Автоматическое оборудование и чары (17.2)

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Чтобы получить и начать зачаровывать эти предметы, вы должны сначала выполнить квест Получение доступа к особняку Вармундта.

Все NPC, связанные с автоматическим оборудованием, можно найти в здании ресторана Особняка Вармундта по адресу /navi ba_in01 79/379.

Кубы улучшения

Вы можете улучшить Иллюзионное и Автоматическое снаряжение напрямую с +4 до +7, используя следующие предметы, доступные на Кубрейн:

 Illusion Reinforcement Cube - Иллюзионная экипировка, 10 000 000 зени за куб
 Automatic Reinforcement Cube - Автоматическая экипировка, 30 000 000 зени за куб

Автоматическое оборудование

Автоматическое снаряжение можно получить, обменяв  Varmeal Tickets на соответствующую экипировку Иллюзии.

Image Item Description Cost
Automatic Armor A-type [1]
ATK + 125.
ATK + 10 per 2 refine rate.
[Заточен >= 7]
ASPD + 15%
[+  Automatic Engine Wing A-type [1]]
ATK + 50
[+  Automatic Engine Wing B-type [1]]
Reduces delay after skill by 10%.
Class: Armor
Defense: 135
Weight: 100
Required Level: 160
Jobs: Every Job
 +9 Illusion Armor A-type [1]
900  Varmeal Tickets
Automatic Armor B-type [1]
MATK + 125
MATK + 10 per 2 refine rate.
[Заточен >= 7]
Reduces variable casting time by 15%.
[+  Automatic Engine Wing A-type [1]]
ASPD + 10%
[+  Automatic Engine Wing B-type [1]]
MATK + 50
Class: Armor
Defense: 135
Weight: 100
Required Level: 160
Jobs: Every Job
 +9 Illusion Armor B-type [1]
900  Varmeal Tickets
Automatic Engine Wing A-type [1]
MAXHP + 1500
MAXHP + 100 per 2 refine rate.
[Заточен >= 7]
ASPD +7%
[+  Automatic Leg A-type [1]]
CRIT DMG + 15%
[+  Automatic Leg B-type [1]]
Reduces variable casting time by 15%.
Class: Garment
Defense: 70
Weight: 90
Required Level: 160
Jobs: Every Job
 +9 Illusion Engine Wing A-type [1]
900  Varmeal Tickets
Automatic Engine Wing B-type [1]
MAXHP + 1500
MAXHP + 100 per 2 refine rate.
[Заточен >= 7]
Reduces variable casting time by 7%.
[+  Automatic Leg A-type [1]]
Increases long ranged physical damage by 7%.
[+  Automatic Leg B-type [1]]
Increases all properties magic damage by 15%.
Class: Garment
Defense: 70
Weight: 90
Required Level: 160
Jobs: Every Job
 +9 Illusion Engine Wing B-type [1]
900  Varmeal Tickets
Automatic Leg A-type [1]
MAXSP + 250
MAXSP + 20 per 2 refine rate.
[Заточен >= 7]
Increases long ranged physical damage by 7%.
[+ Automatic Armor A-type [1]]
ATK + 7%
[+  Automatic Armor B-type [1]]
ASPD +7%
Class: Garment
Defense: 70
Weight: 90
Required Level: 160
Jobs: Every Job
 +9 Illusion Leg A-type [1]
900  Varmeal Tickets
Automatic Leg B-type [1]
MAXSP + 250
MAXSP + 20 per 2 refine rate.
[Заточен >= 7]
Increases all property magical damage by 7%.
[+ Automatic Armor A-type [1]]
MAXSP + 7%
[+  Automatic Armor B-type [1]]
MATK + 7%
Class: Garment
Defense: 70
Weight: 90
Required Level: 160
Jobs: Every Job
 +9 Illusion Leg B-type [1]
900  Varmeal Tickets
Automatic Booster R [1]
ATK + 5%
MAXHP + 5%
Class: Accessory (Right)
Weight: 10
Required Level: 160
Jobs: Every Job
 Illusion Booster R [1]
1500  Varmeal Tickets
Automatic Booster L [1]
ATK + 5%
MAXSP + 5%
Class: Accessory (Left)
Weight: 10
Required Level: 160
Jobs: Every Job
 Illusion Booster L [1]
1500  Varmeal Tickets
Automatic Battle Chip R [1]
MATK + 5%
MAXHP + 5%
Class: Accessory (Right)
Weight: 10
Required Level: 160
Jobs: Every Job
 Illusion Booster R [1]
1500  Varmeal Tickets
Automatic Battle Chip L [1]
MATK + 5%
MAXSP + 5%
Class: Accessory (Left)
Weight: 10
Required Level: 160
Jobs: Every Job
 Illusion Booster L [1]
1500  Varmeal Tickets

Чары для автоматического снаряжения

Автоматическое оборудование может быть зачаровано с помощью Автоматических модулей, предоставленных Йечхоном./navi ba_in01 87/380.

Они разделены на 5 категорий.

Файл:Normal.png Обычный: Защита, Магическая Защита, Vit, Luk, Str, Agi, Int, Dex.
Файл:Rare.png Rare: Восстановление HP, Восстановление SP, Заклинание, Скоростная атака, Смертельный исход, Эксперт-лучник, Жизненно важный, Ментальный, Исцеление, Сила атаки, Магическая сила, Стрелок, Быстрый, Кастер, Критический.
Файл:Unique.png Уникальный: Магическая сила, Сила атакующего, Сила дальности, Критическая сила, Сила восстановления, Счетчик зеркал, Задержка после умения, Фиксированное применение, Превыше всего, Похищение жизни, Похищение Душа, Волшебное исцеление, Волшебная душа, Сила силы, Надежность, Мощь, Вся сила, Отказ от отражения.
Файл:Legendary.png Легендарный: Неограниченное жизненное значение, Разрушитель заклинаний, Выстрел, Превосходство, Фатальная вспышка, Удачный удар.
Файл:Epic.png Epic: Зависящие от навыков.

Обычные модули (обычные, редкие, уникальные, легендарные) можно получить двумя разными способами:

Эпические модули можно получить двумя разными способами:

Чтобы применить автоматические модули, наденьте автоматическую броню и поговорите с Лизой /navi ba_in01 87/370. Процесс зачарования использует автоматический модуль и «никогда не дает сбоев».

Каждое автоматическое оборудование может получить до 3 модификаций, но каждый тип модуля может быть применен только определенное количество раз (проверьте Max Count в таблице ниже для «каждое» зачарование), в зависимости от предмета экипировки.

Быть в курсе, что:

  • Вы можете иметь до 3 Эпических чар' в Автоматической броне, до 2 одинаковых чар. Так что это либо 3 разных Epic Enchants, либо 2 одинаковых и 1 разный.
  • Вы можете иметь до 3 разных/уникальных Легендарных чар в Автоматической ветви. Это означает, что ни один из них не может быть повторен.

В следующей таблице перечислены доступные модули, их эффекты и ограничения на зачарование.

Модуль автоматической модификации Автоматический модуль Эффект Location Максимальное количество
Normal Enchants
 Automatic Module (Defense)  Automatic Module (Defense)
DEF + 150
[Заточен >= 9]
Additional DEF + 75.
[Заточен >= 11]
Additional DEF + 75.

 Automatic Armor A-type [1]
 Automatic Armor B-type [1]
 Automatic Engine Wing A-type [1]
 Automatic Engine Wing B-type [1]
 Automatic Leg A-type [1]
 Automatic Leg B-type [1]

 Automatic Module (Magic Defense)  Automatic Module (Magic Defense)
MDEF + 15
[Заточен >= 9]
Additional MDEF + 7.
[Заточен >= 11]
Additional MDEF + 7.
 Automatic Module (Vit)  Automatic Module (Vit)
VIT + 3
MAXHP + 1%

 Automatic Booster R
 Automatic Booster L
 Automatic Battle Chip R R
 Automatic Battle Chip L

 Automatic Module (Luk)  Automatic Module (Luk)
LUK + 3
Increases critical damage by 1%.
 Automatic Module (Str)  Automatic Module (Str)
STR + 3
ATK + 2%

 Automatic Booster R
 Automatic Battle Chip R

 Automatic Module (Agi)  Automatic Module (Agi)
AGI + 3
ASPD + 2%
 Automatic Module (Int)  Automatic Module (Int)
INT + 3
MATK + 2%

 Automatic Booster L
 Automatic Battle Chip L

 Automatic Module (Dex)  Automatic Module (Dex)
DEX + 3
Increases long ranged physical damage by 2%.
Rare Enchants
 Automatic Module (HP recovery)  Automatic Module (HP recovery)
HP recovery + 30%.

 Automatic Booster R
 Automatic Battle Chip R

 Automatic Module (SP recovery)  Automatic Module (SP recovery)
SP recovery + 30%.

 Automatic Booster L
 Automatic Battle Chip L

 Automatic Module (Spell)  Automatic Module (Spell)
MATK + 20
Reduces variable casting time by 10%.

 Automatic Booster R
 Automatic Booster L
 Automatic Battle Chip R R
 Automatic Battle Chip L

 Automatic Module(Attack Speed)  Automatic Module(Attack Speed)
ATK + 20
ASPD + 10%
 Automatic Module (Fatal)  Automatic Module (Fatal)
CRIT + 10
Increases critical damage by 10%.
 Automatic Module (Expert Archer)  Automatic Module (Expert Archer)
HIT + 10
Increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
 Automatic Module (Vital)  Automatic Module (Vital)
MAXHP + 5%
MAXHP + 1500
[Заточен >= 9]
Additional MAXHP + 2%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Additional MAXHP + 3%.

 Automatic Leg A-type [1]
 Automatic Leg B-type [1]

 Automatic Module (Mental)  Automatic Module (Mental)
MAXSP + 5%
MAXSP + 300
[Заточен >= 9]
Additional MAXSP + 2%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Additional MAXSP + 3%.
 Automatic Module (Heal)  Automatic Module (Heal)
Increases heal effectiveness by 5%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases heal effectiveness by additional 5%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases heal effectiveness by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Power)  Automatic Module (Power)
ATK + 5%
ATK + 75
[Заточен >= 9]
Additional melee physical damage + 2%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Additional melee physical damage + 3%.

 Automatic Armor A-type [1]
 Automatic Armor B-type [1]

 Automatic Module (Magic)  Automatic Module (Magic)
MATK + 5%
MATK + 75
[Заточен >= 9]
Additional MATK + 2%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Additional MATK + 3%.
 Automatic Module (Shooter)  Automatic Module (Shooter)
Increases long ranged physical damage by 3%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases long ranged physical damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases long ranged physical damage by additional 3%.
 Automatic Module (Fast)  Automatic Module (Fast)
ASPD + 1
[Заточен >= 9]
ASPD + 5%
[Заточен >= 11]
Additional ASPD + 5%.

 Automatic Engine Wing A-type [1]
 Automatic Engine Wing B-type [1]

 Automatic Module (Caster)  Automatic Module (Caster)
Reduces variable casting time by 5%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Reduces variable casting time by additional 5%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Reduces variable casting time by additional 5%.
 Automatic Module (Critical)  Automatic Module (Critical)
CRIT + 10
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases critical damage by 5%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases critical damage by additional 7%.
Unique Enchants
 Automatic Module (Magical Force)  Automatic Module (Magical Force)
MATK + 20
Reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Increases all property magical damage by 2%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases all property magical damage by additional 1%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases all property magical damage by additional 2%.

 Automatic Armor A-type
 Automatic Armor B-type

 Automatic Module (Attacker Force)  Automatic Module (Attacker Force)
ATK + 20
Increases melee physical damage by 10%.
Increases physical damage against all size enemies by 3%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases physical damage against all size enemies by additional 1%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases physical damage against all size enemies by additional 1%.
 Automatic Module (Range Force)  Automatic Module (Range Force)
ATK + 20
Increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
Increases physical damage against all size enemies by 3%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases physical damage against all size enemies by additional 1%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases physical damage against all size enemies by additional 1%.
 Automatic Module (Critical Force)  Automatic Module (Critical Force)
CRIT + 5
Increases critical damage by 10%.
Increases physical damage against all size enemies by 3%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases physical damage against all size enemies by additional 1%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases physical damage against all size enemies by additional 1%.
 Automatic Module (Recovery Force)  Automatic Module (Recovery Force)
MATK + 20
Reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Increases heal effectiveness by 5%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases heal effectiveness by additional 5%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases heal effectiveness by additional 5%.
 Automatic Module (Mirror Counter)  Automatic Module (Mirror Counter)
Reduces damage taken from reflect damage by 2%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Reduces damage taken from reflect damage by additional 2%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Reduces damage taken from reflect damage by additional 3%.
 Automatic Module (Delay after skill)  Automatic Module (Delay after skill)
Reduces delay after skill by 4%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Reduces delay after skill by additional 6%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Reduces delay after skill by additional 6%.
 Automatic Module (Fixed Casting)  Automatic Module (Fixed Casting)
Reduces fixed casting time by 0.1 seconds.
[Заточен >= 9]
Reduces fixed casting time by additional 0.2 seconds.
[Заточен >= 11]
Reduces fixed casting time by additional 0.5 seconds.

 Automatic Leg A-type
 Automatic Leg B-type

 Automatic Module (Above All)  Automatic Module (Above All)
Reduces physical and magical damage taken from normal and boss enemies by 7%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Reduces physical and magical damage taken from all size enemies by 7%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Reduces physical and magical damage taken from all race enemies by 7% (excludes players).

 Automatic Engine Wing A-type
 Automatic Engine Wing B-type

 Automatic Module (Drain Life)  Automatic Module (Drain Life)
Has a 2% chance to restore 3% of damage as HP when dealing physical damage.

 Automatic Booster R
 Automatic Battle Chip R

 Automatic Module (Drain Soul)  Automatic Module (Drain Soul)
Has a 1% chance to restore 2% of damage as SP when dealing physical damage.

 Automatic Booster L
 Automatic Battle Chip L

 Automatic Module (Magic Healing)  Automatic Module (Magic Healing)
Has a 2% chance to recover 500 HP per 0.4 seconds for 23 times when dealing magical damage.

 Automatic Booster R
 Automatic Battle Chip R

 Automatic Module (Magic Soul)  Automatic Module (Magic Soul)
Has a 1% chance to recover 120 SP per 0.4 second for 23 times when dealing magical damage.

 Automatic Booster L
 Automatic Battle Chip L

 Automatic Module (Power Force)  Automatic Module (Power Force)
ATK + 3%
MATK + 3%
[Заточен >= 9]
Additional ATK + 3%.
Additional MATK + 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Additional ATK + 4%.
Additional MATK + 4%.

 Automatic Armor A-type
 Automatic Armor B-type

 Automatic Module (Robust)  Automatic Module (Robust)
MAXHP + 2000
MAXSP + 300
MAXHP + 5%
MAXSP + 5%
[Заточен >= 9]
Additional MAXHP + 2%.
Additional MAXSP + 2%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Additional MAXHP + 3%.
Additional MAXSP + 3%.

 Automatic Leg A-type
 Automatic Leg B-type

 Automatic Module (Powerful)  Automatic Module (Powerful)
Increases melee and long ranged physical damage by 5%, increases all property magical damage by 5%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases melee and long ranged physical damage by additional 2%, increases all property magical damage by additional 2%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases melee and long ranged physical damage by additional 3%, increases all property magical damage by additional 3%.

 Automatic Engine Wing A-type
 Automatic Engine Wing B-type

 Automatic Module (All Force)  Automatic Module (All Force)
Increases melee physical damage by 5%.
Increases long ranged physical damage by 5%.
Increases all property magical damage by 5%.

 Automatic Booster R
 Automatic Booster L
 Automatic Battle Chip R
 Automatic Battle Chip L

 Automatic Module (Reflection Reject)  Automatic Module (Reflection Reject)
Reduces damage taken from reflect damage by 3%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Reduces damage taken from reflect damage by additional 2%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Reduces damage taken from reflect damage by additional 4%.

 Automatic Engine Wing A-type
 Automatic Engine Wing B-type

Legendary Enchants
 Automatic Module (Unlimited Vital)  Automatic Module (Unlimited Vital)
Has 5% chance to gain "Enhanced Everlasting Life" for 10 seconds when receiving physical or magical damage.
[Enhanced Everlasting Life]
VIT + 50
Recovers 800 HP per 0.5 seconds for 23 times for 10 seconds.

 Automatic Leg A-type
 Automatic Leg B-type

 Automatic Module (Spell Buster)  Automatic Module (Spell Buster)
Has 3% chance to gain "Enhanced Magic Storm" for 10 seconds when dealing magical damage.
[Enhanced Magic Storm]
INT + 50
MATK + 25% for 10 seconds.
 Automatic Module (Firing Shot)  Automatic Module (Firing Shot)
Has 3% chance to gain "Enhanced Plunging Shooter" for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage.
[Enhanced Plunging Shooter]
DEX + 50
Increases long ranged physical damage by 15% for 10 seconds.
 Automatic Module (Over Power)  Automatic Module (Over Power)
Has 3% chance to gain "Enhanced Raging Fight" for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage.
[Enhanced Raging Fight]
STR + 50
ATK + 15%
Increases melee physical damage by 10% for 10 seconds.
 Automatic Module (Fatal Flash)  Automatic Module (Fatal Flash)
Has 3% chance to gain "Enhanced Deadly Lightspeed" for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage.
[Enhanced Deadly Lightspeed]
AGI + 50
Increases critical damage by 15% for 10 seconds.
 Automatic Module (Lucky Strike)  Automatic Module (Lucky Strike)
Has 3% chance to gain "Enhanced Good Fortune" for 10 seconds when dealing magical damage.
[Enhanced Good Fortune]
LUK + 50
Increases all property magical damage by 15% for 10 seconds.
Epic Enchants
 Automatic Module (Dragonic Breath)  Automatic Module (Dragonic Breath)
Increases 2008.png Dragon Breath and 5004.png Dragon Breath - Water damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2008.png Dragon Breath and 5004.png Dragon Breath - Water damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2008.png Dragon Breath and 5004.png Dragon Breath - Water damage by additional 7%.

 Automatic Armor A-type [1]
 Automatic Armor B-type [1]

 Automatic Module (Wave Break)  Automatic Module (Wave Break)
Increases 2002.png Sonic Wave and 2006.png Ignition Break damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2002.png Sonic Wave and 2006.png Ignition Break damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2002.png Sonic Wave damage by additional 7%.
Reduces cooldown of 2006.png Ignition Break by 0.25 seconds.
 Automatic Module (Hundred Spiral)  Automatic Module (Hundred Spiral)
Increases 397.png Spiral Pierce and 2004.png Hundred Spear damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 397.png Spiral Pierce and 2004.png Hundred Spear damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 397.png Spiral Pierce damage by additional 7%.
Reduces cooldown of 2004.png Hundred Spear by 0.25 seconds.
 Automatic Module (Drive Press)  Automatic Module (Drive Press)
Increases 2323.png Earth Drive and 2310.png Shield Press damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2323.png Earth Drive and 2310.png Shield Press damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2323.png Earth Drive and 2310.png Shield Press damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Vanishing Cannon)  Automatic Module (Vanishing Cannon)
Increases 2308.png Banishing Point and 2307.png Cannon Spear damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2308.png Banishing Point and 2307.png Cannon Spear damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2308.png Banishing Point and 2307.png Cannon Spear damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Genesis Pressure)  Automatic Module (Genesis Pressure)
Increases 367.png Pressure and 2321.png Ray of Genesis damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 367.png Pressure and 2321.png Ray of Genesis damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 367.png Pressure and 2321.png Ray of Genesis damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Boost Cannon)  Automatic Module (Boost Cannon)
Increases 2256.png Knuckle Boost and 2261.png Arm Cannon damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2256.png Knuckle Boost and 2261.png Arm Cannon damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2256.png Knuckle Boost and 2261.png Arm Cannon damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Cold Flare)  Automatic Module (Cold Flare)
Increases 2260.png Cold Slower and 2259.png Flame Launcher damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2260.png Cold Slower and 2259.png Flame Launcher damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2260.png Cold Slower and 2259.png Flame Launcher damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Tornado Swing)  Automatic Module (Tornado Swing)
Increases 2280.png Axe Tornado and 2279.png Power Swing damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2280.png Axe Tornado and 2279.png Power Swing damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2280.png Axe Tornado and 2279.png Power Swing damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Cannon Tornado)  Automatic Module (Cannon Tornado)
Increases 2477.png Cart Cannon and 2476.png Cart Tornado damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2477.png Cart Cannon and 2476.png Cart Tornado damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2477.png Cart Cannon and 2476.png Cart Tornado damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Crazy Mandragora)  Automatic Module (Crazy Mandragora)
Increases 2483.png Crazy Weed damage by 15%.
Reduces cooldown of 2492.png Howling of Mandragora by 0.3 seconds.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2483.png Crazy Weed damage by additional 3%.
Reduces cooldown of 2492.png Howling of Mandragora by additional 0.3 seconds.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2483.png Crazy Weed damage by additional 7%.
Reduces cooldown of 2492.png Howling of Mandragora by additional 0.4 seconds.
 Automatic Module (Acid Explosion)  Automatic Module (Acid Explosion)
Increases 490.png Acid Demonstration and 2481.png Spore Explosion damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 490.png Acid Demonstration and 2481.png Spore Explosion damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 490.png Acid Demonstration and 2481.png Spore Explosion damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Sonic Impact)  Automatic Module (Sonic Impact)
Increases 136.png Sonic Blow and 2022.png Cross Impact damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 136.png Sonic Blow and 2022.png Cross Impact damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 136.png Sonic Blow and 2022.png Cross Impact damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Cutter Slasher)  Automatic Module (Cutter Slasher)
Increases 2036.png Rolling Cutter and 2037.png Cross Ripper Slasher damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2036.png Rolling Cutter and 2037.png Cross Ripper Slasher damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2036.png Rolling Cutter and 2037.png Cross Ripper Slasher damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Berserk Slash)  Automatic Module (Berserk Slash)
Increases 379.png Soul Destroyer and 2029.png Counter Slash damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 379.png Soul Destroyer and 2029.png Counter Slash damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 379.png Soul Destroyer and 2029.png Counter Slash damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Fatal Raid)  Automatic Module (Fatal Raid)
Increases 2284.png Fatal Menace and 214.png Raid damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2284.png Fatal Menace and 214.png Raid damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2284.png Fatal Menace and 214.png Raid damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Shadow Spell)  Automatic Module (Shadow Spell)
Increases all property magical damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases all property magical damage by 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases all property magical damage by 7%.
 Automatic Module (Angle Shot)  Automatic Module (Angle Shot)
Increases 2288.png Triangle Shot damage by 15%.
Increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2288.png Triangle Shot damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2288.png Triangle Shot damage by additional 7%.
Increases long ranged physical damage by additional 5%.
 Automatic Module (Crimson Strain)  Automatic Module (Crimson Strain)
Increases 2211.png Crimson Rock and 2216.png Earth Strain damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2211.png Crimson Rock and 2216.png Earth Strain damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2211.png Crimson Rock and 2216.png Earth Strain damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Jack Lightning)  Automatic Module (Jack Lightning)
Increases 2204.png Jack Frost and 2214.png Chain Lightning damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2204.png Jack Frost and 2214.png Chain Lightning damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2204.png Jack Frost and 2214.png Chain Lightning damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Comet Vortex)  Automatic Module (Comet Vortex)
Increases 2213.png Comet and 2217.png Tetra Vortex damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2213.png Comet and 2217.png Tetra Vortex damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2213.png Comet and 2217.png Tetra Vortex damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Double Bolt)  Automatic Module (Double Bolt)
Increases 19.png Fire Bolt, 14.png Cold Bolt and 20.png Lightning Bolt damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 19.png Fire Bolt, 14.png Cold Bolt and 20.png Lightning Bolt damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 19.png Fire Bolt, 14.png Cold Bolt and 20.png Lightning Bolt damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Warm Wave)  Automatic Module (Warm Wave)
Increases 2449.png Psychic Wave damage by 15%.
Reduces cooldown of 2452.png Warmer by 1 second.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2449.png Psychic Wave damage by additional 3%.
Reduces cooldown of 2452.png Warmer by additional 2 seconds.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2449.png Psychic Wave damage by additional 7%.
Reduces cooldown of 2452.png Warmer by additional 4 seconds.
 Automatic Module (Diamond Grave)  Automatic Module (Diamond Grave)
Increases 2447.png Diamond Dust and 2446.png Earth Grave damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2447.png Diamond Dust and 2446.png Earth Grave damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2447.png Diamond Dust and 2446.png Earth Grave damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Magnus Ramus)  Automatic Module (Magnus Ramus)
Increases 79.png Magnum Exorcismus and 2040.png Adoramus damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 79.png Magnum Exorcismus and 2040.png Adoramus damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 79.png Magnum Exorcismus and 2040.png Adoramus damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Holy Judex)  Automatic Module (Holy Judex)
Increases 156.png Holy Light and 2038.png Judex damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 156.png Holy Light and 2038.png Judex damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 156.png Holy Light and 2038.png Judex damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Duple Lica)  Automatic Module (Duple Lica)
Increases 2054.png Duple Light damage by 15%.
Reduces cooldown of 362.png Basilica by 2 seconds.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2054.png Duple Light damage by additional 3%.
Reduces cooldown of 362.png Basilica by additional 3 seconds.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2054.png Duple Light damage by additional 7%.
Reduces cooldown of 362.png Basilica by additional 5 seconds.
 Automatic Module (Tiger Empire)  Automatic Module (Tiger Empire)
Increases 2330.png Tiger Cannon and 2329.png Fallen Empire by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2330.png Tiger Cannon and 2329.png Fallen Empire damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2330.png Tiger Cannon and 2329.png Fallen Empire damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Rampage Arrow)  Automatic Module (Rampage Arrow)
Increases 2332.png Rampage Blast and 2336.png Knuckle Arrow damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2332.png Rampage Blast and 2336.png Knuckle Arrow damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2332.png Rampage Blastt and 2336.png Knuckle Arrow damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Raging Combo)  Automatic Module (Raging Combo)
Increases 273.png Combo Finish and 372.png Chain Crush Combo damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 273.png Combo Finish and 372.png Chain Crush Combo damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 273.png Combo Finish and 372.png Chain Crush Combo damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Cluster)  Automatic Module (Cluster)
Increases 2239.png Cluster Bomb damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2239.png Cluster Bomb damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2239.png Cluster Bomb damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Breeze Shooting)  Automatic Module (Breeze Shooting)
Increases 382.png Sharp Shooting damage by 15%.
Increases critical damage by 10%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 382.png Sharp Shooting damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 382.png Sharp Shooting damage by additional 7%.
Increases critical damage by additional 5%.
 Automatic Module (Aimed Storm)  Automatic Module (Aimed Storm)
Increases 2236.png Aimed Bolt and 2233.png Arrow Storm damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2236.png Aimed Bolt and 2233.png Arrow Storm damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2236.png Aimed Bolt and 2233.png Arrow Storm damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Metal Echo)  Automatic Module (Metal Echo)
Increases 2413.png Metallic Sound and 2426.png Great Echo damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2413.png Metallic Sound and 2426.png Great Echo damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2413.png Metallic Sound and 2426.png Great Echo damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Reverberation)  Automatic Module (Reverberation)
Increases 2414.png Reverberation damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2414.png Reverberation damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2414.png Reverberation damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Vulcan Severe)  Automatic Module (Vulcan Severe)
Increases 394.png Arrow Vulcan and 2418.png Severe Rainstorm damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 394.png Arrow Vulcan and 2418.png Severe Rainstorm damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 394.png Arrow Vulcan and 2418.png Severe Rainstorm damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Prominence Burst)  Automatic Module (Prominence Burst)
Increases 2593.png Prominence Kick and 2592.png Solar Burst damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2593.png Prominence Kick and 2592.png Solar Burst damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2593.png Prominence Kick and 2592.png Solar Burst damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Moon Kick)  Automatic Module (Moon Kick)
Increases 2579.png New Moon Kick and 2576.png Full Moon Kick damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2579.png New Moon Kick and 2576.png Full Moon Kick damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2579.png New Moon Kick and 2576.png Full Moon Kick damage by additional 7%
Increases critical damage by 5%.
 Automatic Module (Flash Falling)  Automatic Module (Flash Falling)
Increases 2580.png Flashing Kick and 2584.png Falling Star damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2580.png Flashing Kick and 2584.png Falling Star damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2580.png Flashing Kick and 2584.png Falling Star damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Eswhoo)  Automatic Module (Eswhoo)
Increases 469.png Esma and 2604.png Eswhoo damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 469.png Esma and 2604.png Eswhoo damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 469.png Esma and 2604.png Eswhoo damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Espa)  Automatic Module (Espa)
Increases 2602.png Espa damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2602.png Espa damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2602.png Espa damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Curse Explosion)  Automatic Module (Curse Explosion)
Increases 2600.png Curse Explosion damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2600.png Curse Explosion damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2600.png Curse Explosion damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Des Hammer Dance)  Automatic Module (Des Hammer Dance)
Increases 516.png Desperado, 2561.png Fire Dance and 2571.png Hammer of God damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 516.png Desperado, 2561.png Fire Dance and 2571.png Hammer of God by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 516.png Desperado, 2561.png Fire Dance and 2571.png Hammer of God by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Fire Howling Tail)  Automatic Module (Fire Howling Tail)
Increases 2567.png Fire Rain, 2562.png Howling Mine and 2566.png Dragon Tail damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2567.png Fire Rain, 2562.png Howling Mine and 2566.png Dragon Tail damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2567.png Fire Rain, 2562.png Howling Mine and 2566.png Dragon Tail damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Storm Buster Trip)  Automatic Module (Storm Buster Trip)
Increases 2557.png Shattering Storm, 2554.png Banishing Buster and 2565.png Round Trip damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 2557.png Shattering Storm, 2554.png Banishing Buster and 2565.png Round Trip damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 2557.png Shattering Storm, 2554.png Banishing Buster and 2565.png Round Trip damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Flame Ice Wind)  Automatic Module (Flame Ice Wind)
Increases 534.png Flaming Petals, 537.png Freezing Spear and 540.png Wind Blade damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 534.png Flaming Petals, 537.png Freezing Spear and 540.png Wind Blade damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 534.png Flaming Petals, 537.png Freezing Spear and 540.png Wind Blade damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Cross Slash)  Automatic Module (Cross Slash)
Increases 3004.png Cross Slash damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 3004.png Cross Slash damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 3004.png Cross Slash damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Exploding Flake Wind)  Automatic Module (Exploding Flake Wind)
Increases 536.png Exploding Dragon, 539.png Snow Flake Draft and 542.png First Wind damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 536.png Exploding Dragon, 539.png Snow Flake Draft and 542.png First Wind damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 536.png Exploding Dragon, 539.png Snow Flake Draft and 542.png First Wind damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Power of Sea)  Automatic Module (Power of Sea)
Reduces cooldown of 5039.png Tuna Party and 5051.png Tasty Shrimp Party by 0.5 seconds.
[Заточен >= 9]
Reduces cooldown of 5039.png Tuna Party and 5051.png Tasty Shrimp Party by additional 1 second.
[Заточен >= 11]
Reduces cooldown of 5039.png Tuna Party and 5051.png Tasty Shrimp Party by additional 1.5 seconds.
 Automatic Module (Power of Land)  Automatic Module (Power of Land)
Increases 5026.png Silvervine Stem Spear and 5028.png Catnip Meteor damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 5026.png Silvervine Stem Spear and 5028.png Catnip Meteor damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 5026.png Silvervine Stem Spear and 5028.png Catnip Meteor damage by additional 7%.
 Automatic Module (Power of Life)  Automatic Module (Power of Life)
Increases 5033.png Picky Peck and 5036.png Lunatic Carrot Beat damage by 15%.
[Заточен >= 9]
Increases 5033.png Picky Peck and 5036.png Lunatic Carrot Beat damage by additional 3%.
[Заточен >= 11]
Increases 5033.png Picky Peck and 5036.png Lunatic Carrot Beat damage by additional 7%.