in X hours or in conjunction with days.
Show the amount of tickets are available for solo players.
Show the amount of tickets are available for party players.
(Optional) Changes the header background color.
(Optional) Change the color of the header text.
Both bg and col accept colors value according to the W3C CSS Colors specification.


Instance that resets at X time.

reset=<time of reset>|
soloticket=<tickets solo>|
partyticket=<tickets for a party>

Example for 4AM, 2 tickets for solo, 4 tickets for party:

Задание или инстанс повторяемое.
Кулдаун Доступно тикетов

Сброс в 4AM

Соло: 2 Пати: 4

Instance that doesn't have cooldown.

soloticket=<tickets solo>|
partyticket=<tickets for a party>

Example for an instance with no cooldown, 1 tickets for solo, 20 tickets for party:

Задание или инстанс повторяемое.
Кулдаун Доступно тикетов

Инстанс не имеет Кулдауна.

Соло: 1 Пати: 20

Instance that has X days of delay.

days=<X days of delay>|
soloticket=<tickets solo>|
partyticket=<tickets for a party>

Example for 2 days of delay, 55 tickets for solo, 900 tickets for party:

Задание или инстанс повторяемое.
Кулдаун Доступно тикетов

2 days

Соло: 55 Пати: 900

Instance that has Y hours of delay.

hours=<Y hours of delay>|
soloticket=<tickets solo>|
partyticket=<tickets for a party>

Example for 20 hours of delay, 5 tickets for solo, 2 tickets for party:

Задание или инстанс повторяемое.
Кулдаун Доступно тикетов

20 hours

Соло: 5 Пати: 2

Instance that has X days and Y hours of delay.

days=<X days of delay>|
hours=<Y hours of delay>|
soloticket=<tickets solo>|
partyticket=<tickets for a party>

Example for 2 days and 20 hours of delay, 1 tickets for solo, 0 tickets for party:

Задание или инстанс повторяемое.
Кулдаун Доступно тикетов

2 days and 20 hours

Соло: 1 Пати: 0