Современная имперская гвардия

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Статус в Мете

Этот класс, как и другие классы поддержки 4-2/Support, предназначен для игры в обстановке вечеринки, где они сияют больше всего. Имперская гвардия — это класс, который может в какой-то степени соло, когда он правильно экипирован, но требует огромного терпения и любви к классу. Этот класс предназначен для того, чтобы быть эффективным танком с возможностями ДПС (Спасибо, что напомнили мне Эгг!) Мы можем быть рабами, но с нашими защитными навыками и приличным пулом здоровья, даже построенным как ДПС / Мидлайн ДПС (около 130 тыс. ХП с полные баффы с базой 80-90k HP) мы можем выполнять свою роль легче, чем некоторые классы, а иногда проигрываем последними в партийной игре с минимальным сопротивлением. Если вы хотите играть классом, который может наносить хороший урон, то я советую вам закрыть это руководство, но если вы хотите быть хорошим танком, который может наносить урон среднего уровня, внося свой вклад в группу (и если вам нравится внешний вид класс и его ездовое животное), то я настоятельно рекомендую вам продолжить чтение!

Обратите внимание, что нам по-прежнему не хватает многих механизмов, поэтому этот класс несколько ограничен в сборках в текущей мете, но с текущей переработкой мы можем каким-то образом выжить и удержаться. (Пожалуйста, реализуйте полный навык Shadow Gears).

В текущей мете мы больше ориентированы на ДПС, чем раньше, что делает нас лидерами, у нас больше не должно быть проблем с использованием наших навыков, но нам нужны механизмы, чтобы действительно выдвигаться и преуспевать в нашей роли в группе.

И с недавними изменениями, Королевские гвардейцы стали грозными в соло-контенте, но в то же время они полезны в особом сложном контенте в качестве поддержки, что делает этот класс чрезвычайно универсальным, но в то же время достаточно прочным, что многие классы не могут эффективно делать.

Короче говоря, какой бы путь вы ни выбрали, убедитесь, что вы максимально используете его и наслаждаетесь игрой этого когда-то опального класса.


Вот общий анализ того, как каждый показатель работает для нас:

Attribute Notes
Основная характеристика для наших атак, так как большая часть нашего комплекта зависит от АТК (120). Полным танкам нужно будет только набрать достаточно очков, чтобы нести горшки (30-50).
Вторичная характеристика, которая помогает увеличить ASPD и уменьшить мягкую анимацию (100-120). Полные танки не нуждаются в ASPD. Вы можете сбросить оставшиеся очки здесь (1-10).
Третичная характеристика, повышающая наше здоровье и сопротивляемость некоторым эффектам статуса (всего 100). Полные танки в первую очередь имеют это, чтобы увеличить их HP (120-130).
Второстепенный для уменьшения нашего времени каста и увеличения нашей SP (100-110). Полные танки в первую очередь имеют это, чтобы увеличить шанс уклонения от 2318.png Prestige (120).
Основная характеристика в уменьшении нашего времени сотворения (480.png Shield Chain) и увеличении нашего HIT (120). Вторично-третичный для полных танков, просто чтобы уменьшить время каста 255.png Devotion (60-70).
Здесь вы сбрасываете оставшиеся очки характеристик (1-10). Это вторично для полных танков, чтобы увеличить Perfect FLEE и максимизировать шанс уклонения от магии 2318.png Prestige (120).


Черты — это новая характеристика, которая увеличивает аспекты вашего персонажа намного больше, чем ваши обычные характеристики, и эти черты очень сильны, поскольку они увеличиваются в процентах, а не в исходных значениях.<br< Эти черты достигают 100, и в качестве 4-го задания вы больше не получаете обычную статистику, вы получаете очки черт, которые даются на каждом уровне
(если ваш уровень кратен 5, вы получаете 7 очков характеристик, а каждый уровень — 3 (где 200 — это уровень, а число, кратное 5, вы получаете 10))

Аттрибут Заметка
Черта, которая увеличивает ваш статус ATK (левая часть вашей атаки в вашей основной статистике) и конечный физический урон на % (P.Atk), увеличивает урон 5265.png Shield Shooting и 5266.png Overslash, также основанные на этой черте. Если вы DPS Imperial Guard, эта черта является вашей основной чертой, которую нужно максимизировать.
он же ваш RES (Сопротивление), новая характеристика, которая уменьшает урон на процентную величину, достигающую максимума в 50%, а RES увеличивается на 1 за каждую STA и увеличивается на 5 каждые 3 STA. Для танкования и получения максимальной отдачи от вашего 5256.png Guardian Shield
Волшебная версия RES называется MRES (брух) MRES следует той же формуле, что и RES, но просто Magical!
Магическая версия POW (стат MATK и S.ATK). работает так же, как POW с точки зрения формулы и навыков, таких как Шаблон:Информация о навыке и Шаблон:Информация о навыке увеличивает урон, основанный на этой черте.
Черта, которая увеличивает множество факторов (P.Atk (небольшое количество для ближнего боя), S.Atk (на небольшое количество), HIT и FLEE), но является основным фактором для некоторых классов, которые полагаются на навыки дальнего боя, поскольку это их основная черта для усиления. Если вы хотите получить дополнительный урон и немного удара, вы можете взять эту черту.
черта, которая увеличивает Heal Plus (черта, которая увеличивает итоговый процент исцеления умений, которые исцеляют) и, конечно же, критический урон. полезно для таких навыков, как 2307.png Cannon Spear, чтобы увеличить урон навыка.

Начало работы

Что нужно знать, чтобы начать играть в Royal Guard

Файл:Super Utility RG.gif
Краткий обзор того, что вы будете делать, когда доберетесь до конца игры!

Прокачка: новый способ рекрута


После последней переделки Imperial Guards теперь легко прокачиваться благодаря тому, насколько мощным и простым является использование Over Brand, а также у вас есть доступ к Moonslasher, чтобы еще больше увеличить свой урон, чтобы уничтожить или нанести удар по твердым мобам. Буквально просто положение и нажмите. RG - это не простой класс для начала, но теперь он вполне доступен благодаря переработанным навыкам. Также создайте торговца с максимальным 38.png Overcharge, чтобы вы могли продавать все свои трофеи.

Для общей прокачки и фарма следуйте этому руководству:

Общая стратегия игрового процесса для новичка

How to Poke/Smite and Block

Как начальный Королевский гвардеец 2317.png Over Brand – ваш лучший друг для зачистки мобов в AOE, но вы заметите, что отбрасывание было удалено, а у nonw есть 0,5 сек Исправлено время каста из-за переделки, поэтому необходимо спешить, чтобы иметь 120 dex, чтобы использовать без слотов, без чар Эффект  Temporal Boots of Dexterity (при 120 dex он снижает FCT на 0,5 секунды), который имеет решающее значение для того, чтобы сделать Overbrand удобным в использовании, а также предварительно необходимый элемент для некоторых сборок.

Вы также можете медленно фармить чары для костюма уровня Лазурита и медленно превращать их в нефриты, чтобы в конечном итоге обменять их на отточенный янтарь, чтобы быстро прогрессировать в получении этого литейного камня оникса из Costume Система чар

480.png Shield Chain — хорошая дальняя атака, которую лучше использовать, чем {{Skill Info|class=Royal Guard|id=2308|skill=Pointing Point}. } или 2307.png Cannon Spear с точки зрения урона, и на раннем этапе у вас недостаточно скорости атаки, чтобы быстро спамить Banishing Point, поэтому вы будете полагаться на эти навыки для переноса вы до 175, и с вашими Temporal Dex Boots, использующими Shield Chain, время каста должно быть быстрее. На уровне 180 я настоятельно рекомендую вам использовать пиявку уровня в подземельях эндгейма, чтобы быстро получить 200 уровень.

Вы можете накопить как минимум 3-5 миллионов, чтобы купить  +7 Temporal Boots и 5x  Temporal Crystals, чтобы превратить их в ботинки Dex. Если вам нужно больше места в ситуации с толпой, подготовьте 7.png Magnum Break, чтобы дать себе место для применения своих навыков. В групповой обстановке вы можете помочь наносить урон с помощью нового комбо Moonslasher — Overbrand и получить больше свободы в нанесении урона благодаря переработанному 2323.png Earth Drive. У RG нет самого высокого ATK или лучших предметов для начала, поэтому вы будете полагаться только на свое оружие, чтобы помочь вам. Не забудьте накопить на  White Knight Card и  Khalitzburg Knight Card, чтобы улучшить качество своей жизни, особенно в сельском хозяйстве. Наличие комбинации карт действительно облегчает вашу жизнь, если я должен так сказать.

Я НАСТОЯТЕЛЬНО НЕ РЕКОМЕНДУЮ строить отдельный танковый билд на ранних этапах прокачки, это просто не стоит усилий, если члены группы могут просто убить мобы в один-два выстрела. Просто помогите зачистить мобов и заманить их на вечеринку, это должно сделать вашу жизнь проще и быстрее!

В текущей мете у каждого есть возможность, по крайней мере, нанести приличное количество урона практически без снаряжения, поэтому обязательно используйте каждое очко навыков, статистику и зени в своих интересах. на вечеринке дедушки вы бесценный танк в начале игры из-за своей врожденной живучести, так что используйте это тоже, но никогда не используйте полный бак.

Сила Королевской гвардии заключается в ее врожденной поддержке (наличие самоисцеления/баффов/и т. д.), поэтому при правильных вложениях вы сможете с легкостью выполнять большую часть контента.

Общее оборудование

Снаряжения здесь перечислены в зависимости от простоты приобретения для начинающих игроков, но вы можете найти некоторые механизмы в этом разделе, упомянутые в конкретных сборках из-за их изначальной полезности на любом этапе игры. ваше путешествие.

  • Перечисленные здесь передачи расположены в порядке возрастания, но некоторые передачи могут быть лучше, чем другие, в зависимости от ваших текущих передач.

Экипироваться рекомендует начать с:

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Awaken Paradise Hat I-II [1] Upper Eden Group Paradise Equipment Standard equipment that provides decent all around stats and defense for new players; Provides extra stats depending on the refine rate. These items are usually not refined due to the fact that after some time when a player makes enough zeny they either throw these away or sell them or place them in storage but as I've said they do provide good stats as rewards for doing those Eden Boards Quests. As of the recent update these armors are a good contender for good Equipment for new players since every level rank you get increasingly powerful versions of the old Eden Equipment just by doing the board quests.
 Ancient Decoration of Rift [1] Infinite Space

Market : Lookup

A headgear that provides basic HP increase for each determined Refine rate but can be enchanted with multiple enchants to improve it and this is basically free once you do Infinite Space with a party. You can purchase this Headgear at the instance itself and enchant it using the loot gained from there too.
 Rideword Hat [1] Custom Headgear Quests

Market : Lookup

The basic farming hat BUT a very useful item starting out in your Journey to Greatness. When performing a melee or ranged normal attack, there is a 5% chance to recover 8% of your damage as HP, and 1% chance to recover 4% of your damage as SP. With how leveling right now is mostly centered around mob clearing and Party play you'd be surprised on how much this chance procs for you even though the percentages are low
 Ruff Officer [1] Endeavor Tokens

Market : Lookup

A good free hat that you purchase using Endeavor Tokens from doing Gramps board Quests and Weeklies and Alternate Weeklies from Valerie and Sally in the Main Office. Provides you A good amount of ATK and ASPD according to Refine Rate. This Headgear shines the most at higher Refine Rates so if your have the means to refine this go ahead and do so after all its free if you just do quests.
 Asgard's Blessing [1] Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

Another good Headgear that provides +2 to all stats and HP/SP recovery every 10 secs. A Solid headgear that provides the needed stat boost and HP/SP Recovery perfect for farming and sustainability.
 Ship Captain Hat [1] Shop

Market : Lookup

A good Headgear for Increasing our Ranged Damage output since most of our skills are Ranged attacks. Also gives DEX and HP on top of it. Not Really worth refining this since it has no Refine Bonuses but nonetheless a good Upper Headgear to get.
 Ancient Gold Ornament [1] Biolab Gear

Market : Lookup

Another good Headgear in providing you with damage and also stats provided you are level 150 and it gives all that without having any refines on this Headgear. Aim for this Headgear early on if you have the budget for it.
 Fancy Feather Hat [1] Endeavor Tokens

Market : Lookup

One of the best DPS Headgear for this class, Provides the same bonus as  Ruff Officer but this time provides Ranged ATK bonuses instead of ATK. Like the  Ruff Officer this hat shines at higher Refine Rates. A decent early game equipment and good End game Headgear for our DPS journey if you can refine this.
 Fox Ear Ribbons [1] Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

Another good Headgear in providing you with damage but in terms of DPS, this Headgear gives you AGI and ASPD in order for you to get in more hits and also a chance to transform you into Moonlight Flower for 6 secs (Changes your sprite into Moonlight Flower giving you a different animation to faster spam those Banishing Points *wink* and also bonus + 10% Ranged Damage to boot).
 Heart Wing Headband [1] Main Office

Market : Lookup

This Little headband Provides -5% ACD and -10% SP consumption on Skills and provides bonus -3% ACD and SP consuption per 3 Refine. Pretty good Headgear for the budget in order for you to spam skills early on.
 Stripe Cap [1] Endeavor Tokens

Market : Lookup

The New contender for early game Headgears. The new line gives either +20 ATK or MATK and at certain refines gives a bonus to Ranged Atk% or Variable Cast Time. These are amazing substitutes/End Game Gear because this doesnt need +11 refines to reach full potential. Definitely pick one up if you have the coins.
 Monocle [1] Middle Dropped by Owl Viscount in the Nightmare Clock Tower

Market : Lookup

Budget Middle Headgear slot to get in another card slot in to maximize damage or DPS.
 Sigrun's Wings Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

This Middle headgear slot gives a Bonus +1 ASPD if worn by a Swordsman, Thief, Taekwon/Star Gladiator Class. Get this Headgear if you want to increase your ASPD for Spamming Banishing Point
 3D Glasses Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

Gives 5% reduction against neutral attacks, Great all around defensive choice for this slot if you already have a ton of ATK and want more survivability.
 Angel Spirit Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

A Decent Mid gear slot that Provides 2% ATK and MATK and also +2 STR to boot. Very nice offensive gear in this area
 Gemini-S58 Eyes Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

A  Gemini-S58 Card in headgear form, Pretty useful in giving yourself resistance from the Stun, Stone, and Sleep Status provided your stats reach a certain amount. Frees up that Headgear card slot by using this.
 Gangster Scarf Lower Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

A Lower Headgear that Provides ATK + 5, Well no further explanation needed on what it does but this certainly gives you raw ATK that can increase you damage early on in game.
 Well-Chewed Pencil Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

Another good lower equipment but this time boosts DEX by 2 and HIT by 3%, Perfect for Reaching faster cast times early on for Shield Chain Builds. The bonus HIT makes sure that you more consistency in hitting mobs.
 Samurai Mask Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

The mouth piece of a Samurai; This Lower headgear provides 1% increase in all our Physical attacks meaning majority of our skills. This shines if we already have a high raw ATK to begin with but its still worth it for the damage increase
 Scarlet Rose Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

Same as the Item Above except this boosts ATK, MATK by 1% and gives a small 30 SP boost. Pretty Decent in providing damage increase but this shines well, like the Samurai Mask, if you have a high raw ATK.
 Rosary in Mouth Custom Headgears Quest

Market : Lookup

One of the BiS Lower equipment due to the fact that this combines the stat boost of  Asgard's Blessing and  Gangster Scarf into one item Slot. Definitely get this ASAP to boost your overall stats and damage.
 Poison Breath Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

One of the best Lower Headgears that combos with Giant Snake Skin; Provides tons of stats depending on the user's base stats sorta like a weak version of the  Vicious Mind Aura +  Fallen Warrior Manteau. Defnitely get this if you're going for a  Giant Snake Skin.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Engraved Armor [1] Armor Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

A Decent Armor in providing defense and has a card slot to boot. Pretty much cheap (Or Free if you do the instance with friends or solo) to get early on.
 Meteo Plate Armor [1] Dropped by Queen Scaraba or Salamander

Market : Lookup

Pretty solid armor to begin with that provides 30% resistance to Freeze and Stun.
 Hero Plate [1] Prize of Hero

Market : Lookup

Provides the following: 120 DEF. MDEF +5. MaxHP/SP +5%, ATK +10, MATK +10, HIT +10, FLEE +10 and Banishing Point damage +10%. Has a chance to autocast Storm Gust Lv.10 and/or Heal Lv.10 when physically attacking. Autocast chance is increased with higher refines. One of the best armors for our class but not really the best since you may find the Autocast Storm Gust quite annoying in pushing mob around + its a random chance for any of the two to trigger when taking damage (Especially the Heal Lv 10) but nonetheless a decent armor slot.
 Awaken Paradise Uniform Eden Group Paradise Equipment You basic starter Item; Pretty much a free item once you do eden quests, Provides good stats and suitability for new players especially if they dont have any money or gear to their name early on. As for the new update these armors get increasingly powerful as you finish the eden bounty boards quests. Definitely a great starter equipment
 Armor of Airship Airship Assault

Market : Lookup

Good upgrade to the old Eden Group armors as this provides 100 DEF, All Stats +1, MaxHP +1000, and MaxSP +100. when Combined with  Airship Manteau and  Airship Boots you get MDEF +10, MaxHP/SP +25%, and increased movement speed. Solid choice going forward in your journey.
 Abusive Robe [1] Banquet for Heroes

Market : Lookup

Another good Armor but this time it provides DEX,improve Concentration Lv 1, and the ability to bypass the defense of Demon, Undead, and Demi-Human (basically most of PVM) by 4% per Refine. can combo with  Valkyrian Manteau [1] to provide more Defense pierce and ATK, HP% to boot.
 Lava Leather Armor [1] Magma Dungeon 3

Market : Lookup

An okay armor that provides +100 ATK and certain bonuses at refine rates starting at +7. can combo with the Lava Leather Manteau and Boots to provide bonuses. Usually this item is taken for the raw ATK bonus but  Illusion Armor A-Type gives more and can be enchanted.
 Illusion Armor A-Type [1] Illusion Equipment

Market : Lookup

One of the best armors in game so far. Gives a decent +100 ATK, +10 ATK every 2 refines, and at certain refines provides bonuses especially when enchanted with the different Modification Modules. Also combos with the different Illusion Equipment to provide you the best bang for your buck. a Great gear to start with and a luxury once refined and enchanted well.
 Excellion Armor Verus Equipment Exchange

Market : Lookup

A great Armor for providing VIT, HP, ATK(With ATK Reactors), and ACD early on (combo with  Excellion Wing, Perfect gears for starting Shield Chain. Definitely aim for this item to start you Shield Chain build.
 YSF01 Plate [1] Werner's Laboratory:Central Room

Market : Lookup

an Offensive Armor choice as this gives ATK % per Upgrade level and a bonus ATK % at certain refines should the user's STR is atleast 125 or higher. Also comboes with  YSF01 Manteau [1] and  YSF01 Greaves [1] to provide ACD and ASPD at certain refines.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Lance Two-Handed Spear Prontera/Izlude Weapon NPC

Market : Lookup

Still a decent choice for leveling early since you'd be spamming Holy Crosses to get to 99
 Illusion Brionac [2] Biolab Gear

Market : Lookup

Only get this spear for leveling using Overbrand not really recommended as a main spear due to the fact that this is a two-handed spear meaning you cant use shields and Royal Guards are known for being reliant on shields to enable their kit.
 Hunting Spear [1] One-Handed Spear Dropped by Boitata, Fallen Bishop Hibram, Leak, Kraken

Market : Lookup

a Pretty good spear for Overbrand because of its high attack and not to mention it is a level 4 weapon meaning it deals more damage the higher its refine. This spear also autocasts Joint beat with each attack you make.
 Imperial Spear [1] Dropped by One-Horned Scaraba

Market : Lookup

A Great Weapon to use for Banishing point Builds due to its effect of giving +20% damage to Banishing Point and Cannon Spear and also an additional +3% damage to both skills for every 2 refines. Combo with  Imperial Guard and you'd get bonus damage to Grand Cross, Genesis Ray, and Shield Press plus this weapon can be enchanted too with Malangdo Enchants (Mainly Expert Archer) to increase your Banishing Point Damage further.
 Crimson Spear [2] Dropped by Naga or Stem Worm

Market : Lookup

Formerly a luxury spear due to its effect of having ATK+ (Refine*Refine) effect, Element Pre-endowed, and 2 Card slots in its kit but still a pretty great starting weapon for general use in farming and leveling. Best element to get is a Holy endowed or Fire endowed spear since most Mobs in PVM are either weak to Fire or Holy.
 Thanatos Spear [1] Ghost Palace

Market : Lookup

The Thanatos Weapon line is known for its general use in farming due to its HP/SP drain effect saving you from consuming too much consumables early on. This combined with  Rideword Hat provides you the best sustain in PVM in general.
 Vicious Mind Spear [1] Sky Fortress

Market : Lookup

The upgraded version of the  Crimson Spear. Has the same effect as the spear but this one comes pre-enchanted and can be re-enchanted with 3 various effects that make it a step up to the Crimson Spear but at a cost of only one Card Slot. Enchanted right this weapon could be a main weapon for late game content.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Rosa Shield [1] Shield Dropped By Dark Pinguicula

Market : Lookup

A Decent Shield with decent defense, has a card slot too to slot in that defensive or offensive shield card.
 Knight's Shield [1] Cash Shop or at the Main Office

Market : Lookup

An offensive shield due to the shield giving ATK and MATK +3%, +10% ASPD, and 7% all properties resistance. Definitely a free item if you collect enough Endeavor tokens from doing Gramps and worth refining and evolving to a  Purified Knight's Shield for your late game offensive shield.
 Imperial Guard [1] Dropped by Rake-Horned Scaraba

Market : Lookup

A combo shield with  Imperial Spear, Its effects have been mentioned on the Weapon Description
 Sacred Mission [1] Dropped by Incarnation of Morocc(Unslotted), Dropped by illusion of Frozen mobs(Slotted)

Market : Lookup

One of the best shields for the Royal Guard Class, Provides +3 VIT, +2 INT, 3 MDEF, and is indestructible. Can be Evolved to its Illusion counterpart:  Illusion Sacred Mission, which has the highest defense (190) for a shield currently in game and is perfect for Shield Spell Lv 1 to give that 190 ATK boost and can be enchanted with the different Nives to strengthen different builds (Overbrand/Cannon Spear, Banishing Point, Tanking).
 Platinum Shield Dropped By Sword Guardian

Market : Lookup

A defensive Shield that Reduces Damage from Medium and Large Mobs by 15%, Undead mobs by 10%, and a chance to reflect back magic to the user when atk by Magic, Doesnt have a card slot though but a good shield nonetheless.
 Strong Shield [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

a good shield if you don't want to be pushed around (Prevents Knockback), Pretty Good Substitue as a shield for Shield Chain
 Cross Shield [1] Dropped By incarnation of Morocc(Angel Form)

Market : Lookup

The Main Shield for increasing Damage for Shield Chain; This shield gives +30% damage for the said skill and also gives +1 STR at the cost of increasing your skill consumption by 10%. The Best in Slot for Shield Chain although useful for Shield Spell Lv 1 since this provides 130 raw ATK.
 Giant Shield [1] Biolab Gear

Market : Lookup

A pretty good alternative to  Cross Shield due to its weight but try to aim for the latter.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Awaken Paradise Manteau Garment Eden Group A Good starting armor for beginners, same as the Paradise Equipment mentioned above they are good for early leveling.
 Manteau of Airship [1] Airship Assault

Market : Lookup

A Free item by doing the Airship Assault instance. You dont have to finish the Final boss to farm this one as it is dropped from the mobs on the instance plus it has a slot so you can place an offensive or defensive card in it.
 Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1] Nidhoggur's Nest

Market : Lookup

A generally defensive garment because of its 7% resistance to all elements plus a card slot to slot in your favorite Garment card. Definitely worth picking up if you want a bit more resistance early on.
 Valkyrian Manteau [1] Dropped by Valkyrie Randgris

Market : Lookup

Primarily here to be a combo piece for the  Abusive Robe [1] for the bonus DEF pierce against Demon, Undead, and Demi-Human race as mentioned above
 YSF01 Manteau [1] Werner's Laboratory:Central Room

Market : Lookup

Provides 10% ACD Reduction and ATK and ACD reduction at certain refins should the user's VIT is atleast 125. as mentioned above this combos with  YSF01 Manteau [1] and  YSF01 Greaves [1] to provide ACD and ASPD at certain refines.
 Giant Snake Skin [1] Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

A great garment that is pre-enchanted and can be a good end game item to combo with any Stat  Temporal Boots. For DPS builds yoou might wanna aim for STR or DEX enchants as to increase damage and reduce cast time. for tanking builds a full VIT enchanted one is desirable.
 Excellion Wing Verus Equipment Exchange

Market : Lookup

This combo'ed with  Excellion Armor already provides a nice 20% After Cast Delay and also Perfect Dodge to help in evading attacks. A cheap Option to get for Shield Chain and Overbrand builds because of that ACD. Add a +6  Heart Wing Headband [1] and you'd get 31% ACD reduction for spamming those skils for such little cash plus you can enchant it too with Elemental resists/Recovery Reactors to strengthen tem. A Definite must buy if you're going for those builds
 Illusion Engine Wing A-Type [1]
 Illusion Engine Wing B-Type [1]
Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

The Illusion Equipment is known for providing great stats for a great deal but at a price of a really long quest starting from Episode 16.1. This specific garment can house any of the modification modules provided by this content and properly enchanted can be a rival to the Temporal boots from Old Glast Heim. Each piece of equipment comes in 2 varieties: the A-Type and B-Type. A-Type focuses on Primarily Physical Attacks and ASPD while B-type Primarily focuses on Magic Attacks and cast time. As you read in this guide you'll find that these two types are used on DPS types.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Awaken Paradise Boots Footgear Eden Group A Good starting Footgear for beginners, same as the Paradise Equipment mentioned above they are good for early leveling.
 Boots of Airship Airship Assault

Market : Lookup

Once again, a good upgrade to the old Eden Group armors. Provides ASPD +10% and AGI +1. Combined with Airship Manteau and Airship Boots you get MDEF +10, MaxHP/SP +25%, and increased movement speed. Solid choice going forward in your journey.
 Variant Shoes Dropped By Beelzebub

Market : Lookup

a Decent footgear that gives +20% MHP but this doesnt have a slot. If you want a slotted version the  Enchanced Variant Shoes [1]. The HP bonus is less but it has a card slot and provides DEF based on its reine rate.
 Valkyrian Shoes [1] Dropped by Valkyrie Randgris

Market : Lookup

Provides SP bonus depending on the user's job level. Pretty decent if you need HP but there are other options besides these shoes
 YSF01 Greaves [1] Werner's Laboratory:Central Room

Market : Lookup

Primarily used as a Combo Piece for the YSF01 set. Gives a chance to bypass 100% DEF of normal and Boss monsters if the sum of their refines is atleast +27 (meaning you have to +9 everything). and also provides ACD reduction for every refine Rate of the boots.
 Temporal Boots of Strength [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

A solid choice for Banishing Point and Overbrand/Cannon Spear builds as this provides + +MHP, MSP, and +7 ATK every 3 refines but most importantly +50 ATK if the user's STR is 120. This Boosts the damage of the said builds (Especially Cannon Spear as the damage increases the higher your STR and ATK gets) considerably. not to mention it has an item slot to get in a Card of your choice and can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1(delete if none)]'s Special Enchants depending on the 3rd slot enchant of this boots to provide you with the best stats and Damage Possible.
 Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

The BiS for Shield Chain builds as this gets rid of the 0.5 sec Fixed Cast Time of the skill provided your DEX is at 120 or higher. What this means is that you'd spam Shield Chain faster and get in more DPS. Also provides Bonus MHP, MSP, and + 3 DEX every 3 Refines to help out in reaching insta-cast with Shield Chain. As mentioned above can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1(delete if none)]'s Special Enchants depending on the 3rd slot enchant of this boots to provide you with the best stats and Damage Possible.
 Illusion Leg A-type [1] Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

An offensive footgear that combos with the other illusion Equipment. Gives +5% Long ranged damage at +7 and when comboed with  Illusion Armor A-Type [1] gives +5% ATK. Like its illusion partners this cn be enchanted with Modification Modules to further enhance your damage ( Modification Module(Overpower) [1]).
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Strength Paradise Ring V
 Strength Paradise Necklace V
 Agility Paradise Ring V
 Agility Paradise Necklace V
Accessory Eden Group Paradise Equipment Surprisingly these accessories provide the best stats for being starter equipment with the Necklaces providing +4 of either STR or DEX and the Rings providing +5% ATK or +4% Ranged damage and the common skills all these have is the use of Heal and Teleport Lv 1. Perfect for suitability and farming early on.
 Physical Enchancer Ring [1] Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

Provides +5% ATK by itself but it can be enchanted to add more ATK%/ASPD/Elemental Resists. A good choice to get for an accessory and depending on the enchantment this can scale up until end game.
 Bakonawa Agimat Tatoo Pintados Festival

Market : Lookup

Provides +7% ATK and +10% ASPD but at the cost of a card Slot. Pretty good for increasing the DPS potential of Banishing Point since this Skill heavily relies on ATK/Ranged ATK % and ASPD
 Pendant of Maelstrom [1] Nightmarish Jitterbug

Market : Lookup

Provides +6% ATK and MATK, +1 All Stats, and a chance to autocast 2302.png Maelstrom when hit with a Magical ATK. Pretty Solid if you wanna add more damage just be careful of the Autocast since that would share the ACD of your skills if it triggers. Consider swapping to this if you're facing off against mobs with ton of spells.
 Sheriff's Left Badge [1] Rock Ridge

Market : Lookup

Provides +3% ATK if base STR is 90, +1000MHP if base VIT is 90, and +3% Ranged damage if base DEX is 90, a good offensive choice for this slot.
 Silversmith Bracelet [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

+1 to all stats and Allows the user to use 277.png Spell Breaker. Pretty okay slot for a cheap accessory.
 Sarah's Right Earring
 Sarah's Left Earring
Sarah and Fenrir

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

Kinda like the upgraded version of the Paradise Accessories but in a way that this can be enchanted with various enchants 2 times per Earring(After Cast Delay being one of the favorites). Helpful in Shield Chain and Overbrand builds as this can increase your potential to spam those skills.
 Illusion Booster R [1]
 Illusion Booster L [1]
Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup
Market: Lookup

These illusion Accessories provide +5% ATK but what makes them shine is the various Modification Modules this can be enchanted with to further increase your DPS and/or Sustaibility.
Item Slot Way to obtain Notes
 Dark Pinguicula Card Headgear Dropped by Dark Pinguicula

Market : Lookup

ATK +10. When killing a monster, adds a chance to have a poisonous herb drop.
 Duneyrr Card Dropped by Duneyrr

Market : Lookup

ATK +10.

When dealing physical damage, there's a 1% chance that for 4 seconds your Perfect Dodge will increase by 10

 Bungisngis Card Dropped by Bungisngis

Market : Lookup

Every 2 refine, MHP + 1%.
 Gemini-S58 Card Dropped by Gemini-S58

Market : Lookup

Adds 30% resistance to the Stun and Silence statuses if the wearer's base AGI is 90 or greater

Adds 50% resistance to the Stone and Sleep statuses if base VIT is 80 or greater.

 Essence of Evil Str 3
 Essence of Evil Vit 3
 Essence of Evil Dex 3
Any Slot Temple of the Demon God

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

These pieces of Essence act like cards the only difference is they dont have a specific slot so they can be placed anywhere that has a card slot and acts as Slot fillers if you need more stats. Str 3 gives +4 STR, +12 ATK at the cost of -4 INT; good for increasing overall damage(Banishing Point/Overbrand/Cannon Spear/Shield Chain). Vit 3 gives +4 VIT, +12 DEF, +8 MDEF at the cost of -4 AGI; perfect for increasing overall tankiness and HP(Tank Builds). And Dex 3 provides +4 DEX, +8 HIT at the cost of -4 LUK; great for decreasing cast time and HIT(Shield Chain)
 Porcellio Card Armor Dropped by Porcellio

Market : Lookup

ATK +25, DEF -5
 Bathory Card Dropped by Bathory

Market : Lookup

Enchant an Armor with the Shadow property. Perfect for general PVM usage as most mobs have some sort of Shadow Property skills this card allows you to be immune to those skills and generally Old Glast Heim.
 Marc Card Dropped by Marc

Market : Lookup

Grants Immunity to the Frozen Status, a card that is useful for any situations that makes you prone to being frozen (Monster Hunter's Nysori)
 Evil Druid Card Dropped by Evil Druid

Market : Lookup

Enchant an Armor with the Undead property. Allows you to be immune to status effects like Stone Curse and Frozen. But in a party play be careful as you cannot be resurrected or healed due to you being an undead.
 Pecopeco Card Dropped by PecoPeco

Market : Lookup

PEKO↗PEKO↘PEKO↗PEKO↘PEKO↗PEKO↘ sorry bout that my inner weeb shows.
Max HP +10 %
 Golem Card Weapon Dropped by Golem

Market : Lookup

Makes the Weapon indestructible
 Hunter Fly Card Dropped by Hunter Fly

Market : Lookup

Enable a 3% chance of gaining 15% of the damage inflicted on an enemy as HP with each attack. what this means is each attack has a chance of gaining 15% of your damage as HP. This effect stacks with other HP/SP drain effects meaning a great way to sustain yourself while farming by using little to no HP/SP pots saving you cash. Slotted in a  Thanatos Spear [1] and comboed with a  Rideword Hat [1] makes you self sufficient in farming.
 Abysmal Knight Card Dropped by Abysmal Knight

Market : Lookup

Increase damage on Boss monsters by 25%. If you're hunting bosses this is a good card to slot in
 White Knight Card Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

ATK + 15.

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 20%.

[+ Khalitzburg Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

A staple card in any builds that uses a Shield as this card provides all the damage you need to battle PVM.

 Khalitzburg Knight Card Shield Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

DEF + 20.

Receive 25% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

[+  White Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

A staple card in any builds that uses a Shield as this card provides all the defense you need to battle PVM.

 Horn Card Dropped by Horn

Market : Lookup

Reduce damage from long ranged attacks by 35%.
 Thara Frog Card Dropped by Thara Frog

Market : Lookup

Reduce damage from Demihuman monsters by 30%. If you plan on Going PVP or if you plan on tanking Dmeihuman mobs this card is for you.
 Alice Card Dropped by Alice

Market : Lookup

Receive 40% less damage from Boss monsters. Receive 40% more damage from normal monsters. This card is an excellent card if you plan on tanking MVP's (*cough BIO 5* all the mobs there are Boss Protocol sooo do your maths).
 Wakwak Card Garment Dropped by Wakwak

Market : Lookup

Atk + 5 for every 10 base STR. A weaker version of  Brown Rat Card if you manage to get this one as a drop its worth slotting it in but try to save up for the latter you'll find out the reason why in the next entry
 Brown Rat Card Dropped by Brown Rat

Market : Lookup

Atk + 3 and increase ASPD by 1% for every 10 base Str. If base Str is 120 or higher, additional Atk + 40. This card is the BiS in terms of damage for the fact that this gives +3 ATK AND 1% ASPD for every 10 base STR, also adding +40 ATK should your STR be 120 (which is easy since for DPS classes having your STR at 120 is almost intuitive in order to increase your damage. at 120 STR you'd get a total of 76 ATK and 12% ASPD. 2 effects for the price of one card is too much to pass up. Definitely aim for this card early to improve your leveling/farming speed.
 Giant Whisper Card Dropped by Giant Whisper

Market : Lookup

Flee +10.

ATK +20 if the user has 80 or more STR points. Max HP +3% if the user has 80 or more VIT points. Critical +3 if the user has 80 or more LUK points.

Another good card for this slot but doesn't really scale well into your kit as you get stronger.

 Raydric Card Dropped by Raydric

Market : Lookup

Increase resistance to Neutral property attacks by 20%. Defensive option to slot in the garment as this reduces neutral damage.
 Menblatt Card Dropped by Menblatt

Market : Lookup

Increases Ranged Damage by 1% for every 10 base DEX, if you feel like you need more ranged damage % this card is for you.
 Green Ferus Card
 Matyr Card
Footgear Dropped by Green Ferus, Matyr

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

Both give +10% MHP but Green Ferus gives +1 VIT(Tanking/General Sustainability), and Matyr gives +1 AGI(General ASPD/Dodge). Choose what suits your needs.
 Gold Acidus Card Dropped by Gold Acidus

Market : Lookup

Increases Max HP and Max SP by 4%. When the compounded shoes's upgrade level is no greater than 4, these bonuses are increased to

Max HP+8% Max SP +8%, and adds SP and HP Recovery +5%. Only use this card if you're going to slot it in a footgear with less than +5 in Refines.

 Verit Card Dropped by Verit

Market : Lookup

MHP, MHP +8%, gives the bonus as Gold Acidus card but without the footgear being being at low refines.
 Arhi Card Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

ATK + 15, MATK + 15

MHP + 500, HIT + 15 FLEE + 15.

An overall good card for boosting raw ATK stats.

 Outrageous Cookie Card Dropped by Outrageous Cookie

Market : Lookup

Max HP - 2%

Additional Max HP - 2% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. Atk + 1% Additional Atk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. Matk + 1% Additional Matk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. one of the best Footgear Cards for this slot as this boosts your ATK % based on refines so if you got a boots at high refines you get ATK % bonus for it.

 Gold Scaraba Card Accessory Dropped by Gold Scaraba

Market : Lookup

ATK+ 20, MHP -1%, Gives the best raw ATK for this slot
 Revolver Buffalo Card
 Shotgun Buffalo Card
Droped by Shotgun/Revolver Buffalo

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

the best combo for the Accessory Slot; this combo gives +7 STR, +7% ATK, +7 AGI, and +7 HIT. Great for increasing overall Damage, DPS, and stats. Definitely get this asap.
 Phen Card Dropped by Phen

Market : Lookup

Casting cannot be interrupted; If you have a hard time landing that Overbrand due to mobs hitting you and cancelling your cast ue this but you might wanna practice your positioning and timing to avoid getting interrupted. Make use of your 8.png Endure to get out of situations. For devo builds this is okay but you can just ask your AB to cast Sacrament on you so you can deploy 255.png Devotion faster without getting interrupted.

Click here to go back to the Table of Contents.

Теневая экипировка

Части снаряжения, которые находятся по другую сторону окна вашего снаряжения; Эти механизмы предоставляют вам дополнительные характеристики или даже эффекты, меняющие игру, в зависимости от того, какое снаряжение Shadow вы решите использовать. Для нашего Сервера теневые шестерни добываются через Monster Hunting. Чтобы получить больше информации о том, как получить это снаряжение, посетите вики-страницу Monster Hunter, нажав на ссылку. Я предоставил здесь 5 основных теневых предметов и их эффекты, чтобы вы могли начать работу.
Кредиты Leinarth для создания таблицы ниже

Shadow Gears
Set Way to obtain Crafting Components Effects
Fierce Shadow Set Golden Boitata
  • Golden Boitata's Scale x9
  • Golden Boitata's Rope x10
  • Golden Boitata's Branch x10
  • Golden Boitata's Bell x1
  • Golden Boitata's Fang x4
  • Iron x11
  • Armor Piece of Dullahan x2
  • Metal Fragment x7
  • Ba Gua x1
STR+5 and ATK+5
Agile Shadow Set Great Duneyrr
  • Great Duneyrr's Chains x6
  • Great Duneyrr's Burning Shoes x9
  • Great Duneyrr's Heart x8
  • Great Duneyrr's Head x1
  • Great Duneyrr's Antler x8
  • Elunium x12
  • Soft Feather x4
  • Fabric x5
  • Hand of God x1
AGI+5 and ASPD+5%
Sturdy Shadow Set Ice Troll
  • Ice Troll's Claw x8
  • Ice Troll's Ceremonial Bone x7
  • Ice Troll's Ceremonial Skull x12
  • Ice Troll's Club x1
  • Ice Troll's Fang x5
  • Oridecon x14
  • Comodo Leather x2
  • Bloody Rune x2
  • Necklace of Oblivion x1
VIT+5 and MaxHP+500
Mystic Shadow Set Domovoi
  • Domovoi's Ears x7
  • Domovoi's Fur x10
  • Domovoi's Tail x11
  • Domovoi's Staff x1
  • Domovoi's Carrot x5
  • Crystal Fragment x10
  • Cursed Ruby x3
  • Star Crumb x7
  • Necklace of Wisdom x1
INT+5 and MATK+5
Cunning Shadow Set Twin Tendrillions
  • Tendrillion's Horn x11
  • Tendrillion's Fur x9
  • Tendrillion's Fang x8
  • Tendrillion's Head x1
  • Tendrillion's Paw x4
  • Executioner's Mitten x1
  • Bradium x7
  • Dragon Scale x13
  • Old Shuriken x4
DEX+5 and VCT-5%

Click here to go back to the Table of Contents.


Здесь лежат все возможные сборки, которые вы можете сделать с этим дворянским классом
С тех пор, как были реализованы 4-е классы, эти билды по-прежнему доминируют в современной мете и никак не заменяются. Навыки 4-й профессии служат только для улучшения существующих навыков 3-й профессии.

Камни для костюмов


Build Availability

С введением костюмных камней больше сборок и вариантов экипировки открывается для игрока, освобождая множество ограничений, наложенных до внедрения этих камней, наиболее заметным из которых является ограничение некоторых навыков, имеющих фиксированное время каста 0,5 с, которое смягчается только  +6-9 Временные сапоги ловкости [1].

Теперь, когда эти камни были реализованы, ожидается, что ботинки Dex будут использоваться меньше из-за новых  Casting Onyx G и  Royal Guard Onyx II обеспечивает сокращение фиксированного времени каста на 0,5 с. Вы по-прежнему можете использовать ботинки Dex, если вам трудно создавать указанные камни на вашем текущем уровне и экипировке, но в конечном итоге вам придется создавать эти камни для костюмов, чтобы помочь вам в вашем прогрессе в качестве Королевской гвардии.

Нажмите здесь, чтобы узнать как крафтить эти камни

Сборка щита: Путь Героя Щита (Общие Наступательные Навыки Щита)



Вот статистика, которую я использую для своей сборки Shield Chain, не стесняйтесь настраивать в зависимости от ваших потребностей:

  • STR 120
  • AGI 100 or 1-90 (for Shield Press and Earth Drive)
  • VIT 80 or 120 (for Shield Press and Earth Drive)
  • INT 110+
  • DEX 120
  • LUK 1+

Файл:New IG Test.gif
Сила сборки щита! У Имперской Гвардии много наступательных и защитных баффов!

Раньше был самым сильным навыком дальнего боя для Королевской гвардии; Чтобы Shield Chain был эффективным навыком DPS, требуется хороший баланс % ATK, Ranged% (только для Shield Chain), времени каста и ACD. Слишком много одной стороны может привести к снижению DPS. С моим текущим билдом я нашел идеальное среднее для хорошего урона и цепей в секунду. С этим билдом можно играть в одиночку, но он лучше всего подходит для группы с менестрелем вокруг *Cough* Poem of Bragi *Cough* Что касается статистики. Наиболее важными характеристиками в этом билде являются DEX и INT. DEX в первую очередь отвечает за уменьшение вашего переменного времени каста и увеличение вашего удара, чтобы постоянно поражать мобов. INT обеспечивает вторичное сокращение времени каста Shield Chain. Чтобы достичь instacast, вам нужно как минимум 530 общих очков от 2-кратного вашего общего DEX + вашего общего INT, поэтому их большое количество уменьшает время произнесения. Я выбрал эту настройку для своей сборки, потому что я использую  Temporal Boots of Dexterity, чтобы получить фиксированное сокращение времени каста на 0,5, а также добавить еще больше DEX для приблизиться к этой цели 530 instacast. И в качестве недавнего обновления я теперь использую  +12 Temporal Str Manteau [1] с +12% задержкой после применения, чтобы максимизировать мой DPS. Не стесняйтесь настраивать свою статистику в зависимости от ваших текущих передач и потребностей.

Для других навыков щита (Shield Press и Earth Drive) вам нужно увеличить STR и VIT, поскольку они являются основными компонентами увеличения урона обоих навыков. Поскольку в настоящее время мы не можем спамить оба навыка, нам не нужен никакой AGI, поэтому не стесняйтесь прокачать свой VIT до 120 для надлежащего увеличения урона и выживаемости. Вы можете вторично танковать с этой сборкой из-за врожденной массы, которую вы имеете от наличия нескольких умений щита, как поддерживающих, так и наступательных. Вы можете пожертвовать очками в Spear Quicken, чтобы прокачать Auto Guard до 10-го уровня. Я имею в виду, чем больше уровней в Guard, тем больше шансов стать танковым амиритом? просто имейте в виду, что у вас будет низкий показатель скорости и бегства, поэтому вы будете полагаться на горшки, чтобы поддерживать себя.

Видео Демо:
Как уничтожить Amdarais Hard с помощью Shield Chain


Файл:New Skills T.jpg

Файл:New Skills.jpg


This is how my skills look like. Absolutely take Inspiration now no questions. Since its latest rework Inspiration wont kill us anymore and lasts longer, and has the same Cooldown now as its duration so feel free to boost yourself up to however you like its Christmas for Us Royal Guards!

Tips and Tricks

Animation of Unmounted vs Unmounted at 191 ASPD

For this Build it is important to balance Cast time(Fixed Cast Time + Variable Cast Time and After Cast Delay), Damage (ATK and Ranged ATK %) so having high DEX, INT, and STR is a must. ASPD plays a huge part n your DPS too, the faster your character's animation moves the faster the skill registers allowing you more hits of Shield Chain to react to your After Cast Delay. Upon testing you get more DPS without a mount since the animation of your character is much quicker in that state but you might wanna still use it since being mounted provides you movement speed, weight capacity, and also nullifies the weapon penalty for hitting medium-sized targets. Shield Chain is still considered neutral element but gets bonus damage from Elemental advantages (aka Converters) so make sure you study you mobs before going into battle with them.

SIDE NOTE: Be careful of Ghost property Mobs, Shield Chain DOES NOT HIT THEM EVEN WITH ELEMENTAL ADVANTAGE due to the fact that this skill is still considered neutral in KRO coding.
EDIT: You can now hit ghost mobs using Hesperus Lit or Banishing Point since those skills are strong enough to do dps on their own and take weapon element into account but still be careful and dont get too comfortable just knowing you got this skills for you now you still need to take into consideration mob element, attacks, and skills

Файл:SC Slow cast.gif

Here's Shield Chain with low dex and int


How to play like a Sorcerer, you cycle your skills

For Shield Press and Earth Drive you will have to learn to cycle both skills in order to provide consistent DPS. Take not Shield Press has a 2 sec cd while Earth Drive has 3 sec cd so learning when to time your hits using both skills are key in playing this style of DPS. Personally I use Shield Press first then cast Earth Drive in a certain rythm make sure you check the animation of the damage split to know when to cast your skills.

Melee Shield: Earth Drive and Shield Press
Файл:Shield Press Chain Press.gif

Definitely not meme in damage anymore, Now we got the Racing caps we can spam them more! (Finally got lvl 3 enchant)


You really need a Racing cap to Spam Earth Drive (Now the waiting game for Ep. 18.)

With our Current gears and the recent reworks, these skills are no slouch in terms of damage but still kinda locked behind somewhat short cooldowns. Still workable and a good secondary skill to use to help clear out mobs and deal good single target damage if you dont have the core gear for these builds. The Core piece of equipment for these builds to work is the recently released  Racing Cap (Royal Guard) [1] with a Lvl 2-3  Racing (Royal Guard) and an Auto Armor with a single Drive Press and 2x Power Module. These gears are complimentary to the build due to it having a modifier for Earth Drive and Shield Press and ofcourse the rare melee % modifier but having an over refined  Illusion Sacred Mission [1] with either  Stamina Nive or  Powerful Nive would increase Earth Drive and Shield Press' Damage even further! The biggest catalyst in making Earth Drive work as a good aoe clear is having atleast a  +7-9 Royal Guard Shadow Shield in order to help boost the damage of Earth Drive to the Millions.

Файл:Highest ED.jpg

The Highest Damage I could do in a single burst, for now


Destroy your enemies! the fun way!

See the build in Action against some MVPs:

Monster Hunter DPS (Shield Chain)

The Highest DPS this build can do for Monster Hunter for the DPS Role

For this one its pretty much the same stats and skill build with just a few changes on the gears(thanks for the inspiration Chatanka(MDarcy)!. On my RG I could do 1.5-1.8m damage max with Shield Chain on Nysori and around 700-800k on Garronath. In order for me to achieve this I swapped out the  Vicious Mind Aura +  Fallen Warrior Manteau for a  King Schmidt's Manteau [1] enchanted with  Expert Archer 4-5 4-5s with a  Brown Rat Card and a  Scarlet Rose. As for the Mid slot I went for a  Magical Booster [1] with an  Engkanto Card there. I also swap out the cards on my Armor and Boots for a  Marc Card to counter her Frost Nova and a  Piranha Card for the damage boost. But the Biggest damage booster i had was the Racial Shadow Set(Fisher and Saharic) and ofcourse the  Penetration Shadow Ring and  Penetration Shadow Necklace. For this I went with more damage rather than ACD since i mostly run with a Minstrel Tank for the Poem of Braggi but Pretty much the Highest DPS on an RG in terms of Monster Hunter.

  • Note: I modified the DEF a bit to simulate me being having 2053.png Expiatio and the 30% ACD from 321.png Poem of Bragi (I dont have an AB and a Minstrel slave) so pretty much close to what I do inside the Savage Coast. On the actual runs the damage is pretty much close or higher depending on the situation.

Updates: I recently upgraded to a +11 Automatic Armor with Power, Range Force, Delay and boi oh boi including the recent RG rework I managed to do this much on Nysori (Disclaimer I used max variance but the damage is around 1.3m per Shield Chain on normal variance). What I managed to find out is even with no MH consumables I already deal 1m minimum the rest are just add-ons to the damage with max variance almost making me reach 2m per shield chain and a max of 5m DPS. Take note I dont have a +10 Homer/Fisher (+6-7 per piece) Shadow Set even my Penetration rings are not +10 (only at +6 on both). this is just good for the build and Im loving my MH experience so far but I have yet to go back to MH again with my guild to get this new auto armor gear into action!

I finally got my  +12 Temporal Str Manteau [1] so I replaced my old King Schmidt's Manteau and Scarlett Rose! Now I dont have anything on swap for MH except the Piranha card and the MH set. It will still work with the King Schmidt's Manteau but the power Temporal Str Manteau trumps Expert Archer by a long shot but this is an end game gear so its not necessary to have it but it will make your life easier and your hunts faster


Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Ancient Gold Ornament [1] Upper Biolab Gear

Market : Lookup

Good Headgear to get at Lv 150. Gives +2 to all stats and +8% ATK good for increasing damage Overall.
 Monocle [1] Middle Dropped by Owl Viscount in the Nightmare Clock Tower

Market : Lookup

Budget Middle Headgear slot to get in another card slot in to maximize damage or DPS(cast time reduction). Pretty much a need since you'd need much stats as you can get to reach faster cast times. (Highly suggested in this slot:  Essence of Evil Dex 3)
 Gangster Scarf Lower Shop

Market : Lookup

A Lower Headgear that Provides ATK + 5, Well no further explanation needed on what it does but this certainly gives you raw ATK that can increase you damage early on in game.
 Well-Chewed Pencil Shop

Market : Lookup

Another good lower equipment but this time boosts DEX by 2 and HIT by 3%, If you need more HIT this also works well for this build.
 Poison Breath Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

One of the best Lower Headgears that combos with Giant Snake Skin; Provides tons of stats depending on the user's base stats sorta like a weak version of the  Vicious Mind Aura +  Fallen Warrior Manteau. Defnitely get this if you're going for a  Giant Snake Skin.
 Rosary in Mouth Custom Headgears Quest

Market : Lookup

If you need more stats and damage go for this one as this provides +1 all stats and +5 ATK. This can be Awakened to increase its bonus stats.
 Scarlet Rose Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

This headgear boosts ATK, MATK by 1% and gives a small 30 SP boost. Pretty Good in increasing ATK % once you got good equipment that already has a high equipment ATK.
Best In Slot
 Old Casket of Protection [1] Upper Tomb of the Fallen

Market : Lookup

A good offensive and a versatile Headgear for its stats especially the special enchants it can have ( Mettle for our needs) Good for late game if you have a ton of ATK already.
 Temporal Circlet (Royal Guard) GlastHeim Challenge Mode

Market : Lookup

Quite Possibly the BiS for boosting damage but since its not boosting Shield Chain via Skill modifier it might not be the best but the reason I placed it here is the sole purpose of having another way of obtaining a Bio 5 Enchant without having to go to Bio 5. But be warned the materials for enchanting this specific gear are quite expensive right now so best stick to the usual Illusion Hot-blooded Headband for now till the market has enough materials to make the price lower.
 Stripe Cap [1] Endeavor Tokens

Market : Lookup

The New contender for early game Headgears. The new line gives either +20 ATK or MATK and at certain refines gives a bonus to Ranged Atk% or Variable Cast Time. These are amazing substitutes/End Game Gear because this doesnt need +11 refines to reach full potential. Definitely pick one up if you have the coins.
 Fancy Feather Hat [1] Cash Shop/Main Office 2nd flr or Market

Market : Lookup

One of the best in slot for this place going into late game. Even at +7 it already provides +45 ATK and +7% Long Ranged ATK. try to get this to atleast +9 to feel its power.
 Illusion Hot-blooded Headband [1] Illusion of Teddy Bear

Market : Lookup

IMO the BiS for the upper slot. The base effects alone gives it a good base for damage but once refined at +11 and enchanted with 2x  Powerful Nive this would give you the best damage possible even you would be surprised.
 Racing Cap (Royal Guard) [1] Ancient Juperos Expedition

Market : Lookup

The core for the Melee shield builds; After Years of being imprisoned in the RO Database these hats are finally implemented in game and I could say this is the BiS in terms of spamming 2310.png Shield Press 2x Every Second at max enchant of  Racing (Royal Guard). With the gradual release of Skill Shadow gears this build would only be stronger.

For 2323.png Earth Drive this helps reduce its cooldown to 1.5s (0.3s after the 4th class rework and ep 19 gear *wink wink) so having this is essential if you wanna spam the skill more.

 Magical Booster [1] Middle Biolab Gear

Market : Lookup

One of the BiS since it can have an Enchant of + ATK/ASPD and ATK/Long Ranged ATK % giving you the best possible way to spam and have more damage and DPS. This can be Awakened to give you more options in terms of Gear and once awakened can combo with  +9-11 Violet Halo [1] to give you ridiculous Cast Time and Ranged damage.
 New Wave Sunglasses Custom Headgear Quests

Market : Lookup

Gives 10% After Cast Delay to help you spam those Shield Chains faster. Like the headgear above this can be Awakened to give you a card slot but the price is 5% less after Cast Delay.
 Vicious Mind Aura Lower EDDA Bio

Market : Lookup

If comboed with  Fallen Warrior Manteau the power of this lower slot would shine. Gives a ton of stats(ATK, ASPD, MATK, Neutral Resist, Crit, After Cast Delay) for one slot. Definitely the best in this slot ONLY if you're going to use a Fallen Warrior Manteau.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Excellion Armor Armor Verus Equipment Exchange

Market : Lookup

A great Armor for providing VIT, HP, ATK(With ATK Reactors), and ACD early on (combo with  Excellion Wing, Perfect gears for starting Shield Chain. Definitely aim for this item to start you Shield Chain build.
Best In Slot
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 +9 Illusion Armor A-Type [1] Armor Illusion Equipment

Market : Lookup

Personally the BiS for the armors. Gives a ton of ATK (via its effect and  Modification Module (Power) enchant) and ton of After Cast Delay(via (via its effect and  Modification Module (Delay After Skill)) . Probably the Best armor for Shield Chain.
 +9-12 Str Soutane [1] Odin Temple 4

Market : Lookup

One of the BiS for damage as this provides a ton of STR and Damage modifiers (via  Str Blessing). Personally only use this if you have a  Reload Shadow Set to make up for the lost ACD the Illusion Armor provides.

for Earth Drive and Shield Press you can maximize your damage using this Armor sine both skills does not require ASPD or ACD so just stack alot of STR, AtK and ATK/Melee%.

 Automatic Armor A-Type [1] Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

Upon the release of Episode 17.2 this became the new BiS for all armors atleast(B-Type for the Magic Class) since the Automatic line can host the upgraded versions of existing enchants on an illusion armor but now has the addition of the Skill Specific enchants. (Sadly for Shield Chain that is not the case but still workable) The most obvious route would be  Automatic Module(Power),  Automatic Module(Range Force), and  Automatic Module(Delay After Skill).

For Earth Drive and Shield Press you may get  Automatic Module(Drive Press) and 2x  Automatic Module(Power) since most of your bulk damage comes from your shield and your weapon and is pretty much the best shield to use for general purposes aside from the Purified Knight's Shield.

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Crimson Spear [2] One-Handed Spear Dropped by Naga or Stem Worm

Market : Lookup

Formerly a luxury spear due to its effect of having ATK+ (Refine*Refine) effect, Element Pre-endowed, and 2 Card slots in its kit but still a pretty great starting weapon for general use in farming and leveling. Best element to get is a Holy endowed or Fire endowed spear since most Mobs in PVM are either weak to Fire or Holy. Only a base for Shield Chain if you dont have an over upgraded  Harve [2].
 Vicious Mind Spear [1] Sky Fortress

Market : Lookup

The upgraded version of the  Crimson Spear. Has the same effect as the spear but this one comes pre-enchanted and can be re-enchanted with 3 various effects that make it a step up to the Crimson Spear but at a cost of only one Card Slot. Enchanted right this weapon could be a main weapon for late game content. Only a base for Shield Chain if you still dont have an over upgraded  Harve [2].
 Blocking Spear [1] Einbech 3

Market : Lookup

The only reason its here is because of the Delay after skill at +11 but come on why would you get this if you have the cash for a over upgraded and a Randel-enchanted  Harve [2]?
Best In Slot
 Blocking Spear [1] One-Handed Spear Einbech 3

Market : Lookup

The BiS weapon for an Earth Drive/Overbrand Hybrid; it's simply amazing due to its high weapon atk and if slotted with 1x  Bio 5 Randel Card and a  White Knight Card makes Earth Drive hit Hard.
 Harve [2] Edda Biolabs

Market : Lookup

The main weapon of the Shield Chain and Shield Press Build, This directly increases the damage of Shield Chain by 40% unrefined but properly enchanted and refined this can bring the damage of Shield Chain by a whopping +140%(+20% if refined to +11, +50% if enchanted with a  Randel's Memory, and another +30% when  Cross Shield is Equipped). For Shield Press with a fully refined and enchanted Harve this will increase its damage by 75% which is a huge improvement!.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Stone Buckler [1] Shield Dropped by Gold Acidus

Market : Lookup

These Shields are only here because of its weight nothing more. After Further testing Refines and Shield weight play very little in overall damage increase of Shield Chain. You can actually get away with +4 but if you want it higher nobody's stopping you
 Giant Shield [1] Biolab Gear

Market : Lookup

 Strong Shield [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

 Rosa Shield [1] Dropped By Dark Pinguicula

Market : Lookup

 Imperial Guard [1] Shield Dropped by Rake Horn Scaraba

Market : Lookup

This is where we got our 4th class name haha but if you want to main Shield Press or it do more damage this is your best shield as this boosts Shield Press Damage by 20% and gets a bonus 2% damage increase for every refine level above +6. Definitely a worth pickup early on and mid to late game.
Best In Slot
 Cross Shield [1] Shield Dropped By incarnation of Morocc(Angel Form)

Market : Lookup

The Main Shield for increasing Damage for Shield Chain; This shield gives +30% damage for the said skill and also gives +1 STR at the cost of increasing your skill consumption by 10%. The Best in Slot for Shield Chain although useful for Shield Spell Lv 1 since this provides 130 raw ATK. As for Refine Rate it really matters little in the final damage the main source of damage would always be your  Harve [2].
 Illusion Sacred Mission [1] Illusion of Frozen

Market : Lookup

For Earth Drive (and Shield Press) this is the BiS shield allowing you to offensively use this skill and help out in the dps as mentioned above. Make sure its at +11 to maximize the damage of Earth Drive and have Powerful Nive (or Stamina Nive for tanking) as the enchant to further increase its damage. with an over upgraded Weapon slotted with 2x  Bio 5 Randel Card makes this skill a monster to use now.

Upon testing this makes up for the damage from Imperial Guard for Shield Press for its enchants giving you both skills that can reach 1 million.

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Giant Snake Skin [1] Garment Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

A good alternative garment. Aim for atleast mostly DEX enchants to increase your DEX to reduce your cast time for Shield Chain. can also combo with  Poison Breath and  Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1] for some nice stats.
 Excellion Wing Verus Equipment Exchange

Market : Lookup

This combo'ed with  Excellion Armor already provides a nice 20% After Cast Delay and also Perfect Dodge to help in evading attacks. A cheap Option to get for Shield Chain and Overbrand builds because of that ACD. Add a +6  Heart Wing Headband [1] and you'd get 31% ACD reduction for spamming those skils for such little cash plus you can enchant it too with Elemental resists/Recovery Reactors to strengthen them.
Best In Slot
 +9 Illusion Engine Wing B-Type [1] Garment Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

One of the BiS for early and late game due to the fact that it can combo with  Illusion Armor A-Type [1] to provide and additional 10% After Cast Delay. Enchanted with 2x  Modification Module(Caster) and a  Modification Module(Fast) and you'd find yourslf spamming Shield Chain like the wind.
 +9-11 Violet Halo [1] Violet Halo

Market : Lookup

Odd choice for this slot but upon seeing this in action comboed with an awakened  Magical Booster [1] and you'd be spamming harder than you thought you were. Kinda hard to find this at the market though due to the low supply at the moment but once you find one definitely get this. Combos with  Magical Booster [1] as mentioned in the Headgears section of this build.
 Fallen Warrior Manteau [1] Tomb of the Fallen

Market : Lookup

A good contender terms of overall stats and damage and the combo piece with  Vicious Mind Aura, The upgraded version of the  Giant Snake Skin. Almost all DPS classes that has a spam skill go for this and the combo overall is powerful for its slot.
 Temporal Str Manteau [1] Legacy of Glastheim

Market : Lookup

A new contender for BiS. The manteau line give a standard +10 ATK every 2 refines but each has its own spin with Str Manteau giving Bonus 1% Atk per 2 Refines, +5% damage against all size per 4 refines, and + 7% ATK at +7 refine. Combined with  Temporal Boots of Strength [1] and you'd get a +50 atk bonus. But the biggest deal for this Manteau is the possible 15% ACD which is highly sought after especially for Shield chain. If you want full power make sure you get this Garment.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Illusion Leg A-type [1] Footgear Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

An offensive footgear that combos with the other illusion Equipment. Gives +5% Long ranged damage at +7 and when comboed with  Illusion Armor A-Type [1] gives +5% ATK. Like its illusion partners this can be enchanted with Modification Modules to further enhance your damage ( Modification Module(Overpower) [1]) and decrease the Fixed Cast Time of Shield Chain ( Modification Module(Fixed Casting)).
 +0-4Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

An alternative and a BiS due to the fact that even if its not perfectly enchanted this gets rid of the 0.5 sec Fixed Cast Time of the skill provided your DEX is at 120 or higher. What this means is that you'd spam Shield Chain faster and get in more DPS. Also gives + 3 DEX every 3 Refines to help out in reaching insta-cast with Shield Chain. Can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1(delete if none)]'s Special Enchants depending on the 3rd slot enchant of this boots to provide you with the best stats and Cast Time Reduction.
Best In Slot
 +6-9 Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1] Footgear Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

An alternative and a former BiS due to the fact that even if its not perfectly enchanted this gets rid of the 0.5 sec Fixed Cast Time of the skill provided your DEX is at 120 or higher. What this means is that you'd spam Shield Chain faster and get in more DPS. Also gives + 3 DEX every 3 Refines to help out in reaching insta-cast with Shield Chain. The Best enchant for the boots would be a  Expert Archer 4-5 and  Bear's Might. Can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1]'s Special Enchants depending on the 3rd slot enchant of this boots to provide you with the best stats, Damage, and Cast Time Reduction.

Ever Since the introduction of Costume Stones the use of the dex boots' 0.5s Fixed Cast Time Reduction might not be used anymore but in terms of providing Ranged damage this still is useful in some way and also very useful in reaching insta cast with the bonus Dex the boots gives.

 +0-10 Temporal Boots of Strength [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

With the introduction of the costume stones this has opened up to be one of the Best In Slot boots due to it being a natural combo to the Temporal Str Manteau. You might lose some cast time and ranged damage bonus from these boots (can be remedied with the EA enchant) but in terms of providing the best damage and Demon and Brute monster def pierce (which there are alot of in game) this is the current best in slot provided you use the costume stones.
 +11 Illusion Sprint Shoes [1] Illusion of Twins

Market : Lookup

Ever since the latest Illusion Update Illusion gears became muc more accessible and cheaper on the market making alot of builds shine more and this new addition to the mix beats the Current Temporal Str Boots by a significant amount thanks to it having the option to have Power Nives 2 on it.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Royal Guard Ring [1] Accessory Dropped by Lich King

Market : Lookup

A pretty good alternative for decreasing your cast time due to the fact that this can be enchanted with  DEX +4 and  Spell 5
 Illusion Booster L [1] Illusion Equipments

Market: Lookup

I only placed the Left accessory here for the reason that the  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1] would be the BiS for the left accessory Slot. this is best enchanted with  Expert Archer 4-5 and  Modification Module (Spell) to increase your damage and reduce your cast time.
Best In Slot
 Illusion Booster R [1] Accessory Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

An offensive Right Accessory that can be identically enchanted like the  Illusion Booster L [1]. Having both at early to mid-late game would be good to increase your Shield Chain Spam but at a lesser damage.
 Automatic Booster R [1] Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

As Mentioned in the Armors section this is the best upgrade for the old Illusion Equipment with also upgraded enchants, this time you can opt to have  Automatic Module (Str) (aside from +3 Str it has a bonus 2% atk) to increase your damage output alongside with the usual EA and ASPD enchant but the biggest boost here is the  Automatic Module (All Force)
 King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1] Fall of Glast Heim

Market: Lookup

The best offensive left Accessory due to the fact that it can combo with the  Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1]'s Bear's Might enchant ( Strong Enchant). Can also have an  Expert Archer 4-5 and  DEX +4-5 to further increase your damage and reduce your cast time.
 Brilliant Light Ruby Ring [1]
 Brilliant Light Ruby Necklace [1]
 Sinful Ruby Ring [1]
 Sinful Ruby Necklace [1]
Thanatos Tower Revamp Quest

Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup

A very situational gear but is quite enough to overpower a fully enchanted Automatic Booster just for its enchants and a large boost in damage against Demon/Angel/Dragon type mobs. Definitelly an upgrade but be warned it only boosts atleast in the 1-3% range in damage assuming you get atk +7-10% on the first enchant so sticking to an auto booster is quite okay but at its price range it is definitely an alternative!

In My tests Having this combo with  Empathy 5 in both accesories can outdamage the King Schmidt's Insignia + Temporal Boots Combo.

Best In Slot
 Essence of Evil Str 3
 Essence of Evil Dex 3
Any Slot Temple of the Demon God

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

These pieces of Essence act like cards the only difference is they dont have a specific slot so they can be placed anywhere that has a card slot and acts as Slot fillers if you need more stats. Str 3 gives +4 STR, +12 ATK at the cost of -4 INT; good for increasing overall damage(Banishing Point/Overbrand/Cannon Spear/Shield Chain) and Dex 3 provides +4 DEX, +8 HIT at the cost of -4 LUK; great for decreasing cast time and HIT(Shield Chain)
 Furious Hero Card Headgear Dropped by Furious Hero

Market : Lookup

+2% ATK and a small percentage to cast 8.png Endure on yourself with each attack.
 Purple Ferus Card Dropped by Purple Ferus

Market : Lookup

New BiS card due to the fact that it gives +3% ATK by default and +1% more ATK per 4 Refine. On a +9-12 Headgear this would give you the best damage possible.
 Engkanto Card Dropped by Engkanto

Market : Lookup

For Monster hunter purposes; If you plan to kill Garronath (Yes. We. Can. especially with this build. Stay tuned for the MH Section) you'll need this as it provides +30% more damage to Poison Element mobs.
 Hardworking Pitman Card Armor Dropped by Hardworking Pitman

Market : Lookup

+5% ATK and +10 HIT, if the armor refine is 10 or higher additional +5 HIT. Clearly a no-brainer for increasing damage in the armor slot
 Marc Card Dropped by Marc

Market : Lookup

If you're planning to Hunt Nysori you'll need this to get immunity from freeze.
 Dame of Sentinel Card Dropped by Dame of Sentinel

Market : Lookup

This card to be a useless card or a budget card option to get more DEX stats but combo'ed with  Empathizer Card and you'd get the best of both worlds! You get extra DEX for reaching instacast and also a +55% ranged damage bonus which is a huge boost for a regular monster card. Although be careful since you will not be able to swap with a resist card like Bathory or Evil Druid so if you plan to use any resist card I suggest you get an armor swap to handle that.
 Mistress of Shelter Card Dropped by Mistress of Shelter

Market : Lookup

Same as  Dame of Sentinel Card in terms of effect but gives INT instead of DEX but combo'ed with  Happiness Giver Card and you'll get the same effects as Empathizer card but for the rare Melee damage which is more than enough to boost Earth Drive (and Overbrand) to the 2 million territory.
 Contaminated Wanderer Card Weapon Dropped by Contaminated Wanderer

Market : Lookup

+30% more damage against Medium and Large size mobs. AKA the size of mobs generally in PVM.
 Bio 5 Randel Card Dropped by Bio 5 Randel

Market : Lookup

  • Increases the damage of Earth Drive by 20%.
  • Increases the damage of Earth Drive by an additional 20% when compounded to a level 4 weapon.
  • If upgrade level is +10 or higher,

Increases the damage of Earth Drive by an additional 20%. Set Bonus Royal Guard Randel Card Randel Lawrence Card Adds a 3% chance of buffing the user for 6 seconds when performing a physical attack; Atk + 100.

Welp for Earth Drive you definitely wanna get 2x of these so ou can make Earth Drive go Brrrrr

 White Knight Card Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

ATK + 15.

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 20%.

[+ Khalitzburg Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

A staple card in any builds that uses a Shield as this card provides all the damage you need to battle PVM. This +  Contaminated Wanderer Card in your  Harve [2] means the best damage and DPS for Shield Chain.

 Khalitzburg Knight Card Shield Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

DEF + 20.

Receive 25% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

[+  White Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

A staple card in any builds that uses a Shield as this card provides all the defense you need to battle PVM.

 Menblatt Card Garment Dropped by Menblatt

Market : Lookup

Increases Ranged Damage by 1% for every 10 base DEX, if you feel like you need more ranged damage % this card is for you.
 Brown Rat Card Dropped by Brown Rat

Market : Lookup

Atk + 3 and increase ASPD by 1% for every 10 base Str. If base Str is 120 or higher, additional Atk + 40. This card is the BiS in terms of damage for the fact that this gives +3 ATK AND 1% ASPD for every 10 base STR, also adding +40 ATK should your STR be 120 (which is easy since for DPS classes having your STR at 120 is almost intuitive in order to increase your damage. at 120 STR you'd get a total of 76 ATK and 12% ASPD. 2 effects for the price of one card is too much to pass up. Definitely aim for this card early to improve your leveling/farming speed.
 Empathizer Card Dropped by Empathizer

Market : Lookup

the Best in Slot in terms of damage boost! Combo'ed with  Dame of Sentinel Card and you get a whopping 55% ranged damage and your shield chain could demolish all!
 Happiness Giver Card Dropped by Happiness Giver

Market : Lookup

Same with Empathizer Card but for Melee damage; Combo'ed with  Mistress of Shelter Card and you get a whopping +55% melee damage which is enough to boost damage for any Melee related skill.
 Outrageous Cookie Card Footgear Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

Max HP - 2%

Additional Max HP - 2% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. Atk + 1% Additional Atk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. Matk + 1% Additional Matk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. one of the best Footgear Cards for this slot as this boosts your ATK % based on refines so if you got a boots at high refines you get ATK % bonus for it.

 Odoric Card Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

+3% ASPD, +5% Ranged ATK. If you find yourself lacking ASPD but you need more Ranged Damage this card is for you.
 Blut Hase Card Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

+3% Atk, +5% Ranged ATK. Yeps that just it no downside whatsoever thats why for damage cards for the footgear slot this is the BiS.
 Piranha Card Dropped by Piranha

Market : Lookup

Increase physical and magical damage against fish race monster by 10%.

If refine rate is 9 or higher, add an additonal damage against fish race monster by 5%. Great Card for killing Nysori.

 Revolver Buffalo Card
 Shotgun Buffalo Card
Accessory Droped by Shotgun/Revolver Buffalo

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

the best combo for the Accessory Slot; this combo gives +7 STR, +7% ATK, +7 AGI, and +7 HIT. Great for increasing overall Damage, DPS, and stats. Definitely get this asap.
 Chaotic Acolyte Card Illusion of Labyrinth

Market : Lookup

+4% After Cast Delay Reduction. If you still want more ACD reduction this card is perfect for the Left Accessory slot.
Shadow Gears
 Chain Press Shadow Glove
 Chain Press Shadow Necklace
 Chain Press Shadow Ring
 Royal Guard Shadow Shield
Class Costume Weapon, Accessories, Shield Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) Fortunately we have Shadow gears for the Shield builds and the Chain Press set is the best for it. Although you wont get the full def pierce effect (60% with a +10 Chain Press Glove and Royal Guard Shield) its better to use the Racial Penetration set to give yourself 100% Def pierce; Helpful against Bosses and normal mobs.

Only use the Royal Guard Shield and Chain Press Glove if you are farming a map that contains multiple races but for the Majority of your farming needs:

for 2323.png Earth Drive:

for 2310.png Shield Press:

  • +7-10 Chain Press Accesories + glove + Penetration Shoes and Shield + Racial Armor
 Penetration Shadow Ring
 Penetration Shadow Necklace
 Penetration Shadow Shoes
 Penetration Shadow Shield
Costume Accessories, Shield, Footgear Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) While we wait for the Full Penetration gears these Shadow gears are BiS in terms of providing 100% Defense Pierce against specific races combined with their corresponding Racial Shadow Weapons and Armor from the mentioned instances.

Use these in conjunction with the Skill Shadow gears in place of the 60% Defense pierce if you're farming a dungeon with one or majority Race.

 Racial Penetration Shadow Gloves
 Racial Penetration Shadow Armors
Costume Weapon, Armor Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) Just to reiterate, While we wait for the Full Penetration gears these Shadow gears are BiS in terms of providing 100% Defense Pierce against specific races combined with their corresponding Racial Shadow Weapons and Armor from the mentioned instances.

Use these in conjunction with the Skill Shadow gears in place of the 60% Defense pierce if you're farming a dungeon with one or majority Race.

 All Race Shadow Boots Costume Footgear Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) For 2323.png Earth Drive I personally use this together with the Penetration Accessories + Racial Weapon to get the most damage possible. 5% Racial Damage is quite big especially if used in a build that contains little to no Racial Damage modifiers.
Costume Enchants
 Melee Amber [U]
 Melee Amber [M]
 Melee Amber [L]
Costume Upper, Middle, Lower Costume Enchants Since this build only focuses on very little aspects to hit hard this is the only set you need for Earth Drive and Shield Press. 15% melee damage bonus is big for taking up the costume slots so be sure to farm this up if you can.
 Casting Onyx [G] Costume Garment Costume Enchants its just to eliminate the FCT for your cast times in some places and there isnt really anything to get. although you can use it to reduce 2317.png Over Brand's Fixed Cast Time so in effect you have 2-3 skills useable

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Theoretically, Here are the stats recommended for this Build, feel free to customize depending on your needs:

  • STR 120-130
  • AGI 110-120
  • VIT 90+
  • INT 70+
  • DEX 100
  • LUK 1

Generally our Spear Skills are mostly reliant on ATK, Ranged ATK, and ASPD to be fully effective. With this build you utilize the full extent of your spear skill's damage. You want to maximize ATK and Ranged damage mods and ASPD as much as you can get in order to decimate mobs/MVP's quickly. For this Build  Temporal Boots of Strength would matter only if you got other ways to reduce the fixed cast time of Over Brand (0.5 sec) so a  Temporal Boots of Dexterity would shine more to reduce it to 0. For ranged damage modifiers for Banishing point and Cannon Spear you can get it from other sources and Temporal Strength boots gives you raw ATK to increase your base damage. You may use  Temporal Boots of Dexterity initially (or eventually a  Casting Onyx G) to get rid of the cast time of Overbrand to maximize your spam rate for the said skills

If properly built you could go like this:

Файл:BP Harlan.gif

Poke holes into your enemies!
Big credits to Harlan for making this build shine!

Strategy (Banishing Point)

Файл:RG Skills 2.jpg

Файл:RG Skills 3.jpg

Here is a sample skill build from one of my friends. Almost the Same as Shield Chain but in this case my friend took on Inspiration and Full Throttle to maximize damage output in gunning down mobs with Banishing Point. Again, Feel free to tweak this as you see fit.

Tips and Tricks

Файл:BP Animation.gif

As you can see here having High(preferably 193 max) ASPD and taking advantage of transformations increases your DPS by a significant amount. From 3-4 Banishing Points a Second to 4-5 Banishing Points a second. So for this build ASPD is a key factor in your DPS

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Ancient Gold Ornament [1] Upper Biolab Gear

Market : Lookup

Good Headgear to get at Lv 150. Gives +2 to all stats and +8% ATK good for increasing damage Overall.
 Ship Captain Hat [1] Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

A good Headgear for Increasing our Ranged Damage output since most of our skills are Ranged attacks. Also gives DEX and HP on top of it. Not Really worth refining this since it has no Refine Bonuses but

nonetheless a good Upper Headgear to get.

 Monocle [1] Middle Dropped by Owl Viscount in the Nightmare Clock Tower

Market : Lookup

Budget Middle Headgear slot to get in another card slot in to maximize damage or DPS(cast time reduction). Pretty much a need since you'd need much stats as you can get to reach faster cast times. (Highly suggested in this slot: Essence of Evil Str 3 or  Essence of Evil Agi 3 if you need more ASPD).
 Sigrun's Wings Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

This Middle headgear slot gives a Bonus +1 ASPD if worn by a Swordsman, Thief, Taekwon/Star Gladiator Class. Get this Headgear if you want to increase your ASPD for Spamming Banishing Point
 Gangster Scarf Lower Shop

Market : Lookup

A Lower Headgear that Provides ATK + 5, Well no further explanation needed on what it does but this certainly gives you raw ATK that can increase you damage early on in game.
 Well-Chewed Pencil Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

Another good lower equipment but this time boosts DEX by 2 and HIT by 3%, If you need more HIT this also works well for this build.
 Poison Breath Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

One of the best Lower Headgears that combos with Giant Snake Skin; Provides tons of stats depending on the user's base stats sorta like a weak version of the  Vicious Mind Aura +  Fallen Warrior Manteau. Defnitely get this if you're going for a  Giant Snake Skin.
 Rosary in Mouth Custom Headgears Quest

Market : Lookup

If you need more stats and damage go for this one as this provides +1 all stats and +5 ATK. This can be Awakened to increase its bonus stats.
 Scarlet Rose Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

This headgear boosts ATK, MATK by 1% and gives a small 30 SP boost. Pretty Good in increasing ATK % once you got good equipment that already has a high equipment ATK.
Best In Slot
 Stripe Cap [1] Upper Endeavor Tokens

Market : Lookup

The New contender for early game Headgears. The new line gives either +20 ATK or MATK and at certain refines gives a bonus to Ranged Atk% or Variable Cast Time. These are amazing substitutes/End Game Gear because this doesnt need +11 refines to reach full potential. Definitely pick one up if you have the coins.
 Fancy Feather Hat [1] Cash Shop/Main Office 2nd flr or Market

Market : Lookup

One of the best in slot for Banishing Point going into late game. Even at +7 it already provides +45 ATK and +7% Long Ranged ATK. try to get this to atleast +9 to feel its power.
 Illusion Hot-blooded Headband [1] Illusion of Teddy Bear

Market : Lookup

A budget option for the current meta. The base effects alone gives it a good base for damage but once refined at +11 and enchanted with 2x  Powerful Nive this would give you the best damage possible.
 Temporal Circlet [1] Glastheim Challenge Mode

Market : Lookup

The BiS for Vanishing point; with this Vanishing Point has made a great return to being its old MVP tool status although slightly weaker than shield chain but its more than enough to stand with Shield Chain in terms of single target damage outside MH with its ability to be enchanted with Bio 5 enchants so take your pick in whatever makes your build shine! Personally Id choose Mettle for the Atk% and Hit which helps in making Banishing Point hit more consistently against high flee mobs but you can go Master Archer if you feel like you lack Ranged % mods.
 Magical Booster [1] Middle Biolab Gear

Market : Lookup

One of the BiS since it can have an Enchant of + ATK/ASPD and ATK/Long Ranged ATK % giving you the best possible way to spam and have more damage and DPS. This can be Awakened to give you more options in terms of Gear and once awakened can combo with  +9 Violet Halo [1] to give you ridiculous Ranged damage.

For Banishing Point this is amazing

 Victory Wing Ears Ancient Juperos

Market : Lookup

Probably the new BiS for the Middle slot due to it already providing ATK, MATK, and ACD by default, its unsocketed version holds a higher stat but adding as slot opens it up to different enchants even surpassing the Magical Booster and New Wave Sunglasses.
 Vicious Mind Aura Lower EDDA Bio

Market : Lookup

If comboed with  Fallen Warrior Manteau the power of this lower slot would shine. Gives a ton of stats(ATK, ASPD, MATK, Neutral Resist, Crit, After Cast Delay) for one slot. Definitely the best in this slot ONLY if you're going to use a Fallen Warrior Manteau.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 +7-9 Abusive Robe [1] Armor Banquet for Heroes

Market : Lookup

Another good Armor but this time it provides DEX,improve Concentration Lv 1, and the ability to bypass the defense of Demon, Undead, and Demi-Human (basically most of PVM) by 4% per Refine. This is best enchanted with 2x  Powerful Nive or  Dextrous Nive to get the most damage for your Banishing Point.
 YSF01 Plate [1] Werner's Laboratory:Central Room

Market : Lookup

an Offensive Armor choice as this gives ATK % per Upgrade level and a bonus ATK % at certain refines should the user's STR is atleast 125 or higher. Also comboes with  YSF01 Manteau [1] and  YSF01 Greaves [1] to provide ACD and most importantly ASPD, at certain refines.
Best In Slot
 Illusion Armor A-Type [1] Armor Illusion Equipments and Enchants

Market : Lookup

The BiS Armor IMO. Provides +100 ATK, +10 ATK every 2 Refine, And can combo off with  Illusion Engine Wing A-Type [1] to give you +50 ATK. Refined at +9 and Properly Enchanted with 2x Modification Orb (Power) and  Modification Orb (Shooter) would give you the best damage and ASPD for Banishing Point.
 Str Soutane [1] Odin Temple 4

Market : Lookup

One of the BiS for damage as this armor provides +10% HP and SP, +3% ATK per 2 Refine, +5 STR per 3 Refine, and 10% ASPD, Properly Refined to atleast +9 and Enchanted with  Str Blessing and 2x Str Enchants this could be a contender. Since you dont need After Cast Delay here this is an Amazing Armor to have in general in giving you the best possible damage.
 Automatic Armor A-Type [1] Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

Upon the release of Episode 17.2 this became the new BiS for all armors atleast(B-Type for the Magic Class) since the Automatic line can host the upgraded versions of existing enchants on an illusion armor but now has the addition of the Skill Specific enchants and ofcourse the enchants for this armor would definitely be 2x  Automatic Module (Vanishing Canon) with the last slot open for alot of options but preferably  Automatic Module (Power),  Automatic Module (Range Force).

For Over Brand it is recommended you get 2x  Automatic Module (Power) and  Automatic Module (Delay After Skill) to maximize your DPS for the skill. Pretty self explainatory btw do not get Attacker Force for Power provides all the bulk of your ATK and Melee %.

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Crimson Spear [2]
One-Handed Spear
Dropped by Naga or Stem Worm

Market : Lookup

Formerly a luxury spear due to its effect of having ATK+ (Refine*Refine) effect, Element Pre-endowed, and 2 Card slots in its kit but still a pretty great starting weapon for general use in farming and leveling. Best element to get is a Holy endowed or Fire endowed spear since most Mobs in PVM are either weak to Fire or Holy.
 Vicious Mind Spear [1] Sky Fortress

Market : Lookup

The upgraded version of the  Crimson Spear. Has the same effect as the spear but this one comes pre-enchanted and can be re-enchanted with 3 various effects that make it a step up to the Crimson Spear but at a cost of only one Card Slot. Enchanted right this weapon could be a main weapon for late game content.
 Imperial Spear [1] Dropped by One-Horned Scaraba

Market : Lookup

A Great Weapon to use for Banishing point Builds due to its effect of giving +20% damage to Banishing Point and Cannon Spear and also an additional +3% damage to both skills for every 2 refines. Combo with  Imperial Guard and you'd get bonus damage to Grand Cross, Genesis Ray, and Shield Press plus this weapon can be enchanted too with Malangdo Enchants (Mainly Expert Archer) to increase your Banishing Point Damage further.
Best In Slot
 Boost Lance-OS [2]
One-Handed Spear
Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

A weapon from the Illusion Quest Line. Like a weaker version of  Blocking Spear [1] this provides ASPD and ATK but also Direct boost to Banishing Point. Can also be enchanted to have ATK and Ranged Physical Damage % to increase its damage. You might find this weapon scarcely available in this server due to very little supply but should you want to make this weapon be sure to follow the Illusion Quest line.
 Blocking Spear [2] Einbech 3

Market : Lookup

A weapon that can potentially surpass Fortridge in terms of use (aka Boss damage modifier and Racial modifiers) for Over Brand. While Fortridge might be the general weapon for Over Brand, this weapon, just like the claw sword is a good all around weapon to use due to its versatility and enchants especially good for MH (For Nysori Fish damage%, For Garronath Dragon damage %), plus it has a 20% after cast delay making this weapon much more forgiving in terms of after cast delay giving way to more damage or resist choices. A somewhat okay choice for Banishing Point but we already have Aquatic Spear for it.
 Aquatic Spear [2] Ancient Hero Equipments

Market : Lookup

The former BiS for Banishing Point and Cannon Spear due to the fact that this increases Ranged ATK %, ATK, and both Banishing Point and Cannon Spear by alot. This can also be enchanted with Damage% to races and Also more Ranged Damage% to add to its ridiculous Ranged % modifier. since the release of its patent version you may now upgrade and use the said patent Version.
 Patent Aquatic Spear [2] Ancient Hero Equipments

Market : Lookup

Sub BiS and upgrade of the Aquatic Spear for Banishing Point and Cannon Spear due to the fact that this increases Ranged ATK %, ATK, and both Banishing Point and Cannon Spear by alot more! This can also be enchanted with Damage% to races and Also more Ranged Damage% to add to its ridiculous Ranged % modifier.
 Illusion Gelerdria [2] Edda Biolabs

Market : Lookup

Oddly enough the true BiS for Banishing Point and Cannon Spear due to the fact that it can combo with the  Illusion Hot-blooded Headband [1]. as its base it has +15 Crit (Helpful for Cannon Spear's 120+ crit requirement), +10% HP, and a ton more bonuses but after some research and for both skills specifically this is the BiS.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Imperial Guard [1]
Dropped by Rake-Horned Scaraba

Market : Lookup

A combo shield with  Imperial Spear, Its effects have been mentioned on the General Weapons Description
 Sacred Mission [1] Dropped by Incarnation of Morocc(Unslotted), Dropped by illusion of Frozen mobs(Slotted)

Market : Lookup

One of the best shields for the Royal Guard Class, Provides +3 VIT, +2 INT, 3 MDEF, and is indestructible. Can be Evolved to its Illusion counterpart:  Illusion Sacred Mission, which has the highest defense (190) for a shield currently in game. Its illusion Counterpart can be enchanted with the different Nives to strengthen different builds (Overbrand/Cannon Spear, Banishing Point, Tanking).
 Knight's Shield [1] Shop at the Main Office

Market : Lookup

An offensive shield due to the shield giving ATK and MATK +3%, +10% ASPD, and 7% all properties resistance. Definitely a free item if you collect enough Endeavor tokens from doing Gramps and worth refining and evolving to a  Purified Knight's Shield for your late game offensive shield.
Best In Slot
 Purified Knight's Shield [1]
Cursed Knight's Shield Purification

Market : Lookup

The Evolved form of  Knight's Shield [1]. You can get 3 Enchants in this form unlike its counterpart  Bloody Knight's Shield [1] giving you more options in terms of damage or resistance. For Damage definitely go for DEF pierce of Boss/Normal Mobs to get the most damage as Banishing Point currently deals less than Shield Chain.

Kinda Outdated ever since Shadow gears became tradeable and this only serves as a way to get perfect size mods but with a Mount you already ignore sizes and this used to be the best to get After Cast Delay too but with the introduction of  Illusion Silver Guard [1] (which also gives After Cast Delay but 1% more than PKS) this became obsolete.

 Illusion Sacred Mission [1] Illusion of Frozen

Market : Lookup

The Evolved Form of of the  Sacred Mission [1]. Best Enchanted with  Powerful Nive or  Dextrous Nive for the best damage.
 Illusion Silver Guard [1] Illusion of Frozen

Market : Lookup

Same as Illusion Sacred Mission minus the Earth Drive bonuses but provides After Cast Delay instead! Best Enchanted with 2x  Powerful Nive for the best damage. An alternative if you dont want to use the Illusion Sacred Mission IMO.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Giant Snake Skin [1] Garment Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

A good alternative garment. Now this time aim for atleast mostly STR enchants to increase your damage. Can also combo with  Poison Breath and  Temporal Boots of Strength [1] or  PTemporal Boots of Dexterity [1]for some nice stats.
 +9 Illusion Engine Wing A-Type [1] Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

A good Alternative to get ATK% early on ; comboed with  Illusion Armor A-Type [1] and  Illusion Leg A-type [1]and enchanted with 2x Modification Module(Fast) and a  Modification Module(Above All) [1]

and you'd get the best ATK and ASPD to spam your Banishing Point.

Best In Slot
 +9 Illusion Engine Wing B-Type [1] Garment Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

One of the BiS for early and late game due to the fact that it can combo with  Illusion Armor A-Type to provide and additional 10% After Cast Delay. Enchanted with 2x  Modification Module(Fast) [1] and  Modification Module(Above All) [1] and you could spam your Overbrand to your heart's content.
 +9 Fallen Angel Wings [1] Fallen Angel Wings

Market : Lookup

On its own it lacks in stats but enchanted with 3x  Expert Archer 4-5 and you'd get the best Damage for its price. Definitely a good garment to use in general
 King Schmidt's Manteau [1] Fall of Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

A Surprisingly decent choice for this slot as this can be enchanted with various enchants like  Expert Archer 4-5 and  Fighting Spirit for dirt cheap. Enchanted right and you could be using this as a main garment mid-late game
 Fallen Warrior Manteau [1] Tomb of the Fallen

Market : Lookup

A good contender in terms of overall stats and damage and the combo piece with  Vicious Mind Aura. Almost all DPS classes that has a spam skill go for this and the combo overall is powerful for its slot.
 Temporal Str Manteau [1] Legacy of Glastheim

Market : Lookup

Currenttly the Best in Slot for garments. The manteau line give a standard +10 ATK every 2 refines but each has its own spin with Str Manteau giving Bonus 1% Atk per 2 Refines, 5% damage to all sizes damage every 4 refines, + 7% ATK at +7 refine, and combined with  Temporal Boots of Strength [1] and you'd get a +50 ATK bonus. But the biggest deal for this Manteau is the possible +15% all size damage bonus perfect for increasing damage to your kit.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Illusion Leg A-type [1] Footgear Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

An offensive footgear that combos with the other illusion Equipment. Gives +5% Long ranged damage at +7 and when comboed with  Illusion Armor A-Type [1]

gives +5% ATK. Like its illusion partners this can be enchanted with Modification Modules to further enhance your damage ( Modification Module(Overpower) [1]) and decrease the Fixed Cast Time of Shield Chain ( Modification Module(Fixed Casting) [1]).

 Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

Ever since the rework of Over Brand, this skill got a 0.5sec fixed cast time so in order to eliminate that you would need this footgear and is pretty much BiS for the early game builds  Fighting Spirit 4-5 and

 Bear's Might and can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1]'s Special Enchant ( Strong Enchant) to provide you with the best stats and Damage Possible.

 +0-4 Temporal Boots of Strength [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

Even if its unrefined and un-enchanted its a solid choice for Banishing Point and Cannon Spear builds as this provides +MHP, +MSP, and +7 ATK every 3 refines but most importantly +50 ATK if the user's STR is 120. Boosts the damage of the said builds (Especially Cannon Spear as the damage increases the higher your STR and ATK gets) considerably.
Best In Slot
 +6-9 Temporal Boots of Strength [1]} Footgear Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

A solid choice and BiS for All Spear builds in general (see Costume Stone section) as this provides +MHP, +MSP, and +7 ATK every 3 refines but most importantly +50 ATK if the user's STR is 120. This Boosts the damage of the said builds (Especially Cannon Spear as the damage increases the higher your STR and ATK gets) considerably. Best enchants are  Fighting Spirit 7 (or  Expert Archer 4-5 for ranged bonus)and

 Bear's Might and can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1]'s Special Enchant ( Strong Enchant) to provide you with the best stats and Damage Possible.

 +6-9 Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

Ever since the rework of Over Brand, this skill got a 0.5sec fixed cast time so in order to eliminate that early on you would need this footgear and is pretty much and alternative for the build  Fighting Spirit 4-5 and

 Bear's Might and can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1]'s Special Enchant ( Strong Enchant) to provide you with the best stats and Damage Possible.

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Royal Guard Ring [1] Accessory Dropped by Lich King

Market : Lookup

A pretty good alternative for increasing your damage due to the fact that this can be enchanted with  Fighting Spirit/ Expert Archer 4-5 and  STR+4
 Illusion Booster L [1] Illusion Equipments

Market: Lookup

I only placed the Left accessory here for the reason that the  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1] would be the BiS for the left accessory Slot. this is best enchanted with  Expert Archer 4-5 or  Fighting Spirit and  ASPD 4 to increase your damage and ASPD.
Best In Slot
 Illusion Booster R [1] Accessory Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

An offensive Right Accessory that can be identically enchanted like the  Illusion Booster L [1]. Having both at early to mid-late game would be good to increase your Banishing point Damage early.
 King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1] Fall of Glast Heim

Market: Lookup

The best offensive left Accessory due to the fact that it can combo with the  Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1]'s Bear's Might enchant ( Strong Enchant). Can also have an  Expert Archer 4-5 and  STR+4 to further increase your damage.
 Automatic Booster R [1] Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

As Mentioned in the Armors section this is the best upgrade for the old Illusion Equipment with also upgraded enchants, this time you can opt to have  Automatic Module (Str) (aside from +3 Str it has a bonus 2% atk) to increase your damage output alongside with the usual EA and ASPD enchants.
 Brilliant Light Ruby Ring [1]
 Brilliant Light Aquamarine Ring [1]
 Sinful Ruby Ring [1]
 Brilliant Light Ruby [1]
Thanatos Tower Revamp Quest

Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup

A very situational gear but is quite enough to overpower a fully enchanted Automatic Booster just for its enchants and a large boost in damage against Demon/Angel/Dragon type mobs. Definitelly an upgrade but be warned it only boosts atleast in the 1-3% range in damage assuming you get atk +7-10% on the first enchant so sticking to an auto booster is quite okay but at its price range it is definitely an alternative!
Best In Slot
 Essence of Evil Str 3
 Essence of Evil Dex 3
Any Slot Temple of the Demon God

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

These pieces of Essence act like cards the only difference is they dont have a specific slot so they can be placed anywhere that has a card slot and acts as Slot fillers if you need more stats. Str 3 gives +4 STR,

+12 ATK at the cost of -4 INT; good for increasing overall damage(Banishing Point/Overbrand/Cannon Spear/Shield Chain) and Dex 3 provides +4 DEX, +8 HIT at the cost of -4 LUK; great for decreasing cast

time and HIT(Shield Chain)

 Furious Hero Card Headgear Dropped by Furious Hero

Market : Lookup

+2% ATK and a small percentage to cast 8.png Endure on yourself with each attack.
 Purple Ferus Card Dropped by Purple Ferus

Market : Lookup

New BiS card due to the fact that it gives +3% ATK by default and +1% more ATK per 4 Refine. On a +9-12 Headgear this would give you the best damage possible.
 Engkanto Card Dropped by Engkanto

Market : Lookup

For Monster hunter purposes; If you plan to kill Garronath (Yes. We. Can. especially with this build. Stay tuned for the MH Section) you'll need this as it provides +30% more damage to Poison Element mobs.
 Hardworking Pitman Card Armor Dropped by Hardworking Pitman

Market : Lookup

+5% ATK and +10 HIT, if the armor refine is 10 or higher additional +5 HIT. Clearly a no-brainer for increasing damage in the armor slot
 Marc Card Dropped by Marc

Market : Lookup

If you're planning to Hunt Nysori you'll need this to get immunity from freeze.
 Dame of Sentinel Card Dropped by Dame of Sentinel

Market : Lookup

This card to be a useless card or a budget card option to get more DEX stats but combo'ed with  Empathizer Card and you'd get the best of both worlds! You get extra DEX for reaching instacast and also a +55% ranged damage bonus which is a huge boost for a regular monster card. Although be careful since you will not be able to swap with a resist card like Bathory or Evil Druid so if you plan to use any resist card I suggest you get an armor swap to handle that.
 Mistress of Shelter Card Dropped by Mistress of Shelter

Market : Lookup

Same as  Dame of Sentinel Card in terms of effect but gives INT instead of DEX but combo'ed with  Happiness Giver Card and you'll get the same effects as Empathizer card but for the rare Melee damage which is more than enough to boost Overbrand (and Earth Drive) to the million territory.
 Contaminated Wanderer Card Weapon Dropped by Contaminated Wanderer

Market : Lookup

+30% more damage against Medium and Large size mobs. AKA the size of mobs generally in PVM.
 White Knight Card Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

ATK + 15.

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 20%.

[+ Khalitzburg Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

A staple card in any builds that uses a Shield as this card provides all the damage you need to battle PVM. This +  Contaminated Wanderer Card in your  Harve [2] means the best damage and DPS for Banishing Point

 Greater Research Assistant Bot Card Dropped by Greater Research Assistant Bot

Market : Lookup

When compounded on Spear or Two-handed Spear, increases long ranged physical damage by 10%.

Increases long ranged physical damage by additional 2% per 2 refine rate of weapon.

A Combo piece with  Broken Security Beta Card Card,  Verporta Card

 Khalitzburg Knight Card Shield Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

DEF + 20.

Receive 25% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

[+  White Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

A staple card in any builds that uses a Shield as this card provides all the defense you need to battle PVM.

 Menblatt Card Garment Dropped by Menblatt

Market : Lookup

Increases Ranged Damage by 1% for every 10 base DEX, if you feel like you need more ranged damage % this card is for you.
 Brown Rat Card Dropped by Brown Rat

Market : Lookup

Atk + 3 and increase ASPD by 1% for every 10 base Str. If base Str is 120 or higher, additional Atk + 40. This card is the BiS in terms of damage for the fact that this gives +3 ATK AND 1% ASPD for

every 10 base STR, also adding +40 ATK should your STR be 120 (which is easy since for DPS classes having your STR at 120 is almost intuitive in order to increase your damage. at 120 STR you'd get a total

of 76 ATK and 12% ASPD. 2 effects for the price of one card is too much to pass up. Definitely aim for this card early to improve your leveling/farming speed.

 Empathizer Card Dropped by Empathizer

Market : Lookup

the Best in Slot in terms of damage boost! Combo'ed with  Dame of Sentinel Card and you get a whopping 55% ranged damage and your shield chain could demolish all!
 Happiness Giver Card Dropped by Happiness Giver

Market : Lookup

Same with Empathizer Card but for Melee damage; Combo'ed with  Mistress of Shelter Card and you get a whopping +55% melee damage which is enough to boost damage for any Melee related skill.
 Outrageous Cookie Card Footgear Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

Max HP - 2%

Additional Atk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. Matk + 1% Additional Matk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. one of the best Footgear Cards for this slot as this boosts your ATK % based on refines so if you got a boots at high refines you get ATK % bonus for it.

 Odoric Card Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

+3% ASPD, +5% Ranged ATK. If you find yourself lacking ASPD but you need more Ranged Damage this card is for you.
 Blut Hase Card Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

+3% Atk, +5% Ranged ATK. A Pretty general footgear boosting card for Banishing Point. You get the best of both worlds in terms of Atk% and Ranged%. Might not be for Overbrand (Since you'll be using Ominous Freezer for this slot) but a great offensive card nonetheless
 Ominous Freezer Card Illusion of Abyss

Market : Lookup

+10% Max HP, +2 STR

If Base Level is 160: +10% damage to Overbrand and Hundred Spear If refined to +9: additional +10% to Overbrand and Hundred Spear

Well self explainatory for the card itself, If you wanna boost your Overbrand damage this is your go to card for the footgear slot.

 Verporta Card Dropped by Verporta

Market : Lookup

Str + 2.

MaxHP + 10%, MaxSP + 10%. Increases Magnum Break damage by 25%.

A Combo piece with  Broken Security Beta Card Card and

 Revolver Buffalo Card
 Shotgun Buffalo Card
Accessory Droped by Shotgun/Revolver Buffalo

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

the best combo for the Accessory Slot; this combo gives +7 STR, +7% ATK, +7 AGI, and +7 HIT. Great for increasing overall Damage, DPS, and stats. Definitely get this asap.
 Gigantes Card Sarah and Fenrir

Market : Lookup

Bonus raw ATK is always welcome but be careful this reduces your ASPD. Get it if you think you have enough ASPD
 Broken Security Beta Card Dropped by Broken Security Beta

Market : Lookup

Vit + 3.

MaxHP + 10%, increases Vanishing Point and Cannon Spear damage by 10%. [+ Verporta Card] [+ Greater Research Assistant Bot Card]. Increases Vanishing Point and Cannon Spear damage by 20%, increases Vanishing Point damage by additional 5% per 2 refine rate of shoes and increases Cannon Spear damage by additional 5% per 2 refine rate of weapon.

Come on its a no brainer this is a direct damage boost for this build. Gives more if you decide to get the combo cards(which you will)

*NOTE: You only get the combo effect once per card combo, slotting in another of the this would only give you the "Vit + 3 MaxHP + 10%, increases Vanishing Point and Cannon Spear damage by 10%" effect just like stacking 2  White Knight Cards with a  Khalitzburg Knight Card] you will only get the combo effect once per combo pair

Shadow Gears
 Banishing Cannon Shadow Glove
 Banishing Cannon Shadow Necklace
 Banishing Cannon Shadow Ring
 Royal Guard Shadow Glove
Class Costume Weapon, Accessories, Shield Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) Ever Since the constant release of gears and reworks we've been getting a ton of boost for 2308.png Banishing Point and 2307.png Cannon Spear with the notable Boots having access to cooldown reduction for Cannon Spear (0.5s at +10 refine). Together with the  Royal Guard Onyx Set this reduces the cooldown of Cannon Spear by 1s giving you a total of 0.7s remaining cooldown for Cannon Spear enabling it to be spammed every second. Only use the Glove and Shield combo if you're farming a map with multiple races but if not use this set in conjunction with the Racial Penetration Shadow gears to reach 100% Defense Pierce.
 Penetration Shadow Ring
 Penetration Shadow Necklace
 Penetration Shadow Shoes
 Penetration Shadow Shield
Costume Accessories, Shield, Footgear Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) While we wait for the Full Penetration gears these Shadow gears are BiS in terms of providing 100% Defense Pierce against specific races combined with their corresponding Racial Shadow Weapons and Armor from the mentioned instances.

Use these in conjunction with the Skill Shadow gears in place of the 60% Defense pierce if you're farming a dungeon with one or majority Race.

 Racial Penetration Shadow Gloves
 Racial Penetration Shadow Armors
Costume Weapon, Armor Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) Just to reiterate, While we wait for the Full Penetration gears these Shadow gears are BiS in terms of providing 100% Defense Pierce against specific races combined with their corresponding Racial Shadow Weapons and Armor from the mentioned instances.

Use these in conjunction with the Skill Shadow gears in place of the 60% Defense pierce if you're farming a dungeon with one or majority Race.

Costume Enchants
 Paladin Onyx [U]
 Paladin Onyx [M]
 Paladin Onyx [L]
Costume Upper, Middle, Lower Costume Enchants One of the builds that fortunately got the Class Stone treatment. The Combo set gives Bonuses to 2308.png Banishing Point and a cd reduction to 2307.png Cannon Spear and also Ranged Damage, SP leech, Max HP%.
 Royal Guard Onyx [G] Costume Garment Costume Enchants on its own it only boosts 2308.png Banishing Point by 15% but combo'ed with  Paladin Onyx [M] and it reduces 2307.png Cannon Spear's cooldown by 0.5s as mentioned in the shadow gears section. but technically get the whole Onyx set to get the most damage possible.

Click here to go back to the Table of Contents.

Путь Героя Разбивающего Копья (Сверхбренд)


Recommended Stats:

  • STR 120-130
  • AGI 50+
  • VIT 100+
  • INT 90+
  • DEX 100(for Hit Purposes) 120(If you're using temporal dex boots)
  • LUK 1+

OverBrand is such a straight forward build that you need to get as much STR, ATK, Melee Physical %, After Cast Delay, and Skill% modifiers from gears that boost the damage of Overbrand. As Such,  Old Casket of Protection is the Core in this build as these items provide the best damage output for OverBrand.

I cannot stress enough that Overbrand has a 0.5 sec fixed cast time so definitely do the New Eden Quests to get a Noblesse/Imperial/Grace Set in order to nullify its cast time.


It could go faster but this is all the ACD I have but you get the idea

Файл:New Skills.jpg

Файл:RG Skills 3.jpg

This is your main leveling kit starting out as a Royal Guard. In this current patch Over Brand now deals damage in an AOE around you (similar to 2005.png Wind Cutter ) so you dont have to worry of repositioning again you can just spam the skill to kill. You need at least 63% after cast delay to spam this skill since it now has a 0.35 sec fixed cooldown and a 1 sec cast delay so getting a decent amount of ACD gears is a must as well as stacking Melee Damage. Think of this as Wind Cutter again. On some tests at 30+% the spam is very much noticeable now so you can spam it to your heart's content.

For Skills You may Refer to the Shield Chain or Banishing Point Build as these builds are similar in terms of Skill point distribution but the main focus of this build is well, Overbrand and Cannon Spear. Feel Free to tweak to you liking

Tips and Tricks

RG can still go Brrr but its much better now!

Since the current rework Over Brand you just need to learn how to bring mobs closer and hit those skills. But just because the skill is now easier to use doesn't mean it requires no tactic. Your main knock back now would be 7.png Magnum Break since Over Brand loses its knock back and you only have little breathing room to cast skills due to the short 2 cell knock back distance of Magnum break. Since our skills got reworked we now have a combo for our skills:

Here is the breakdown:

Gather Mobs First to kill -> use 7.png Magnum Break to knock them back a bit -> use 2320.png Moon Slasher to open the attack and boost the damage of Over Brand -> Finally spam 2317.png Over Brand till the mobs die.

For Over Brand you'd need atleast 60% ACD to spam the skill just think pre-rework Wind Cutter but with spears and shields and non def piercing so its essential you need alot of ACD gears and DEF pierce to make this skill shine.

Monster Hunter Tank

You could go faster if you build enough after cast delay

For MH you pretty much build for Overbrand since that skill can do much damage that you dont need to be in a DPS role to do your job. For this build you simply have to have your  +8-12 Old Casket of Protection have  Adamantine Lv 5 (If you have an Old casket with Unyielding you may have to create a new Old HG for the purpose of tanking) and have the proper shadow gears for different great mobs (Homer/Fisher for Nysori, Dragoon/Poison for Garronath with your Penetration Set).

Simply pickup the Tank Role on the MH role assistant and just spam Overbrand. As usual lure the great mob using Sentinel and cast Climatic Fury when needed. Ever since the changes in how aggro works on MH you will need to do DPS while tanking so learning how to manage your HP is vital here. You may Pickup resist gears to help in tanking but make sure your DPS does not suffer or else the great mobs will come after your other party members.

Playing with Devo/Support tank in this setup would only prove to be a liability than an asset to your team due to again, MH prioritizing Damage to maintain aggro for tanks

Long Story Short: Build Overbrand, replace  Mettle with  Adamantine Lv 5, get the necessary shadow gears, Enjoy

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Ancient Gold Ornament [1] Upper Biolab Gear

Market : Lookup

Good Headgear to get at Lv 150. Gives +2 to all stats and +8% ATK good for increasing damage Overall.
 Monocle [1] Middle Dropped by Owl Viscount in the Nightmare Clock Tower

Market : Lookup

Budget Middle Headgear slot to get in another card slot in to maximize damage or DPS(cast time reduction). Pretty much a need since you'd need much stats as you can get to reach faster cast times. (Highly suggested in this slot: Essence of Evil Str 3 or  Essence of Evil Agi 3 if you need more ASPD).
 Sigrun's Wings Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

This Middle headgear slot gives a Bonus +1 ASPD if worn by a Swordsman, Thief, Taekwon/Star Gladiator Class. Get this Headgear if you want to increase your ASPD for Spamming Banishing Point
 Gangster Scarf Lower Shop

Market : Lookup

A Lower Headgear that Provides ATK + 5, Well no further explanation needed on what it does but this certainly gives you raw ATK that can increase you damage early on in game.
 Poison Breath Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

One of the best Lower Headgears that combos with Giant Snake Skin; Provides tons of stats depending on the user's base stats sorta like a weak version of the  Vicious Mind Aura +  Fallen Warrior Manteau. Defnitely get this if you're going for a  Giant Snake Skin.
 Rosary in Mouth Custom Headgears Quest

Market : Lookup

If you need more stats and damage go for this one as this provides +1 all stats and +5 ATK. This can be Awakened to increase its bonus stats.
 Scarlet Rose Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

This headgear boosts ATK, MATK by 1% and gives a small 30 SP boost. Pretty Good in increasing ATK % once you got good equipment that already has a high equipment ATK.
Best In Slot
 Old Casket of Protection [1] Upper Tomb of the Fallen

Market : Lookup

The Best in Slot for Overbrand; A good offensive and a versatile Headgear for its stats especially the special enchants it can have ( Mettle or  Unyielding if you need more Melee Damage%) Good for late game if you have a ton of ATK already. This is the Best in Slot gear to get for this boosts our Damage output (now that they boosted Over Brand's Bonus to 15% instead of 5% per 2 refine you can now achieve even more damage!).

For Monster Hunter, you ought to get  Adamantine for tanking purposes due to the 300 DEF and 100 MDEF Bonus it gives.

 Stripe Cap [1] Endeavor Tokens

Market : Lookup

The New contender for early game Headgears. The new line gives either +20 ATK or MATK and at certain refines gives a bonus to Ranged Atk% or Variable Cast Time. These are amazing substitutes/End Game Gear because this doesnt need +11 refines to reach full potential. Definitely pick one up if you have the coins.
 Illusion Hot-blooded Headband [1] Illusion of Teddy Bear

Market : Lookup

A budget option for the current meta. The base effects alone gives it a good base for damage but once refined at +11 and enchanted with 2x  Powerful Nive this would give you the best damage possible.
 Magical Booster [1] Middle Biolab Gear

Market : Lookup

One of the BiS since it can have an Enchant of + ATK/ASPD and ATK/Long Ranged ATK % giving you the best possible way to spam and have more damage and DPS. This can be Awakened to give you more options in terms of Gear and once awakened can combo with  +9 Violet Halo [1] to give you ridiculous Ranged damage.

For Banishing Point this is amazing

 New Wave Sunglasses Custom Headgear Quests

Market : Lookup

Gives 10% After Cast Delay to help you spam Overbrand faster. Like the headgear above this can be Awakened to give you a card slot but the price is 5% less after Cast Delay.

For any builds that require ACD (Overbrnad/Hesperus Lit/ Shield Chain) this is BiS for this slot

 Vicious Mind Aura Lower EDDA Bio

Market : Lookup

If comboed with  Fallen Warrior Manteau the power of this lower slot would shine. Gives a ton of stats(ATK, ASPD, MATK, Neutral Resist, Crit, After Cast Delay) for one slot. Definitely the best in this slot ONLY if you're going to use a Fallen Warrior Manteau.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 +7-9 Abusive Robe [1] Armor Banquet for Heroes

Market : Lookup

Another good Armor but this time it provides DEX,improve Concentration Lv 1, and the ability to bypass the defense of Demon, Undead, and Demi-Human (basically most of PVM) by 4% per Refine. This is best enchanted with 2x  Powerful Nive or  Dextrous Nive to get the most damage.
 YSF01 Plate [1] Werner's Laboratory:Central Room

Market : Lookup

an Offensive Armor choice as this gives ATK % per Upgrade level and a bonus ATK % at certain refines should the user's STR is atleast 125 or higher. Also comboes with  YSF01 Manteau [1] and  YSF01 Greaves [1] to provide ACD and most importantly ASPD, at certain refines.
 Excellion Armor Verus Equipment Exchange

Market : Lookup

A great Armor for providing VIT, HP, ATK(With ATK Reactors), and ACD early on (combo with  Excellion Wing, Perfect gears for starting Overbrand with the After Cast Delay bonus.
Best In Slot
 Illusion Armor A-Type [1] Armor Illusion Equipments and Enchants

Market : Lookup

The BiS Armor IMO. Provides +100 ATK, +10 ATK every 2 Refine, And can combo off with  Illusion Engine Wing A-Type [1] to give you +50 ATK. Refined at +9 and Properly Enchanted with 2x Modification Orb (Power) and  Modification Orb (Delay After Skill) would give you the best damage and After Cast Delay for Overbrand.
 Automatic Armor A-Type [1] Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

Upon the release of Episode 17.2 this became the new BiS for all armors atleast(B-Type for the Magic Class) since the Automatic line can host the upgraded versions of existing enchants on an illusion armor but now has the addition of the Skill Specific enchants and ofcourse the enchants for this armor would definitely be

For Over Brand it is recommended you get 2x  Automatic Module (Power) and  Automatic Module (Delay After Skill) to maximize your DPS for the skill. Pretty self explainatory btw do not get Attacker Force for Power provides all the bulk of your ATK and Melee %.

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Crimson Spear [2]
One-Handed Spear
Dropped by Naga or Stem Worm

Market : Lookup

Formerly a luxury spear due to its effect of having ATK+ (Refine*Refine) effect, Element Pre-endowed, and 2 Card slots in its kit but still a pretty great starting weapon for general use in farming and leveling. Best element to get is a Holy endowed or Fire endowed spear since most Mobs in PVM are either weak to Fire or Holy.
 Vicious Mind Spear [1] Sky Fortress

Market : Lookup

The upgraded version of the  Crimson Spear. Has the same effect as the spear but this one comes pre-enchanted and can be re-enchanted with 3 various effects that make it a step up to the Crimson Spear but at a cost of only one Card Slot. Enchanted right this weapon could be a main weapon for late game content.
 Metal Stick [3] Dropped by Metal Spider(MVP)

Market : Lookup

A good contender for Overbrand and Cannon Spear as this boosts its damage by 25% and 10% respectively at higher Refines and also gives a 15% After Cast Delay Reduction to help spam Overbrand more. Its power lies in the 3 card slot it has for a Lv 4 weapon so having 2x Contaminated Wanderer Cardand a  White Knight Card would significantly boost your overall damage.
Best In Slot
 Blocking Spear [2]
One-Handed Spear
Einbech 3

Market : Lookup

A weapon that can potentially surpass Fortridge in terms of use (aka Boss damage modifier and Racial modifiers) for Over Brand. While Fortridge might be the general weapon for Over Brand, this weapon, just like the claw sword is a good all around weapon to use due to its versatility and enchants especially good for MH (For Nysori Fish damage%, For Garronath Dragon damage %), plus it has a 20% after cast delay making this weapon much more forgiving in terms of after cast delay giving way to more damage or resist choices. A somewhat okay choice for Banishing Point but we already have Aquatic Spear for it.
 Fortridge [1] Edda Biolabs

Market : Lookup

the BiS weapon for Overbrand and one of the best weapons for Cannon Spear. Gives 20% damage to Cannon Spear and OverBrand at certain refines and by default this gives 1% After Cast Delay Reduction per Refine rate. Same as the  Harve, when properly enchanted with  Randel's Memory gives a Whopping +25% bonus damage to Cannon Spear and 35% bonus damage to Overbrand. Its currently cheap at the market but this weapon requires alot of refines to be good but definitely worth to pick up for starting your end game gear.
Compare and Contrast: Spears(Pre Patent)
 Fortridge [2]  Blocking Spear [2]

Base ATK: 205

  • ATK + 5%
  • Reduce After Cast Delay by 1% per Refine
  • at +9, Cannon Spear Damage +20%
  • at +11 Overbrand damage +20%
  • Can have a  Randel's Memory for an extra 25% damage to Cannon Spear and +35% damage to Overbrand

stats at +15: 15% After Cast Delay Reduction, +5% Atk, +35% Overbrand Damage, and +20% Cannon Spear Damage.

  • Positives:
    • In terms of Skill damage modifiers this gives 55% to Overbrand and also adds Cannon Spear into the mix.
    • Can have Malangdo Enchants that can boost its stats more. (Fighting Spirit)
    • For general skill Boost this is King
  • Negatives:
    • Has lower base weapon ATK than Blocking Spear
    • Lower After Cast Delay than Blocking Spear
    • You'd need a Boss DEF Pierce enchanted Purified Knights Shield to make its damage consistent.

Verdict: For an Overbrand skill focused build this is the best.

Base ATK: 210

  • ATK +10%
  • Banishing Point damage +10%
  • at +7, ATK + 40, ASPD +10%
  • at +9, Banishing Point Damage +15%, chance to gain +15% all size damage(10sec)
  • at +11, After Cast Delay Reduction +20%

Stats at +15: +10% ATK, +10% ASPD, +40 ATK, +25% Banishing Point Damage, Small Chance to gain +15% damage to all sizes, and 20% After Cast Delay Reduction.

  • Positives:
    • Versatile in terms of usage due to it having having an After Cast Delay Built into it
    • Has a higher After Cast Delay Reduction than Fortridge at +11.
    • Has a higher weapon ATK than Fortridge that is good for Overbrand and Cannon Spear
    • Once the 15% bonus Size Damage procs your damage would increase drastically.
    • Can be enchanted with DEF Pierce for Normal/Boss to make damage consistent.
    • Cheaper than Fortridge
  • Negatives:
    • Doesn't have 2317.png Over Brand skill modifiers
    • Based on latest KRO patch notes the proc chance is lowered even more meaning less likely to proc upon hit

Verdict: Best for general Use and Specific Racial Targets for Overbrand

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Imperial Guard [1]
Dropped by Rake-Horned Scaraba

Market : Lookup

A combo shield with  Imperial Spear, Its effects have been mentioned on the General Weapons Description
 Sacred Mission [1] Dropped by Incarnation of Morocc(Unslotted), Dropped by illusion of Frozen mobs(Slotted)

Market : Lookup

One of the best shields for the Royal Guard Class, Provides +3 VIT, +2 INT, 3 MDEF, and is indestructible. Can be Evolved to its Illusion counterpart:  Illusion Sacred Mission, which has the highest defense (190) for a shield currently in game. Its illusion Counterpart can be enchanted with the different Nives to strengthen different builds (Overbrand/Cannon Spear, Banishing Point, Tanking).
 Knight's Shield [1] Shop at the Main Office

Market : Lookup

An offensive shield due to the shield giving ATK and MATK +3%, +10% ASPD, and 7% all properties resistance. Definitely a free item if you collect enough Endeavor tokens from doing Gramps and worth refining and evolving to a  Purified Knight's Shield for your late game offensive shield.
Best In Slot
 Purified Knight's Shield [1]
Cursed Knight's Shield Purification

Market : Lookup

The Evolved form of  Knight's Shield [1]. You can get 3 Enchants in this form unlike its counterpart  Bloody Knight's Shield [1] giving you more options in terms of damage or resistance. For Damage definitely go for DEF pierce of Boss/Normal Mobs to get the most damage as Banishing Point currently deals less than Shield Chain.

Kinda Outdated ever since Shadow gears became tradeable and this only serves as a way to get perfect size mods but with a Mount you already ignore sizes and this used to be the best to get After Cast Delay too but with the introduction of  Illusion Silver Guard [1] (which also gives After Cast Delay but 1% more than PKS) this became obsolete.

 Illusion Sacred Mission [1] Illusion of Frozen

Market : Lookup

The Evolved Form of of the  Sacred Mission [1]. Best Enchanted with  Powerful Nive or  Dextrous Nive for the best damage.
 Illusion Silver Guard [1] Illusion of Frozen

Market : Lookup

Same as Illusion Sacred Mission minus the Earth Drive bonuses but provides After Cast Delay instead! Best Enchanted with 2x  Powerful Nive for the best damage.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Giant Snake Skin [1] Garment Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

A good alternative garment. Now this time aim for atleast mostly STR enchants to increase your damage. Can also combo with  Poison Breath and  Temporal Boots of Strength [1] or  PTemporal Boots of Dexterity [1]for some nice stats.
 +9 Illusion Engine Wing B-Type [1] Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

A good Alternative to get ATK% early on ; comboed with  Illusion Armor A-Type [1] and  Illusion Leg A-type [1]and enchanted with 2x Modification Module(Fast) and a  Modification Module(Above All) [1]

and you'd get the best ATK and ASPD to spam your Banishing Point.

Best In Slot
 +9 Illusion Engine Wing B-Type [1] Garment Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

One of the BiS for early and late game due to the fact that it can combo with  Illusion Armor A-Type to provide and additional 10% After Cast Delay. Enchanted with 2x  Modification Module(Fast) [1] and  Modification Module(Above All) [1] and you could spam your Overbrand to your heart's content.
 Fallen Warrior Manteau [1] Tomb of the Fallen

Market : Lookup

A good contender in terms of overall stats and damage and the combo piece with  Vicious Mind Aura. Almost all DPS classes that has a spam skill go for this and the combo overall is powerful for its slot.
 Temporal Str Manteau [1] Legacy of Glastheim

Market : Lookup

Currenttly the Best in Slot for garments. The manteau line give a standard +10 ATK every 2 refines but each has its own spin with Str Manteau giving Bonus 1% Atk per 2 Refines, 5% damage to all sizes damage every 4 refines, + 7% ATK at +7 refine, and combined with  Temporal Boots of Strength [1] and you'd get a +50 ATK bonus. But the biggest deal for this Manteau is the possible +15% all size damage bonus perfect for increasing damage to your kit.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Illusion Leg A-type [1] Footgear Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

An offensive footgear that combos with the other illusion Equipment. Gives +5% Long ranged damage at +7 and when comboed with  Illusion Armor A-Type [1]

gives +5% ATK. Like its illusion partners this can be enchanted with Modification Modules to further enhance your damage ( Modification Module(Overpower) [1]) and decrease the Fixed Cast Time of Shield Chain ( Modification Module(Fixed Casting) [1]).

 Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

Ever since the rework of Over Brand, this skill got a 0.5sec fixed cast time so in order to eliminate that you would need this footgear and is pretty much BiS for the early game builds  Fighting Spirit 4-5 and

 Bear's Might and can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1]'s Special Enchant ( Strong Enchant) to provide you with the best stats and Damage Possible.

 +0-4 Temporal Boots of Strength [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

Even if its unrefined and un-enchanted its a solid choice for Banishing Point and Cannon Spear builds as this provides +MHP, +MSP, and +7 ATK every 3 refines but most importantly +50 ATK if the user's STR is 120. Boosts the damage of the said builds (Especially Cannon Spear as the damage increases the higher your STR and ATK gets) considerably.
Best In Slot
 +6-9 Temporal Boots of Strength [1]} Footgear Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

A solid choice and BiS for All Spear builds in general (see Costume Stone section) as this provides +MHP, +MSP, and +7 ATK every 3 refines but most importantly +50 ATK if the user's STR is 120. This Boosts the damage of the said builds (Especially Cannon Spear as the damage increases the higher your STR and ATK gets) considerably. Best enchants are  Fighting Spirit 7 (or  Expert Archer 4-5 for ranged bonus)and

 Bear's Might and can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1]'s Special Enchant ( Strong Enchant) to provide you with the best stats and Damage Possible.

 +6-9 Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

Ever since the rework of Over Brand, this skill got a 0.5sec fixed cast time so in order to eliminate that early on you would need this footgear and is pretty much and alternative for the build  Fighting Spirit 4-5 and

 Bear's Might and can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1]'s Special Enchant ( Strong Enchant) to provide you with the best stats and Damage Possible.

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Royal Guard Ring [1] Accessory Dropped by Lich King

Market : Lookup

A pretty good alternative for increasing your damage due to the fact that this can be enchanted with  Fighting Spirit/ Expert Archer 4-5 and  STR+4
 Illusion Booster L [1] Illusion Equipments

Market: Lookup

I only placed the Left accessory here for the reason that the  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1] would be the BiS for the left accessory Slot. this is best enchanted with  Expert Archer 4-5 or  Fighting Spirit and  ASPD 4 to increase your damage and ASPD.
Best In Slot
 Illusion Booster R [1] Accessory Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

An offensive Right Accessory that can be identically enchanted like the  Illusion Booster L [1]. Having both at early to mid-late game would be good to increase your Banishing point Damage early.
 King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1] Fall of Glast Heim

Market: Lookup

The best offensive left Accessory due to the fact that it can combo with the  Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1]'s Bear's Might enchant ( Strong Enchant). Can also have an  Expert Archer 4-5 and  STR+4 to further increase your damage.
 Automatic Booster R [1] Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

As Mentioned in the Armors section this is the best upgrade for the old Illusion Equipment with also upgraded enchants, this time you can opt to have  Automatic Module (Str) (aside from +3 Str it has a bonus 2% atk) to increase your damage output alongside with the usual EA and ASPD enchants.
 Brilliant Light Ruby Ring [1]
 Brilliant Light Aquamarine Ring [1]
 Sinful Ruby Ring [1]
 Brilliant Light Ruby [1]
Thanatos Tower Revamp Quest

Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup

A very situational gear but is quite enough to overpower a fully enchanted Automatic Booster just for its enchants and a large boost in damage against Demon/Angel/Dragon type mobs. Definitelly an upgrade but be warned it only boosts atleast in the 1-3% range in damage assuming you get atk +7-10% on the first enchant so sticking to an auto booster is quite okay but at its price range it is definitely an alternative!
Best In Slot
 Essence of Evil Str 3
 Essence of Evil Dex 3
Any Slot Temple of the Demon God

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

These pieces of Essence act like cards the only difference is they dont have a specific slot so they can be placed anywhere that has a card slot and acts as Slot fillers if you need more stats. Str 3 gives +4 STR,

+12 ATK at the cost of -4 INT; good for increasing overall damage(Banishing Point/Overbrand/Cannon Spear/Shield Chain) and Dex 3 provides +4 DEX, +8 HIT at the cost of -4 LUK; great for decreasing cast

time and HIT(Shield Chain)

 Furious Hero Card Headgear Dropped by Furious Hero

Market : Lookup

+2% ATK and a small percentage to cast 8.png Endure on yourself with each attack.
 Purple Ferus Card Dropped by Purple Ferus

Market : Lookup

New BiS card due to the fact that it gives +3% ATK by default and +1% more ATK per 4 Refine. On a +9-12 Headgear this would give you the best damage possible.
 Engkanto Card Dropped by Engkanto

Market : Lookup

For Monster hunter purposes; If you plan to kill Garronath (Yes. We. Can. especially with this build. Stay tuned for the MH Section) you'll need this as it provides +30% more damage to Poison Element mobs.
 Hardworking Pitman Card Armor Dropped by Hardworking Pitman

Market : Lookup

+5% ATK and +10 HIT, if the armor refine is 10 or higher additional +5 HIT. Clearly a no-brainer for increasing damage in the armor slot
 Marc Card Dropped by Marc

Market : Lookup

If you're planning to Hunt Nysori you'll need this to get immunity from freeze.
 Mistress of Shelter Card Dropped by Mistress of Shelter

Market : Lookup

Same as  Dame of Sentinel Card in terms of effect but gives INT instead of DEX but combo'ed with  Happiness Giver Card and you'll get the same effects as Empathizer card but for the rare Melee damage which is more than enough to boost Overbrand (and Earth Drive) to the million territory.
 Contaminated Wanderer Card Weapon Dropped by Contaminated Wanderer

Market : Lookup

+30% more damage against Medium and Large size mobs. AKA the size of mobs generally in PVM.
 White Knight Card Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

ATK + 15.

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 20%.

[+ Khalitzburg Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

A staple card in any builds that uses a Shield as this card provides all the damage you need to battle PVM. This +  Contaminated Wanderer Card in your  Harve [2] means the best damage and DPS for Banishing Point

 Khalitzburg Knight Card Shield Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

DEF + 20.

Receive 25% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

[+  White Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

A staple card in any builds that uses a Shield as this card provides all the defense you need to battle PVM.

 Brown Rat Card Garment Dropped by Brown Rat

Market : Lookup

Atk + 3 and increase ASPD by 1% for every 10 base Str. If base Str is 120 or higher, additional Atk + 40. This card is the BiS in terms of damage for the fact that this gives +3 ATK AND 1% ASPD for

every 10 base STR, also adding +40 ATK should your STR be 120 (which is easy since for DPS classes having your STR at 120 is almost intuitive in order to increase your damage. at 120 STR you'd get a total

of 76 ATK and 12% ASPD. 2 effects for the price of one card is too much to pass up. Definitely aim for this card early to improve your leveling/farming speed.

 Happiness Giver Card Dropped by Happiness Giver

Market : Lookup

Same with Empathizer Card but for Melee damage; Combo'ed with  Mistress of Shelter Card and you get a whopping +55% melee damage which is enough to boost damage for any Melee related skill.
 Outrageous Cookie Card Footgear Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

Max HP - 2%

Additional Atk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. Matk + 1% Additional Matk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. one of the best Footgear Cards for this slot as this boosts your ATK % based on refines so if you got a boots at high refines you get ATK % bonus for it.

 Blut Hase Card Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

+3% Atk, +5% Ranged ATK. A Pretty general footgear boosting card for Banishing Point. You get the best of both worlds in terms of Atk% and Ranged%. Might not be for Overbrand (Since you'll be using Ominous Freezer for this slot) but a great offensive card nonetheless
 Ominous Freezer Card Illusion of Abyss

Market : Lookup

+10% Max HP, +2 STR

If Base Level is 160: +10% damage to Overbrand and Hundred Spear If refined to +9: additional +10% to Overbrand and Hundred Spear

Well self explainatory for the card itself, If you wanna boost your Overbrand damage this is your go to card for the footgear slot.

 Revolver Buffalo Card
 Shotgun Buffalo Card
Accessory Droped by Shotgun/Revolver Buffalo

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

the best combo for the Accessory Slot; this combo gives +7 STR, +7% ATK, +7 AGI, and +7 HIT. Great for increasing overall Damage, DPS, and stats. Definitely get this asap.
 Gigantes Card Sarah and Fenrir

Market : Lookup

Bonus raw ATK is always welcome but be careful this reduces your ASPD. Get it if you think you have enough ASPD
Shadow Gears
 Brand Shadow Plate
 Brand Shadow Shield
 Brand Shadow Boots
Class Costume Weapon, Armor, Shield Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) Its Finally here! so no more placeholder haha. Pretty much self explainatory.
 Penetration Shadow Ring
 Penetration Shadow Necklace
 Penetration Shadow Shoes
 Penetration Shadow Shield
Costume Accessories, Shield, Footgear Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) While we wait for the Full Penetration gears these Shadow gears are BiS in terms of providing 100% Defense Pierce against specific races combined with their corresponding Racial Shadow Weapons and Armor from the mentioned instances.
 Racial Penetration Shadow Gloves
 Racial Penetration Shadow Armors
Costume Weapon, Armor Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) Just to reiterate, While we wait for the Full Penetration gears these Shadow gears are BiS in terms of providing 100% Defense Pierce against specific races combined with their corresponding Racial Shadow Weapons and Armor from the mentioned instances.

Use these in conjunction with the Penetration Shadow gears For the full effects to work.

 Almighty Focus
 Almighty Shadow Brooch
Costume Accessories Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) +20 stats is huge for the accessories slot and can help boost attack power, HP, etc with that much stats.
Costume Enchants
 Melee Amber [U]
 Melee Amber [M]
 Melee Amber [L]
Costume Upper, Middle, Lower Costume Enchants Since this build only focuses on very little aspects to hit hard this is the only set you need for Overbrand. 15% melee damage bonus is big for taking up the costume slots so be sure to farm this up if you can.
 Casting Onyx [G] Costume Garment Costume Enchants its just to eliminate the FCT for your cast times in some places and there isnt really anything to get. although you can use it to reduce 2317.png Over Brand's Fixed Cast Time so in effect you have 2-3 skills useable

Click here to go back to the Table of Contents.

Критическая сборка: подражатель One Punch Man (Cannon Spear/Exceed Break)



Here are the stats recommended for this build, feel free to tweak depending on your needs:

  • STR 120
  • AGI 1+ (or any amount that can give you 190+ aspd)
  • VIT 90+
  • INT 60
  • DEX 80
  • LUK 120

Here are the stats recommended for this build. If you'll notice its built like a Crit, Post-Rework Ignition Break Rune Knight. In this build we'll be focusing on the skill 2316.png Exceed Break and 2307.png Cannon Spear in order to deal damage. Capable of dealing almost 500-1m damage in a single strike should the right conditions be present; enough to kill most mobs and dent high level mobs(PVM), and players(PVP) in a single hit. As mentioned above no AGI is needed since we will be focusing on breaking bones poking holes rather than overwhelming them with a flurry of Strikes. STR and LUK are our primary stats since they help boost your damage and INT and DEX are there to help in mitigating the cast time of 2316.png Exceed Break.


Do just wanna launch your spear like the power of a Cannon? Then this build is for you!

An Unexpected build to be viable for us.

2316.png Exceed Break and 2307.png Cannon Spear of the Skills of Royal Guards that can CRIT; A skill that buffs your next normal auto attack to deal great damage in a single strike. Weapon weight also increases its damage so in order to maximize the damage we'll stack as much CRIT Rate, CRIT % modifiers, ATK % modifiers, and also the heaviest weapon we can use to increase its damage. Its just literally one button press to kill things but the good thing is that you can move while you are casting this skill so you can position yourself accordingly but at a reduced movement speed similar to Sorcerer's 278.png Free Cast. This skill CRITs normally so you have more room to focus on Damage gear rather than CRIT rate.

For Cannon Spear, you dont need any cast time whatsoever you just need to stack Ranged Damage, CRIT, and also CRIT Damage in order to consistently do deal CRIT on mobs (Same as Post Rework IB). Since the Rework Cannon Spear has a chance to crit for Our normal Crit (meaning 120+ CRIT to consistently hit critical .

In a PVP setting however there are Royal Guards that utilize this tactic to kill squishy targets (GX/RK coming for you, Performers/ABs) and this build is quite unpopular but people dont expect this to hit them since Royal Guards are almost delegated to a support role most of the time.

Just hit the damn button and bash them heads in its that simple.

Tips and Tricks
Файл:EB max damage.gif

The Power of the Royal Guard Reworks made this build into a power house!


2316.png Exceed Break is considered a normal attack and DOES NOT add damage to any of our skills(wish it could dang) so consider this skill as a punch button. When using the skill 368.png Sacrifice while 2316.png Exceed Break's buff is active the first 5 hits of Sacrifice takes priority over Exceed Break with the 6th attack coming from the said skill but that is old pre-renewal stuff but worth mentioning still to clear up any misunderstandings for those people planning to use 368.png Sacrifice (come on dont use this skill it sucked after pre-renewal).

For Cannon Spear, you dont need to worry about anything just group the mobs in a small area and pop a cap in their asses. RG go stoopid with Crit now so take advantage of it.

How to Reach 120 Crit for Cannon Spear

Ever since the release of the Pre 4th-job patch Cannon Spear has normal crit now so you may use normal crit gears to reach the necessary crit rate and also use Costume Stones to reach the necessary 120 crit rate to hit mobs with high Flee! but if you need more options to reach the crit rate here's a link to a Rune Knight gear list for crit:

Basically whatever is in here is viable to use just take note that  Old Rune Circlet is for RK's We have our own:  Old Casket of Protection. Like any other Bio 5 headgear this can be enchanted with  Acute to give you crit rate and also CRIT damage. You can use the usual  Arunafeltz desert Sandwich,  Buche De Noel, or  Abrasive to help you with boosting your crit rate but come on you got got the free 30 crit from Spear Quicken you got more room playah!

Sidenote: 258.png Spear Quicken gives free 30 crit at max level so you got 90 crit left to go to make Cannon Spear go Brrr


Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Old Casket of Protection [1] Upper Tomb of the Fallen

Market : Lookup

The Reason its only here is that this can be enchanted with the  Acute enchant to strengthen our Crit damage and Crit Rate but since Exceed Break only requires regular CRIT s mentioned above you'd have more slot for Damage gears.
 Fafnir Skin Middle Weakened Fafnir's quest

Market : Lookup

This hat gives +3% Critical chance. Currently one of the Best-in-Slot headgears in combo with the Fafnir Mask, they give together +5% Critical chance as well as +5% Critical damage (as a combo). The natural HP regeneration loss is no problem for us as we'll usually be under Berserk.
 Monocle [1] Dropped by Owl Viscount in the Nightmare Clock Tower

Market : Lookup

Budget Middle Headgear slot to get in another card slot in to maximize damage.
 Fafnir Mask Lower Weakened Fafnir's quest

Market : Lookup

Gives +2 CRIT Rate and combos with the Fafnir Skin as mentioned above.
 Scarlet Rose Cash Shop

Market : Lookup

Boosts ATK and MATK by 1% and gives a small 30 SP boost. Pretty Decent in providing damage increase but this shines well, like the Samurai Mask, if you have a high raw ATK. Use this if you have enough CRIT Rate
Best In Slot
 Old Casket of Protection [1] Upper Tomb of the Fallen

Market : Lookup

The BiS for Cannon Spear; Reason its here is that this can be enchanted with the  Acute enchant to strengthen our Crit damage and Crit Rate and also boosts Cannon spear's skill damage via its skill modifier.
 +9 Snake Head Hat [1] Шаблон:NShop

Market : Lookup

What is a measly 20m item doing here? Well its here for the fact that it gives Lv 5 48.png Double Attack and remember earlier in the guide where its said that Exceed Break is a buff that boosts your normal attack? Guess what that means your attack can inflict Critical AND trigger Double attack imagine your Exceed Break damage is around 300-400k weeeelll double that and you get 800k max. The reason I wrote it as +9 is to maximize the effects of the  Deep Sea King Dramoh Card we'll be slotting in here
 Temporal Circlet [1] Glastheim Challenge Mode

Market : Lookup

The BiS for Vanishing point/Cannon Spear; with this Vanishing Point has made a great return to being its old MVP tool status although slightly weaker than shield chain but its more than enough to stand with Shield Chain in terms of single target damage outside MH with its ability to be enchanted with Bio 5 enchants so take your pick in whatever makes your build shine! Personally Id choose Mettle for the Atk% and Hit which helps in making Banishing Point hit more consistently against high flee mobs but you can go Master Archer if you feel like you lack Ranged % mods.

For Cannon Spear's sake this item is here since it focuses on Ranged damage as opposed to Old Casket of Protection's Atk% which is much more beneficial since we need Ranged Damage% to boost our Ranged attack.

 Illusion Hot-blooded Headband [1] Illusion of Teddy Bear

Market : Lookup

The old BiS for the upper slot for Cannon Spear because of its combo with | Illusion Gelerdria [2]. The base effects alone gives it a good base for damage but once refined at +11 and enchanted with 2x  Powerful Nive (being one of the rare modifiers for any physical builds) this would give you the best damage possible even you would be surprised.
 Trial Diadem Monster hunter Zaedronath quest

Market : Lookup

The true BiS in terms of Head gears for Cannon Spear. In fact its the last piece of equipment to reduce the cd of Cannon Spear to 0.2s (Combo with Fortridge for that 0.5s cd reduction). Not much to talk about or expand, a cooldown reduction in your skills is always much more useful than other stuff, although you lose crit rate by not using the Illusion gelerdria and the damage from the Illusion Hot Blooded Headband the cooldown reduction is enough to make up for it significantly.
 Magical Booster [1] Middle Magical Booster quest

Market : Lookup

This headgear can be enchanted with Crit/Crit Rate/Atk % or Flat ATK which means this can boost your damage and still have enough CRIT Rate to consistently CRIT with Exceed Break.
 Rosary In Mouth Lower Rosary In Mouth quest

Market : Lookup

Gives that Extra stats and damage to your Punch.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Lava Leather Armor [1] Armor Magma Dungeon 3

Market : Lookup

An okay armor that provides +100 ATK and certain bonuses at refine rates starting at +7. can combo with the Lava Leather Manteau and Boots to provide bonuses. Usually this item is taken for the raw ATK bonus but  Illusion Armor A-Type gives more and can be enchanted.
Best In Slot
 Illusion Armor A-Type [1] Armor Illusion Equipments and Enchants

Market : Lookup

The BiS Armor IMO. Provides +100 ATK, +10 ATK every 2 Refine, And can combo off with  Illusion Engine Wing A-Type [1] to give you +50 ATK. Refined at +9 and Properly Enchanted with 2x Modification Orb (Power) and  Modification Orb (Delay After Skill)(or any enchant we only need the 2x Power enchant anyway) would give you the best damage.
 Automatic Armor A-Type [1] Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

Upon the release of Episode 17.2 this became the new BiS for all armors atleast(B-Type for the Magic Class) since the Automatic line can host the upgraded versions of existing enchants on an illusion armor but now has the addition of the Skill Specific enchants. (Sadly for Shield Chain that is not the case but still workable) The most obvious route would be 2x  Automatic Module(Power) and  Automatic Module(Critical Force).

Personally I dot recommend this as Cannon Spear Relies on STR to do damage so the extra ATK may not be useful compared to STR.

 Silver Dragon Plate [1] Abyss 4

Market: Lookup

Provides +12 LUK, +2 CRIT, and 4% CRIT Damage per 2 Refine Rate meaning a good way to get CRIT and CRIT Damage to our one heluva punch and and quite cheap too on the market. Definitely a great alternative but still being a decent BiS Armor.
 Red Dragon Plate [1] Abyss 4

Market: Lookup

Provides +12 STR and +2% ATK per 2 Refine Rate another good choice if you wanna increase your damage but do note this does not provide CRIT Rate so I guess only get this if you have ways on getting CRIT Rate but Highly Prioritize CRIT Damage.
 Str Soutane [1] Odin Temple 4

Market : Lookup

The BiS for Cannon Spear damage as this armor provides +10% HP and SP, +3% ATK per 2 Refine, +5 STR per 3 Refine, and 10% ASPD, Properly Refined to atleast +9 and Enchanted with  Str Blessing and 2x Str Enchants this could be a contender. Since you dont need After Cast Delay here this is an Amazing Armor to have in general in giving you the best possible damage. Just get 2x +10 Crit on the armor aside from the blessing to help you in reaching Normal Crit Rate.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Hunting Spear [1] One-Handed Spear Dropped by Boitata, Fallen Bishop Hibram, Leak, Kraken

Market : Lookup

a Pretty good spear to use because of its weight and base damage. Can Also be enchanted with  Sharp or  Fighting Spirit to increase your CRIT Rate or Damage.
Best In Slot
 Lindy Hop [2] Two-Handed Sword Dropped by Stefan J E. Wolf or immortal Cursed Knight

Market : Lookup

To Quote Leinarth: "A former Wet Dream of Rune Knights" well guess what its our Wet Dream too just for this build. Now you might question what is a Two-handed Sword doing here in the first place? Shouldn't Royal Guards use spears instead? About that well in terms of Spears that is available for Royal Guards the  Hunting Spear [1] is the heaviest spear we have that is usable by us although we have  Cardo [1] sadly this is only available for Rune Knights and God items are out of the question since those are not avalable in the server so this weapon would do. This can be enchanted with  Sharp or  Fightig Spirit to increase your CRIT Rate or Damage like the hunting spear above

In short for PVM this is the best weapon of choice to kill mobs.

I did some tests with this weapon and dang even at +9 with just sharp enchants this could kill things and leave dents in the hard dungeons(Odin 4 was kinda hard due to my cast time getting interrupted at times due to the volume of mobs but definitely doable). Getting this at +14-15 with dual Sharp enchants should sky rocket your damage even with a tight budget.

 Vellum Guillotine [2] Two-Handed Axe Battlegrounds

Market : Lookup

For PVP this is the only weapon you need I mean 300 ATK and 550 weight is enough to boost your Exceed Break damage to levels where you can deal with squishy targets or dent some tanky players. Recommended you get this to a high refine rate to maximize its damage)at +9 it deals 100% damage to players and that is a huge point to consider in dealing the maximum damage).
 Illusion Gelerdria [2] Spear Edda Biolabs

Market : Lookup

the old, cheap (But effective) weapon for Cannon Spear due to the fact that it can combo with the  Illusion Hot-blooded Headband [1]. as its base it has +15 Crit (Helpful for Cannon Spear's 120+ crit requirement), +10% HP, and a ton more bonuses but after some research and for Cannon Spear specifically this is the BiS. For pure damage this weapon is BiS.
 Fortridge [1] Spear Edda Biolabs

Market : Lookup

the True BiS for Cannon Spear. Gives 20% damage to Cannon Spear and OverBrand at certain refines and by default this gives 1% After Cast Delay Reduction per Refine rate. Same as the  Harve, when properly enchanted with  Randel's Memory gives a Whopping +25% bonus damage to Cannon Spear and 35% bonus damage to Overbrand. Its currently cheap at the market but this weapon requires alot of refines to be good but definitely worth to pick up for starting your end game gear.

The reason it changed quickly is because of the introduction of the Edda Hats (Trial Diadem) comboing with this weapon reduces the cooldown of Cannon Spear by 0.5s making it spammable at 0.2s which is a significant increase in DPS!

For Cannon Spear aim to get Sharp on it to handle the crit rate you need to reach 120 crit.

 Purified Knight's Shield [1]
Cursed Knight's Shield Purification

Market : Lookup

The Evolved form of  Knight's Shield [1]. You can get 3 Enchants in this form unlike its counterpart  Bloody Knight's Shield [1] giving you more options in terms of damage or resistance. For Damage definitely go for DEF pierce of Boss/Normal Mobs to get the most damage.

With the introduction of Racial Defense Pierce shadow gears and with how the server recently allowed shadow gears to be vended this shield is barely used now.

 Illusion Sacred Mission [1] or Any Shield Illusion of Frozen

Market : Lookup

For Cannon Spear its probably another good choice to use for the extra Racial damage from the 2x  Powerful Nive meaning more damage to every mobs.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Giant Snake Skin [1] Garment Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

A good alternative garment. Now this time aim for atleast mostly LUK enchants to increase your damage. Can also combo with  Poison Breath and  Temporal Boots of Strength [1] for some nice stats.
 +9 Illusion Engine Wing A-Type [1] Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

A good Alternative to get ATK% early on ; comboed with  Illusion Armor A-Type [1] and  Illusion Leg A-type [1]and enchanted with 2x Modification Module(Critical) and a  Modification Module(Above All) and you'd get the best Damage and CRIT Rate possible.
Best In Slot
 +9 Fallen Angel Wings [1] Garment Fallen Angel Wings

Market : Lookup

On its own it lacks in stats but enchanted with 3x  Fatal and you'd get the best Damage for its price. Definitely a good garment to use in general
 King Schmidt's Manteau [1] Fall of Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

A Surprisingly decent choice for this slot as this can be enchanted with various enchants like  Fatal for CRIT damage,  Sharp for CRIT Rate, and  Fighting Spirit for bonus raw ATK. Enchanted right and you could be using this as a main garment mid-late game
 Temporal Luk Manteau [1] Temporal Manteaus

Market : Lookup

Gives +3 CRIT Rate and +3% CRIT Damage per 2 Refines and can combo with  Temporal Boots of Luck [1] to give a +1 ASPD (which we dont really need anyway). This can be enchanted with CRIT Damage% or ATK % to boost our One Punch.
 Temporal Agi Manteau [1] Temporal Manteaus

Market : Lookup

Gives +10 ATK and +3% CRIT Damage per 2 Refines but the biggest damage we can get is the +5% damage to all sizes every 4 Refines (at +12 a total bonus of +15% all sizes damage) great for increasing our already powerful punch and having extra damage modifiers helps us out in truly killing things in one punch. This can be enchanted with extra CRIT Damage% or ATK % to boost our One Punch. A recent test for RK's Ignition Break shows that the CRIT Damage of Agi Manteau beats a Str Manteau based on multiple parameters with the user already having a high CRIT Modifier.
 Temporal Str Manteau [1] Legacy of Glastheim

Market : Lookup

A new contender for BiS. The manteau line give a standard +10 ATK every 2 refines but each has its own spin with Str Manteau giving Bonus 1% Atk per 2 Refines, 5% damage to all sizes damage every 4 refines, + 7% ATK at +7 refine, and combined with  Temporal Boots of Strength [1] and you'd get a +50 ATK bonus. But the biggest deal for this Manteau is the possible +15% all size damage bonus perfect for increasing damage to your kit.

As for enchants you can have a Crit enchant or an Atk% enchant to make Cannon Spear hit Hard.

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Illusion Leg A-type [1] Footgear Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

An offensive footgear that combos with the other illusion Equipment. Gives +5% Long ranged damage at +7 and when comboed with  Illusion Armor A-Type [1] gives +5% ATK and comboed with  +9 Illusion Engine Wing A-Type [1] and you'd get 5% CRIT Damage. Like its illusion partners this can be enchanted with Modification Modules to further enhance your damage.
Best In Slot
 Temporal Boots of Luck [1] Footgear Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

If we're going CRIT might as well use these boots since this gives CRIT Damage, CRIT Rate(in terms of LUK) and can be enchanted with  Fighting Spirit and  Bear's Might to increase our damage.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Royal Guard Ring [1] Accessory Dropped by Lich King

Market : Lookup

A pretty good alternative for increasing your damage due to the fact that this can be enchanted with  Fighting Spirit/ Sharp and  STR+4.
 Illusion Booster L [1] Illusion Equipments

Market: Lookup

I only placed the Left accessory here for the reason that the  King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1] would be the BiS for the left accessory Slot. this is best enchanted with  Expert Archer 4-5 or  Fighting Spirit and  Fatal to increase our Damage.
Best In Slot
 Physical Enhancer Ring [1] Accessory Geffen Magic Tournament

Market : Lookup

This Ring survives time due to the fact that it can have CRIT Damage%, CRIT Rate, and ATK/ATK% as one of its enchants giving you the best of both worlds.
 Illusion Booster R [1] Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

An offensive Right Accessory that can be identically enchanted like the  Illusion Booster L [1]. Having both at early to mid-late game would be good to increase your Exceed Break Damage.
 Automatic Booster R [1] Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

As Mentioned in the Armors section this is the best upgrade for the old Illusion Equipment with also upgraded enchants, this time you can opt to have  Automatic Module (Str) (aside from +3 Str it has a bonus 2% atk) to increase your damage output alongside with the usual Fatal and ASPD enchants but the best slot for this would be a  Automatic Module (All Force)
 King Schmidt's Strong Insignia [1] Fall of Glast Heim

Market: Lookup

The best offensive left Accessory due to the fact that it can combo with the  Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1]'s Bear's Might enchant ( Strong Enchant). Can also have an { Sharp and  LUK+4 to further increase your damage.
Best In Slot
 Essence of Evil Str 3
 Essence of Evil LUK 3
Any Slot Temple of the Demon God

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

These pieces of Essence act like cards the only difference is they dont have a specific slot so they can be placed anywhere that has a card slot and acts as Slot fillers if you need more stats. Str 3 gives +4 STR,

+12 ATK at the cost of -4 INT; good for increasing overall damage(Banishing Point/Overbrand/Cannon Spear/Shield Chain) and Luk 3 provides +4 Luk, +4 CRIT at the cost of -4 DEX; great for increasing our Damage and CRIT Rate

 Furious Hero Card Headgear Dropped by Furious Hero

Market : Lookup

+2% ATK and a small percentage to cast 8.png Endure on yourself with each attack.
 Deep Sea King Dramoh Card Dropped by Deep Sea King Dramoh

Market : Lookup

to Quote Leinarth:" This card is able to overcome the Purple Ferus Card thanks to its combo with Deep Sea Merman Card (check out the shoes section to learn more about it). The card by itself though brings just a bit of ATK% based on the refine of your hat, so if you don't plan on using the combo set, it is recommended to stay on the Purple Ferus Card as it's better in that case. Also in case you were worried about your health pool, there's another combo with the normal King Dramoh Card that brings +15% HP, effectively canceling the con of that card and bringing at the same time 10% more HP."
 King Dramoh Card Dropped by King Dramoh

Market : Lookup

Str +4, Every 3 refine adds +1 Str if used by Swordsman Class, mainly here to combo with the  Deep Sea King Dramoh Card and you'd get more HP as mentioned above
 Hardworking Pitman Card Armor Dropped by Hardworking Pitman

Market : Lookup

+5% ATK and +10 HIT, if the armor refine is 10 or higher additional +5 HIT. Clearly a no-brainer for increasing damage in the armor slot
 Furious Ninetales Card Dropped by Furious Ninetales

Market : Lookup

CRI + 5. Increase critical damage by 10%.

If refine rate is 10 or higher, additional Cri + 10.

 Mistress of Shelter Card Dropped by Mistress of Shelter

Market : Lookup

For 2316.png Exceed Break's sake: Same as  Dame of Sentinel Card in terms of effect but gives INT instead of DEX but combo'ed with  Happiness Giver Card and you'll get the same effects as Empathizer card but for the rare Melee damage which is more than enough to boost Overbrand (and Earth Drive) to the million territory.
 Dame of Sentinel Card Dropped by Dame of Sentinel

Market : Lookup

For 2307.png Cannon Spear Lv 5's Sake; This card to be a useless card or a budget card option to get more DEX stats but combo'ed with  Empathizer Card and you'd get the best of both worlds! You get extra DEX for reaching instacast and also a +55% ranged damage bonus which is a huge boost for a regular monster card. Although be careful since you will not be able to swap with a resist card like Bathory or Evil Druid so if you plan to use any resist card I suggest you get an armor swap to handle that.
 Contaminated Wanderer Card Weapon Dropped by Contaminated Wanderer

Market : Lookup

+30% more damage against Medium and Large size mobs. AKA the size of mobs generally in PVM. Pretty Much the only card we need for our weapon
 White Knight Card Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

ATK + 15.

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 20%.

[+ Khalitzburg Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

A staple card in any builds that uses a Shield as this card provides all the damage you need to battle PVM. This +  Contaminated Wanderer Card in your  Harve [2] means the best damage and DPS for Shield Chain.

 Rekenber Senior Guard Card Dropped by Rekenber Senior Guard

Market : Lookup

Gives a whack ton of Range modifiers and also an Atk% to boot! Definitely an addition if you dont plan to use the WK + KK Combo. But Make sure to have a high refined Spear and be atleast level 200 to get the full effects.
 Petal Card Garment Petal

Market : Lookup

Gives +2% CRIT Damage every 10 base LUK effectively giving you a 24% critical damage bonus at 120 LUK.
 Happiness Giver Card Dropped by Happiness Giver

Market : Lookup

For 2316.png Exceed Break's sake; Same with Empathizer Card but for Melee damage; Combo'ed with  Mistress of Shelter Card and you get a whopping +55% melee damage which is enough to boost damage for any Melee related skill.
 Empathizer Card Dropped by Empathizer

Market : Lookup

For 2307.png Cannon Spear Lv 5's sake; the Best in Slot in terms of damage boost! Combo'ed with  Dame of Sentinel Card and you get a whopping 55% ranged damage for Cannon Spear but you lose atleast 15 crit due to losing  Furious Ninetales Card on the armor slot.
 Outrageous Cookie Card Footgear dropped by Outrageous Cookie

Market : Lookup

Max HP - 2%

Additional Max HP - 2% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. Atk + 1% Additional Atk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. Matk + 1% Additional Matk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. one of the best Footgear Cards for this slot as this boosts your ATK % based on refines so if you got a boots at high refines you get ATK % bonus for it.

 Verporta Card Dropped by Verporta

Market : Lookup

Str + 2.

MaxHP + 10%, MaxSP + 10%. Increases Magnum Break damage by 25%.

A Combo piece with  Broken Security Beta Card Card and  Greater Research Assistant Bot Card to boost Cannon Spear damage

 Deep Sea Merman Card Dropped by Deep Sea Merman

Market : Lookup

Atk + 4 per 15 base Str.

[+ Deep Sea King Dramoh] Increases critical damage by 15%.

using the 3 card combo gives you the best damage possible for this build

 Revolver Buffalo Card
 Shotgun Buffalo Card
Accessory Droped by Shotgun/Revolver Buffalo

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

the best combo for the Accessory Slot; this combo gives +7 STR, +7% ATK, +7 AGI, and +7 HIT. Great for increasing overall Damage, DPS, and stats. Definitely get this asap.
 Gigantes Card Sarah and Fenrir

Market: Lookup

Bonus raw ATK is always welcome but be careful this reduces your ASPD. Get it if you think you have enough ASPD
 Ominous Heater Card Dropped by Ominous Heater

Market: Lookup

Cri + 3, increase critical damage by 5%.

When equipped with Ominous Assaulter Card, add an additonal Cri + 2, increase critical damage by 2%

Shadow Gears
 Banishing Cannon Shadow Glove
 Banishing Cannon Shadow Necklace
 Banishing Cannon Shadow Ring
 Royal Guard Shadow Glove
Class Costume Weapon, Accessories, Shield Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) Ever Since the constant release of gears and reworks we've been getting a ton of boost for 2308.png Banishing Point and 2307.png Cannon Spear with the notable Boots having access to cooldown reduction for Cannon Spear (0.5s at +10 refine). Together with the  Royal Guard Onyx Set this reduces the cooldown of Cannon Spear by 1s giving you a total of 0.7s remaining cooldown for Cannon Spear enabling it to be spammed every second. Only use the Glove and Shield combo if you're farming a map with multiple races but if not use this set in conjunction with the Racial Penetration Shadow gears to reach 100% Defense Pierce.
 Penetration Shadow Ring
 Penetration Shadow Necklace
 Penetration Shadow Shoes
 Penetration Shadow Shield
Costume Accessories, Shield, Footgear Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) While we wait for the Full Penetration gears these Shadow gears are BiS in terms of providing 100% Defense Pierce against specific races combined with their corresponding Racial Shadow Weapons and Armor from the mentioned instances.

Use these in conjunction with the Skill Shadow gears in place of the 60% Defense pierce if you're farming a dungeon with one or majority Race.

 Racial Penetration Shadow Gloves
 Racial Penetration Shadow Armors
Costume Weapon, Armor Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) Just to reiterate, While we wait for the Full Penetration gears these Shadow gears are BiS in terms of providing 100% Defense Pierce against specific races combined with their corresponding Racial Shadow Weapons and Armor from the mentioned instances.

Use these in conjunction with the Skill Shadow gears in place of the 60% Defense pierce if you're farming a dungeon with one or majority Race.

Costume Enchants
 Paladin Onyx [U]
 Paladin Onyx [M]
 Paladin Onyx [L]
Costume Upper, Middle, Lower Costume Enchants One of the builds that fortunately got the Class Stone treatment. The Combo set gives Bonuses to 2308.png Banishing Point and a cd reduction to 2307.png Cannon Spear and also Ranged Damage, SP leech, Max HP%.
 Royal Guard Onyx [G] Costume Garment Costume Enchants on its own it only boosts 2308.png Banishing Point by 15% but combo'ed with  Paladin Onyx [M] and it reduces 2307.png Cannon Spear's cooldown by 0.5s as mentioned in the shadow gears section. but technically get the whole Onyx set to get the most damage possible.

Click here to go back to the Table of Contents.

Поддержка (PVM/PVP)/Охотник на монстров: (буквальный) герой щита



Theoretically, Here are the stats recommended for this Build, feel free to customize depending on your needs:

  • STR 50 Total
  • AGI 1 or 100 total (for Bleeding and Sleep immunity)
  • VIT 120
  • INT 100-120
  • DEX 70+
  • LUK 100-120

in a support build you go the opposite way in terms of stat distribution. This time VIT, INT, and LUK is your best friend, VIT for max HP, INT and LUK for Prestige dodge chance percentage modifier and Perfect Dodge. You dont need too much STR in this build since you only need enough points to Carry Pots and other consumables.

"You're not a true RG if you dont die often" -Slim


There are two types of support for our Class: Devotion and good Ol' Meat Shield Tanking. For newer players if you want to contribute well in your Party/Guild being a Devotion type Royal Guard is the best way to go for it is cheap and somewhat item friendly at the early stages (Stacking tons of HP modifiers as much as you can by using the  Temporal Boots of Vitality [1] +  Giant Snake Skin [1] Combo as a base and most items and cards are relatively cheap in giving you MHP), can scale into the mid-end game if properly built, and extremely popular in a PVP setting due to you taking damage for your DPS' and Supports giving your guild a chance at winning. If you want more action go for the good Ol' Meat shield Build but is not really popular at most dungeons due to the fact that most classes can solo instances and dungeons. The only place worth tanking as of the moment is Bioresearch Lab and Bio 5/Tomb of the Fallen due to the relative difficulty of the mobs there.

Tips and Tricks
Devotion Build
Файл:Devo IC.gif

In Devo tanking (also known as Off-Tanking) it is important to stack as much HP as you can so you could soak up the most damage possible for people you will protect. The main skill you will be using is ofcourse 255.png Devotion, you will be using this to take the damage for your party/guild members in order to give them a chance to live a little longer in fights. By doing this you'd find yourself always spamming healing items to restore your HP so stock up as much as you can.

Devotion in general explanation casts a blue link that allows the Royal Guard to take damage in behalf of the linked party member but it also has extra mechanics:

  • The linked party member cannot be interrupted while casting as long as the link is present
  • Shield Buffs the Royal Guard currently has gets passed on to the linked Party Member once Devotion is cast in a PVP setting, but requires the Royal guard to recast the said buffs once Devotion is cast on a party member in a PVM setting.
  • The link has a max range of 11 cells, if you or the linked party member goes out of the range the skill will not work but will continue once the distance is met again.
  • The number of members you can link to increases each level up to a cap of 5.

With those info in mind you should be able to atleast get a hold of how to use the skill.

Who to Cast Devotion

Here are some classes/classification to consider casting Devotion to. Take note in a PVP/WOE setting mae sure to pay attention to your GL and teammates for proper communication:

  • DPS(Mainly RK, GX, Ranger, etc): TOP PRIORITY, They are the front-liners who kill things for you. They are notorious for commonly having numbers above 500k-1m in terms of damage. Having them dead leaves the whole party/guild in a vulnerable position(Possibly killing your whole party). It is better you die from taking damage from them than them dying as they are a huge asset to the team. These classes tend to move alot due to them having close-ranged skills in order to engage with their targets so it is important that you follow them closely to keep the Devotion up.
  • Support(AB, Wanderer/Minstrel): TOP-MID PRIORITY, These are the ones responsible for keeping you and your party alive and kicking. They Provide you with invaluable buffs that enables classes to perform at their full potential. Based on their skill set they tend to have the most defensive buffs making them somewhat self-sustaining in terms of survival making them not much a priority to Devote to in some situations. Depending on the situation or depending on the call of the guild leader you will need to stick with them to ensure their survival.
  • Tanks(Sorcerer, Doram, Sura, etc):MID Priority, They function mostly as secondary supports that can tank damage should the initial tank fall. In some parties they act as the main tank taking damage for the party. It is your job to buy them the most time in survival by you guessed it, casting Devotion on them too. if they die, same thing with DPS, the whole party dies too so make sure you keep a close distance on them.
Tanking Build

Do you love being punched in the gut and asking for more beating? Do you love BDSM?, Do you love a bit more action? Are you an equipment hoarder? then this class is for you!

Like our beloved Darkness over there you wanna be as tanky as possible in order for your party to kill mobs for you. In a tanking class it is important to have alot of status/resists in order to be harder to kill(For the full list of stat related resistances see Stats and resistances. What makes us so tanky is due to the fact that we have alot of defensive buffs in our arsenal:

  • 249.png Auto Guard- to block every attack mobs make on us.
  • 252.png Reflect Shield- to make you say "STAHP HITTING URSELF'.
  • 257.png Defender- to mess with Ranged pansies.
  • 28.png Heal- to heal flesh wounds.
  • 35.png Cure- to get rid of some status effects
  • 1002.png Shrink- to stun your attackers.
  • 369.png Gospel- to get rid of most dangerous debuffs.
  • 2313.png Force of Vanguard- to increase your Max HP and DEF
  • 2318.png Prestige- to potentially dodge enemy magic.
  • 5013.png King's Grace- to protect those around you from damage and also heals for a percentage of their HP for 5 secs.
  • 2315.png Shield Spell- to provide constant % Heal(HP/SP)
  • 2322.png Piety- to make enemy Holy attacks hit you for peanuts.
  • 2323.png Earth Drive- Primarily to destroy ground effects but also to hold off any attackers.
  • 2309.png Trample- to destroy traps.
  • 2319.png Banding- to have extra DEF(cannot activate while prestige is active vice versa)

All in All in being a tank you need to be aware of the mobs you are tanking, positioning in the field, and ofcourse a ton of extra-tight pants to keep taking hits.

Positioning and When to draw Aggro

Proper positioning and enough mob lure is the key to making a good party run. In tanking it is important to only draw a good amount of aggro from few mobs to give your DPS a chance to focus on them. Too many mobs can destroy your FLEE so like they say "Bite only what you can chew."

For General tanking just get enough mobs to atk you and just bring them over to your dps' for them to kill it. Rinse and Repeat

The reason I placed this is due to some popular dungeons (Mostly BIO 5 and Monster Hunter) have mobs that influence a tanks positioning(skills, aggro, mechanics) so it is important for you be aware of this specific mechanic in order to tank well. since the Rework Shield Spells Heals have been nerfed that you cannot get the huge Heal from Shield Spell anymore. You can still use it to gradually gain HP and SP but you would now rely on consumables to keep you alive.

  • Bio 5/Tomb of the Fallen- in this dungeon all mobs are boss protocol and have ways to kill an entire party with just one attack. The mobs you should be aware of in this dungeon are:
    • Eremes Guile- This guy has Max Pain(the legendary skill that wipes the whole party by reflecting back all damage it took in an area after a brief cast delay) that triggers at certain HP % so its best you deal with this mob quickly by luring it out near your DPS to be killed Quickly. In terms of attacks this guy is nothing but a nuisance.
    • Margaretha Sorin- The main reason why people die at Bio 5 runs quickly; This AB casts Max Pain while chasing after its target so once you see this AB come for you make sure to stay still and avoid moving for her to not cast it.
    • Kathryne Cheiron- not much of a threat but her AOE skill prove to be tough to deal with (especially her 2216.png Earth Strain). She also casts 84.png Jupitel Thunder to push you around like a pinball so make sure to position yourself near a wall to avoid getting pushed into the party and to avoid Margaretha to trigger Max Pain.
    • Celia Alde- her skills and attacks are not much of a threat to you but her debuffs are definitely annoying to deal with (her 289.png Dispel and also her SP drain effect). so make sure to have your guard on press once she casts Dispel on you but be careful if she casts 2449.png Psychic Wave you and your party will be in for a world of hurt so stay on 249.png Guard

  • MONSTER HUNTER- Check out Overbrand in the Spear Section.

For general tanking and mechanics please visit the Monster Hunter portal for more info. I did not place alot of info for this section because there is already a wiki dedicated for it but the Gist is have tons of Racial and Elemental Equipment to counteract different types of Bosses in the Savage Coast so I highly suggest reading up on that specific page to know more about the custom instance in general.

In a Nutshell, Monster Hunter is like a different game compared to the usual shenanigans of Ragnarok Online with its unique mechanics and rules to make the gameplay a challenge for new and veteran players alike but be warned this custom instance is usually classified as an end game instance due to the difficulty of the mobs inside the Savage Coast. Highly suggested to read up on the Wiki section to find out more and also dont hesitate to ask any players over at discord for tips in starting out here. In the Equipment sections of the guide I have listed several gears that are useful for both tanking and DPS roles be sure to read them carefully.


Для поддержки RG вы обнаружите, что элементы почти аналогичны по своей природе, за исключением нескольких элементов, зависящих от ситуации. Это основано на моем опыте и интервью из других источников.


Сборка PVM:
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Ancient Decoration of Rift [1] Upper Infinite Space

Market : Lookup

Pretty much the best budget option to get since this is almost a free item by just running the Infinite Space instance. Good way to get HP early on as this gives a maximum 10% HP as its enchants and also can give bonus HP based on its refine rate.
 Guard's Cap [1] Shop

Market : Lookup

Good cap for tanking as this provides neutral melee and ranged attacks by 5% and gives an additional 1% resistance each upgrade level starting from +6
 Aegir Helm [1] Summer Festival

Market: Lookup

For tanking Nysori this set does wonders as this can decrease damage you receive from Fish mobs by 10% as long as it is comboed with  Aegir Armor [1]and adds an additional 1% reduction per refine. Pretty good armor to use for Tanking Nysori in Monster Hunter. Be warned if you go for the whole set (armor, helm, manteau) its reduction is only at 25% due to Monster Hunter Alterations so keep that in mind but nonetheless it is a good defensive gear for Nysori.
 Monocle [1] Middle Dropped by Owl Viscount

Market: Lookup

As mentioned in the guide's budget option to get your cards in because this has a slot.
Best In Slot
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Old Casket of Protection [1] Upper Tomb of the Fallen

Market : Lookup

Second best End Game Headgear for this build. Provides +1% HP, 1% SP per 2 refine, 4 ATK per Refine Rate, 1 ASPD per 5 Refine Rate, and boosts Cannon Spear and Overbrand by 20% and 5% per Refine Rate. The sole reason it is here is that it can be enchanted with the  Adamantine to increase our overall HP. Level 5 is desirable to give use the maximum HP possible for our support needs.
 Illusion Goibne's Helm [1] Illusion of Luanda

Market : Lookup

The BiS in terms of HP Headgear. The Illusion Goibne's set is the best set in terms of providing the best DEF, HP, and Survivability for any support class as long as you get this set to +11 to enable its enchant to give its full effect. For support, it is require you have 2x  Stamina Nive as your enchants to give you the most HP and DEF possible.
 Black Devil Mask [1] Middle Custom Headgears Quests

Market: Lookup

Provides +1 to all stats. Need I say more? you can slot in your fave Headgear card in and get stats too whats not to love with this Headgear?
 Magical Booster [1] Custom Headgears Quests

Market: Lookup

Another good BiS Middle slot that can have various Enchants (HP%/Healing Effectiveness/Vit) while having a card slot. Aside from being offensive this can also be defensive due to the enchants mentioned.
 Noble Mask Thanatos Tower(Hard)

Market: Lookup

the BiS in terms of removing the Variable cast time part of Devotion! 2 secs is a huge reduction
 Umbala Spirit Lower Shop

Market: Lookup

Gives 1% HP. Perfect in boosting Overall HP
 Poison Breath Faceworm's Nest

Market: Lookup

Combos with  Giant Snake Skin to give tons of stats but for support purposes we benefit from the Neutral resistance it gives. Sorta like a weak version of  Vicious Mind Aura +  Fallen Warrior Manteau combo.
 Magical Rosary in Mouth Shop

Market: Lookup

+2 all stats and +2 Perfect dodge means you have a chance to avoid attacks from mobs even if they destroy your FLEE due to their quantity hitting you ass.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Armor of Airship Armor Airship Assault

Market : Lookup

Provides 100 DEF, All Stats +1, MaxHP +1000, and MaxSP +100. when Combined with  Airship Manteau and  Airship Boots you get MDEF +10, MaxHP/SP +25%, and increased movement speed. Solid choice going forward in your journey. A good armor to start doing early level Support.
 Glorious Suit Obtained from Battle Grounds

Market: Lookup

Purchasable by saving up the free Valor points you gain from the advanced monthly calendar. This armor gives 20% HP and 7% resistance to Demi-Humans(aka Mobs at Bio 5 wont hurt you much) helps out in getting good HP early on until you get good gears.
 Excellion Suit Verus Equipment Exchange

Market: Lookup

An upgrade to the Glorious Suit. Provides +10 VIT and 4% HP every 3 Refines. Properly enchanted with 3x HP +5% and this armor could boost your starting HP for Bio 5 not to mention it is indestructible(meaning you wont have to worry about Demonstrations breaking your armor if you accidentally step on one).
 Gold Dragon Plate [1] Abyss 4

Market: Lookup

a good upgrade to the Excellion Suit; providing more HP bonuses and Vit Bonuses than its predecessor and also a card slot at the cost of indestructibility. Properly enchanted and it could give you more HP% bonuses along with some resistances to races. Definitely worth getting asap but keep in mind you'd need a  Restless Dead Card like effect to keep it from being destroyed by Demonstrations.
 King Schmidt's Suit [1] Fall of Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

A versatile suit that can be enchanted with different elements to resist attacks from enemies. Proven to be quite useful in the new instance Legacy of Glastheim and for some cases Monster Hunter. A good cheap defensive swap to counteract attacks.
 Aegir Armor [1] Summer Festival

Market: Lookup

For tanking Nysori this set does wonders as this can decrease damage you receive from Fish mobs by 10% as long as it is comboed with  Aegir Helm [1] and adds an additional 1% reduction per refine. Pretty good armor to use for Tanking Nysori in Monster Hunter. Be warned if you go for the whole set (armor, helm, manteau) its reduction is only at 25% due to Monster Hunter Alterations so keep that in mind but nonetheless it is a good defensive gear for Nysori.
Best In Slot
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Vit Soutane [1] Armor Odin Temple 4

Market : Lookup

One of the BiS for Royal Guard Support; Provides +15% HP and 5% SP, -7% Variable Cast time, +2% HP every 2 Refines, and +5 VIT every 3 Refines. Properly enchanted with  Vit Blessing and 2x  VIT + 8 or  Max HP +5% and you'd get HP for Days. Solid Choice for support builds
 illusion Goibne's Armor [1] Illusion of Luanda

Market: Lookup

Looking at this armor the effects it gives seem mediocre but once the full set has been equipped and ofcourse refined to +11 and enchanted with 2x  Stamina Nive and this set alone could boost your HP to higher numbers than the Vit Soutane and that is why its still the BiS in terms of Support.
Best In Slot
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Mace [4] One-Handed Mace Dropped by Skeleton

Market : Lookup

The only weapon you'll ever need. Why? First off Maces are innately indestructible in nature so you wont have to worry about getting any Golem Card to make it indestructible. Second, this has 4 slots perfect on fitting it with 4x  Essence of Evil Vit 3 or 3x of EOE Vit 3 and a  White Knight Card to tank anything else outside MH and Bio 5. And Lastly this doesn't need any refines to be effective. Now you could be wondering "why not use a  Spear instead? it should enable you to use your spear skills" well about that. You wont be hitting much mobs to kill you'll just hit them to lure them and Spears are prone to being broken so losing a spear with 4 EOE Vit 3s would drastically reduce your HP and defense thats why Maces are chosen for this slot for the reasons above.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Sacred Mission [1] Shield Dropped by Incarnation of Morocc(Unslotted), Dropped by illusion of Frozen mobs(Slotted)

Market : Lookup

Well the best Shield you can get for our class and of course you can upgrade it to its illusion counterpart should you get the materials to do so.
 Valkyrja Shield [1] Dropped by Valkyrie

Market : Lookup

Provides 20% Resistance against Water, Fire, Shadow, and Undead. Pretty good shield to use in certain situations especially in Monster Hunter.
 +9 Knight's Shield [1] Shop at the Main Office

Market : Lookup

An offensive shield due to the shield giving ATK and MATK +3%, +10% ASPD, and 7% all properties resistance. Definitely a free item if you collect enough Endeavor tokens from doing Gramps and worth refining and evolving to a  Purified Knight's Shield for your late game offensive shield. Best enchanted with HP increase well to get more HP.
Best In Slot
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Illusion Sacred Mission [1] Shield Illusion of Frozen

Market : Lookup

The Evolved Form of of the  Sacred Mission [1]. Best Enchanted with 2x  Stamina Nive to get the most HP.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Manteau of Airship [1] Garment Airship Assault

Market : Lookup

A Free item by doing the Airship Assault instance. You dont have to finish the Final boss to farm this one as it is dropped from the mobs on the instance plus it has a slot so you can place an offensive or defensive card in it.
 Giant Snake Skin [1] Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

A great garment that is pre-enchanted and can be a good end game item to combo with any Stat  Temporal Boots. For support builds a full VIT enchanted one is desirable. the reason its on the alternatives is you can get one with mostly VIT enchants to start out but you can get a full VIT enchanted one as your end game gear. for the garment slot if you want more HP this is the best we have so far.
 Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1] Nidhoggur's Nest

Market : Lookup

A generally defensive garment because of its 7% resistance to all elements plus a card slot to slot in your favorite Garment card. Definitely worth picking up if you want a bit more resistance early on. For MH it can prove quite useful because of the resistance stats it gives.
 Dragon Breath [1] Dropped by Mutant Dragonoid

Market: Lookup

A good garment for tanking Garronath as this provides 15% damage reduction to Dragon mobs. This item is not penalized on Monster Hunter
Best In Slot
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Giant Snake Skin [1] Garment Faceworm Nest

Market : Lookup

As mentioned above the only time this could be a good end game gear is if you get a fully VIT enchanted Snake Skin.
 Illusion Goibne's Spaulder [1] Illusion of Luanda

Market: Lookup

If you've been reading this section up until now you'd probably know why the Illusion Goibne's set outclasses every HP Defensive sets. Ofcourse get this one to +11 and get it 2x  Stamina Nive for the maximum effect.
 Automatic Engine Wing A-type [1]
 Automatic Engine Wing B-type [1]
Sage's Legacy

Market: Lookup

Personally the Automatic gears from 17.2 are more focused on Defensive enchants rather than offense but can provide good firepower if paired with the right enchants and gear combination. but the biggest defensive enchant we can have on this gear is  Automatic Module(Above All) which provides very good defensive stats on this garment. Paired with  Automatic Leg [1]'s Unlimited Vital and Robust and you got yourself a self sustaining RG.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Boots of Airship Footgear Airship Assault

Market : Lookup

Once again, a good upgrade to the old Eden Group armors. Provides ASPD +10% and AGI +1. Combined with Airship Manteau and Airship Boots you get MDEF +10, MaxHP/SP +25%, and increased movement speed. Solid choice going forward in your journey.
 Variant Shoes Dropped By Beelzebub

Market : Lookup

a Decent footgear that gives +20% MHP but this doesnt have a slot. If you want a slotted version the  Enchanced Variant Shoes [1]. The HP bonus is less but it has a card slot and provides DEF based on its refine rate.
Best In Slot
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Temporal Boots of Vitality [1] Footgear Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

For Support builds this provides bonus 300 MHP and 30 MSP like the regular boots but provides the same amount again for every 3 Refines and at 120 VIT provides 8% MHP perfect for increasing MHP. Can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Rigid Insignia [1]'s Special Enchants depending on the 3rd slot enchant of this boots to provide you with the best stats and MHP.
 Automatic Leg A [1] Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

In terms of tanking and HP regen this is probably a good contender since the recent update on Automatic Enchants on the Automatic Legs you can have 2 Legendary Enchants on the Legs (but you can only have 1 instance of a legendary enchant you cannot have 2 of the same ie: 2x Overpower) so Having extra HP on the Auto Leg +  Automatic Module (Unlimited Vital) +  Automatic Module (Robust) means you are tanky as heck! Enchanted with the new Fixed Casting enchant and you get 0.8 Fixed Cast Time Reduction (should help for Devo cast to reduce that 1.5s to 0.7s).
 Temporal Boots of Dexterity [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

Odd Choice to place here but some players like to deploy Devotion fast due to it having a 1.5 sec Fixed Cast Time so getting rid of that 0.5 secs helps out in tanking. as mentioned above can be comboed with a  King Schmidt's Rigid Insignia [1]'s Special Enchants depending on the 3rd slot enchant of this boots to provide you with the best stats and MHP.
 illusion Goibne's Greaves [1] Illusion of Luanda

Market: Lookup

as mentioned in the equipment list the set provides a ton of HP and DEF capabilities once the full set has been equipped and ofcourse refined to +11 and enchanted with 2x  Stamina Nive and this set alone could boost your HP to higher numbers than the Vit Soutane and that is why its still the BiS in terms of Support(Copy Pasted but you get the point).
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Sheriff's Left Badge [1] Accessory Rock Ridge

Market : Lookup

Provides +3% ATK if base STR is 90, +1000MHP if base VIT is 90, and +3% Ranged damage if base DEX is 90. Only reason its here is because of the MHP bonus
Best In Slot
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Royal Guard Ring [1] Accessory Dropped by Lich King

Market : Lookup

BiS because of the Bonus HP for every 25 Base levels and you can get Vit enchants on it to help you survive and pretty much the best in slot we have for the Right slot.
 King Schmidt's Rigid Insignia [1] Fall of Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

You only need the 10% MHP bonus tbh you can have any enchants here this is the best item we have in the Left accessory slot
 Safety Pendant R [1]
 Safety Epaulet R [1]
Einbech 3

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

A budget combo but a welcome one, +10% HP and a few other stats plus it can be enchanted with alot of good stuff from Einbech is pretty good for the build too especially for tanking.
 Sinful Ruby Ring [1]
 Sinful Ruby Necklace [1]
Thanatos Tower Revamp Quest

Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup

in order to remove the remaining Fixed Cast time of Devotion the Sinful Combo gives 0.3s of FCT reduction, Combo'ed with the Illusion Goibne's set(0.7s FCT), the Casting Onyx(0.5s FCT) and the Noble Mask and its instacast for Devo! Take note these accessories dont give an innate HP/SP Bonus but can have an enchant from  Regret to sort it out for you. Lvls 3-4 should be a good starting point but remember you must equip both accessories to get the FCT reduction effect.

Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Essence of Evil Vit 3 Any Temple of the Demon God

Market: Lookup

Pretty much the filler card you need to slot in places where there is a card slot for increasing your MHP, VIT, and DEF
 Rigid Sky Deleter Card Headgear Dropped by Rigid Sky Deleter

Market: Lookup


Combo with Bungisngis Card: +5%HP

 Bungisngis Card Dropped by Bungisngis

Market : Lookup

Every 2 refine, MHP + 1%.
 Leaf Cat Card Dropped by Leaf Cat

Market : Lookup

Add the chance of gaining 'Crystal Blue' item each time a Fish or Shellfish monster is killed.

Add 10% more tolerance against Water Property Attack. Once again helps out in keeping Nysori's Attacks at bay

 Pecopeco Card Armor Dropped by Usada PekoraPecoPeco

Market : Lookup

I wont apologize for this.
Max HP +10 %
 Marc Card Dropped by Marc

Market : Lookup

Gains immunity to the frozen status. Nysori cannot freeze you by any means with this card in your armor
 Ominous Solider Card Dropped by Ominous Solider

Market : Lookup

MaxHP + 10%, Def + 50.

MaxHP + 1% per 3 refine rate.
If base level is 160 or higher, add an additonal Def + 50, Vit + 3.

 Toxious Card Dropped by Toxious

Market : Lookup

MaxHP + 10%, reduces damage taken from long ranged physical damage by 5%.

[+ Noxious Card] Additional MaxHP + 5%, reduces damage taken from long ranged physical damage by additional 10%.

 Restless Dead Card Dropped by Restless Dead

Market : Lookup

ATK +20 and Makes your Armor and Weapon indestructible, good for Bio 5
 White Knight Card Weapon Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

ATK + 15.

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 20%.

[+ Khalitzburg Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

A staple card in any builds that uses a Shield as this card provides all the damage you need to battle PVM. The Reason its here is to get the combo with the Khalitzburg Knnight Card's additional Resistance against Medium and Large mobs.

 Khalitzburg Knight Card Shield Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

DEF + 20.

Receive 25% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

[+  White Knight Card]

Increase damage inflicted on medium and large size monsters by 15%. Receive 5% less damage from medium and large size monsters.

as mentioned, the reason its here is to get the combo with the Khalitzburg Knnight Card's additional Resistance against Medium and Large mobs.

 Andre Egg Card Dropped by Andre Egg

Market : Lookup

Max HP +5%
 Gaster Card Dropped by Gaster

Market : Lookup

Reduces damage taken from normal monsters by 25%.

Receive more damage from boss monsters by 50%.

Cheap version of Khalitzburg Knight Card but if you dont plan on tanking MVP's

 Alice Card Dropped by Alice

Market : Lookup

Reduces damage taken from boss monsters by 40%.

Receive more damage from normal monsters by 40%.

aka the best card to get for Bio 5(since all mobs there are boss protocol). NOTE: This item's effects are disabled inside The Savage Coast.

 Sky Petite Card Dropped by Sky Petite

Market : Lookup

Reduces damage from dragon mobs by 30%. Good for resisting Garronath's normal attacks
 Rafflesia Card Dropped by Rafflesia

Market : Lookup

Reduces damage from Fish mobs by 30%. Good for resisting Nysori's normal attacks
 Ancient Stalactic Golem Card Garment Dropped by Ancient Stalactic Golem

Market : Lookup

MaxHP + 150 and increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 1%) for every 10 base Vit.

If base Vit is 120 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 3%

 Jejeling Card Dropped by Jejeling

Market : Lookup

Every 10 base VIT, you gain + 200 HP.
 Myst Card Dropped by Myst

Market : Lookup

Increase resistance to Poison property by 30%. FLEE Rate +5, Good for resisting Garronath's poison attacks
 Marse Card Dropped by Marse

Market : Lookup

Increase resistance to Water property by 30%. FLEE Rate +5, Good for resisting Nysori's water attacks
 Green Ferus Card
 Matyr Card
Footgear Dropped by Green Ferus, Matyr

Market : Lookup
Market : Lookup

Both give +10% MHP but Green Ferus gives +1 VIT(Tanking/General Sustainability), and Matyr gives +1 AGI(General ASPD/Dodge). Choose what suits your needs.
 Gold Acidus Card Dropped by Gold Acidus

Market : Lookup

Increases Max HP and Max SP by 4%. When the compounded shoes's upgrade level is no greater than 4, these bonuses are increased to

Max HP+8% Max SP +8%, and adds SP and HP Recovery +5%. Only use this card if you're going to slot it in a footgear with less than +5 in Refines.

Сборка PVP:

В этом разделе вы можете почти использовать шестерни из PVM, за исключением нескольких изменений, чтобы приспособиться к другой среде и, конечно же, задействованной механике. Чтобы ознакомиться с полной механикой Battlegrounds, нажмите здесь. Чтобы ознакомиться с полной механикой WOE, нажмите здесь. Перечисленные здесь механизмы основаны на интервью, а не на моих собственных знаниях, поскольку я в основном играю в PVM.

Основываясь на моих интервью, для PvP вы, как правило, должны быть настроены на сопротивление игроков (получеловеческое снаряжение), поскольку вокруг нет мобов, некоторые танковые PVM-снаряжения могут быть менее эффективными (расовое сопротивление, сопротивление боссам и т. д.), поэтому замените их на Настоятельно рекомендуется снаряжение, специально созданное для этого типа игрового процесса, хотя в этом типе среды обычно предпочтительны сборки «Преданность», поскольку Королевские гвардейцы имеют естественную защиту, защитные навыки и баффы для защиты своих товарищей по группе / членам гильдии от вреда. Вот несколько рекомендуемых передач для этого игрового процесса:

  •  illusion Goibne's Set (Helm, Armor, Spaulder, Greaves): as mentioned in the PVM support section this set simply provides the best increase in HP, DEF, and VIT provided each piece is refined to +11 and have 2x  Stamina Nive. In a WOE Setting you generally play as a Devotion type RG, going with your DPS' and supports into the front lines to take the damage for them. For this play style you generally need to have HP as high as you can and also you need to have defensive gear to counteract the attackers should they come for you.
  •  WoE/Warlord Sets: As mentioned, this set is specifically designed for this environment providing you with survivability to withstand attacks. If you need Player resistance use these sets. For Devo builds it is essential you carry a  Combat Knife on swap in order to deter any attackers and hopefully they die to your reflect or you die with them.
  •  Glorious set: For BG they still provide the best resistance from Players. in BG you can do DPS but you might have to change out your spear to a high refined  Glorious Spear to eliminate weak supports with Shield Chain/Banishing Point. Dont rush towards your death and stick to your team's game plan to win.
  •  Recruit Set: For BG in order to participate you'd need to get this from the Recruit set NPC. Provides you with the basic defenses against players.
Что нельзя делать

Вот пример того, чего не следует делать в условиях PVP:

Шестерни приличные, но что вы видите здесь не так? у этого игрока есть  Stem во рту и  New Wave Sunglasses

Да, вы правильно поняли, никогда не используйте эти предметы! эти предметы не уменьшат урон от яда от GX, они только добавят сопротивление к отравлению, а использование солнцезащитных очков New Wave для DPS Shield Chain на экипировке Devotion является Большое НЕТ НЕТ. У этого игрока также есть карты урона (карта коричневой крысы и карта беспокойного мертвеца), но он явно создан для танкования. Из-за этого команда этого игрока проиграла матч из-за неудачного выбора экипировки.
Не будь этим парнем. Играйте с умом

Что делать

Вот хороший пример правильной настройки снаряжения:


Обратите внимание, что эта сборка ориентирована на защиту, а HP идеально подходит для окружающей среды; позволяя хорошую поддержку для ваших товарищей. Помните, что в сеттинге WOE командная работа — это все, что вам нужно, чтобы выполнить свою конкретную роль и не пересекать какие-либо экспериментальные сборки, которые могут поставить под угрозу победу вашей гильдии.

Еще одна хорошая установка для справки:

По сути, «не добавляйте никакое снаряжение, которое не имеет доказанного использования в среде PVP», всегда обязательно читайте об эффектах предметов, задавайте вопросы на нашем канале Discord и на канале #support в игре для любых разъяснений. Сообщество, как правило, доброе и благосклонное, не бойтесь спрашивать, что лучше учиться и получать предварительные знания, чем с треском потерпеть неудачу в конце. Неудача — это часть жизни, но неудача без надлежащей подготовки — это самоубийство.

Магический билд: (иронический) билд с мечом


General Guide

Файл:Fairy Tail 2014 Mavis uses Fairy Law.gif
Do you believe in god? Do you like Magic? Do you like Magic Knights? Do you like smiting the heathens with the wrath of God himself? Well look no further, Tarnished one. Royal Guards hold the power of the Divine (And pagan Neutral) through Ray of Genesis!

Recommended Stats:

  • STR 70-100
  • AGI 50+
  • VIT 100+
  • INT 120+
  • DEX 120+
  • LUK 50

Распределение характеристик сосредоточено в основном на INT, DEX, LUK для максимального магического урона, возможном сокращении времени каста, по крайней мере, с несколькими очками STR для целей веса.

Файл:OB (2).gif
Бей неверующих! Уничтожь своих врагов Славным Светом! Большое спасибо Dano и Rekij за то, что показали мне свои сборки! а также большое спасибо Chimpance Inalámbrico за предоставленную мне начальную информацию для этой сборки!

Луч Бытия/Луч Бытия — это одна из наших Магий, дарованная самим Одином своим верным, поражающим врагов своим божественным светом. Несколько аналог Адорамусу архиепископа; Этот билд фокусируется на нанесении как можно большего количества холи/нейтрального магического урона по области. После недавних переделок и обновлений снаряжения эта сборка сервера превратилась из одной из самых неиспользуемых и игнорируемых в сборку, достойную того, чтобы играть и вкладывать время и деньги. В настоящее время эта сборка очень эффективна против целей, которые по своей природе слабы к Святости (Тень/Нежить/Демон), а также может превратиться в Нейтральность, если мы столкнемся с целями, имеющими вариант Святости. Что касается характеристик, вы можете сосредоточиться на INT и DEX, так как эти характеристики отвечают за сокращение нашего времени каста и увеличение нашего урона для этого навыка с Agi, Vit, Luk, чтобы обеспечить некоторые возможности ASPD, живучести / танкования и шанс уклонение от магии (через параметр LUK 2318.png Prestige)


Раньше игроки, которые хотели играть в эту сборку, могли получить как можно больше урона, используя этот навык, накладывая много MATK, MATK%, Elemental % и т. д., чтобы уменьшить обратную сторону его перезарядки в 2 секунды, но с недавними обновлениями мы теперь могут спамить это умение со скоростью 2 раза в секунду с помощью комбинации недавно выпущенного  Illusion Excalibur [1] в сочетании с  Illusion Sacred Mission [1] (обеспечивает перезарядку 1 с), а также недавний выпуск Genesis Shadow Gears (обеспечивает перезарядку 0,5 с), что делает эту сборку более чем достаточной, чтобы конкурировать в обычном контенте с относительная простота

С недавними переработками Генезис Рэй теперь имеет базовый 3500% на максимальном уровне независимо от элемента (ранее 2300% без вдохновения/3000% с вдохновением), и одним из основных аспектов этого навыка является то, что он меняется на Нейтральный через Вдохновение, если вы облажаться со святыми мишенями. Обратите внимание, что магия привязана к одному элементу, поэтому изучение/создание для использования нейтрального — это еще одна стратегия, с которой вы можете столкнуться. в этой части руководства я сосредоточусь на общих аспектах сборки с точки зрения снаряжения, но с точки зрения того, что является лучшим в слоте, я оставлю читателям возможность сделать свои собственные расчеты.


Best In slot
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Ceremonial Crown [1] Upper Gold Coin Shop

Market : Lookup

Probably the only option for us right now in terms of a decent headgear for a non Magic-centered class. Its easy to get plus its basically free by just purchasing using Endeavor Coins or can be bought from the market.
 Illusion Morpheus' Hood [1] Illusion of Labyrinth

Market : Lookup

Probably one of the best alternative Headgear slot for the build due to the fact that it can have 2x  Spellbound Knive 2 to help with the INT scaling of Ray of Genesis. Its technically free if you constantly farm the illusion dungeons and do their respective dungeon quests to get the refine box to craft it.
 Celine's Ribbon [1] Gold Coin Shop

Market : Lookup

If combined with the Celine clothes (Ribbon, Dress, Brooch) and this headgear could potentially beat Auto Armor. Based on my research the neutral build is quite similar to Warlock's Comet so this probably might be useful for using the Neutral version of Ray of Genesis.
 Magical Booster Middle Custom Headgear Quest

Market : Lookup

A solid choice for a mid headgear, can host different enchants to cater to any class and builds, in our case we can prioritize MATK, MATK %, or acd to reduce Ray of Genesis' 1s acd further.
 Victory Wing Ears Ancient Juperos

Market : Lookup

Probably the new BiS for the Middle slot due to it already providing ATK, MATK, and ACD by default, its unsocketed version holds a higher stat but adding as slot opens it up to different enchants even surpassing the Magical Booster and New Wave Sunglasses.
 Rainbow Scarf Lower Shop

Market : Lookup

A middle Headgear focused on providing MATK, INT, and a bit of MDEF
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
Best In Slot
 Automatic Armor B-type [1] Armor Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

Probably the BiS for general magic use; Royal Guards by default dont have a ton of MATK despite having Magic skills in our kit via Pressure and Ray of Genesis so this solves the issue of MATK and MATK% for our needs for this build. Can be enchanted with 2x  Automatic Module (Genesis Pressure) and a choice of  Automatic Module (Magic)  Automatic Module (Magical Force),  Automatic Module (Delay After Skill), or  Automatic Module (Shadow Spell). Upon seeing tests done by the Player Rekij, Genesis Pressure Modules provide more damage output than the Magic Module but his build focuses on pure damage while Dano's focuses on ACD/VCT to get a faster spam. Do your own Calculations in regards to what would be the best enchants for your needs.
 Celine's Dress [1] Nightmare Toy Factory

Market : Lookup

A contender for the BiS for increasing Magic Damage; In theory this armor combined with  Celine's Ribbon [1] and  Celine's Brooch [1] and you would have a ton of stats that could potentially defeat the Automatic Armor. But only if you decide to use the combo so research wisely.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Illusion Excalibur [1] Sword Illusion of Twins

Market : Lookup

the BiS weapon for this build! There might be the new  Patent Light Blade [1] or the good old  Farhezan [1] but the reason this weapon is the sole suggestion here is that the Illusion Excalibur has what the previous 2 weapons dont have; 1s cd reduction which is much better in many ways allowing Ray of Genesis to be spammed at 1 every second (2 with the Genesis Pressure Shadow Gears providing 0.5s cooldown reduction).
 Illusion Sacred Mission [1] or Any Shield Illusion of Frozen

Market : Lookup

The only shield you need to combo with the Illusion Excalibur to go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. as mentioned above this combo'ed with the illusion Excalibur and you could spam Ray of Genesis like there is no tomorrow!
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Temporal Int Manteau [1] Garment Legacy of Glastheim

Market : Lookup

Probably the BiS for Magic as this provides Matk, Matk%, all property Magic damage, and MDEF pierce against Brute and Demon mobs. Can also be enchanted with an Extra MATK% or ACD (Since Ray of Genesis has a 1s acd and you need atleast 50% acd to currently spam it at 2 per second). It might be quite expensive to get due to its demand and supply currently (with an ACD enchanted one being more expensive than any enchant) so if you can snatch up one even with a trash enchant its still worth getting and just re-enchant later.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Temporal Boots of Intelligence [1] Footgear Old GlastHeim

Market : Lookup

If you wanna combo it with the Temporal Int Manteau then this is the boots for you although there might be other better options like the Automatic Leg B, this is a decent choice but if you can afford to swap to the Automatic Leg you definitely should. As for the Enchants  Spell and  Runaway Magic would be the go to.
 Temporal Boots of Dex [1] Old Glast Heim

Market : Lookup

Its only here as an alternative if you still lack the Fixed Cast Time reduction but with the recent updates (Costume Stones, Automatic Leg B's Fixed Cast) you will barely need it on your build. As for the enchants  Spell and  Runaway Magic would be the go to.
 Automatic Leg B-Type [1] Automatic Equipment

Market : Lookup

The BiS for Magic Classes as for my research due to the fact that upon checking their calculations(and a bit of my own) it beats the Temporal Boots + King Schmidt accessory combo by atleast a 10% difference due to the equipment allowing multiple Epic Modules ( Automatic Module (Spell Buster) and  Automatic Module (Lucky Strike)), and with the  Automatic Module (Fixed Casting) you can remove Ray of Genesis' Fixed Cast Time but its better you have  Automatic Module (Robust) instead since the recent costume Stones can handle the 0.5s Fixed Cast Time for you.
Item Type Way to obtain Notes
 Illusion Battle Chip R [1] Accessory Illusion Equipments

Market : Lookup

An offensive Right Accessory that can be identically enchanted like the  Automatic Battle Chip L [1]. Having both at early to mid-late game would be good to increase your Ray of Genesis damage early.
 Automatic Battle Chip L [1] Sage's Legacy

Market : Lookup

As Mentioned in the Armors section this is the best upgrade for the old Illusion Equipment with also upgraded enchants, this time you can opt to have  Automatic Module (Spell) to increase your damage output alongside with the usual ASPD and INT enchant but the biggest boost here is the  Automatic Module (All Force)
 King Schmidt's Divine Insignia [1] Fall of Glast Heim

Market: Lookup

The best offensive left Accessory due to the fact that it can combo with the Temporal Boots of Intelligence [1]'s Runaway Magic ( Divine Power Enchant). Can also have an  Spell 5 and  INT +4-5 to further increase your damage and reduce your cast time.
 Brilliant Light Sapphire Ring [1]
 Brilliant Light Sapphire Necklace [1]
 Sinful Sapphire Ring [1]
 sinful Sapphire necklace [1]
Thanatos Tower Revamp Quest

Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup
Market: Lookup

Seems to be the new accoessories Replacing the King Schmidt's Insignias because of the big ATK/MATK% boost and also the extra damage against Angel/Demon/Dragon Races (Probably some of the most relevant races in Ragnarok Online to hunt and also most mobs are either Demons/Undead)
Best In Slot
 Greater Sanare Card Headgear Dropped by Greater Sanare

Market : Lookup

+Matk + 10.

Increases holy property magical damage by 5%. If refine rate is 9 or higher, increases holy property magical damage by additonal 5%.

for Holy Property Ray of Genesis this is the BiS for that.

 Tower Keeper Card Dropped by Tower Keeper

Market : Lookup

Its nice to have for some small INT boost and if you plan to go VCT reduction on Ray of Genesis this one fits the bill.
 Ungoliant Card Dropped by Ungoliant

Market : Lookup

The only reason its here is to combo with the  Jewelry Ant Card for that sweet 30% extra Neutral Magic Property damage bonus.
 Plaga Card Dropped by Plaga

Market : Lookup

Another damage boosting headgear card but for Neutral property instead! (+10% Neutral Magic boost) Just keep in mind to have your hat atleast +9 to get the full effects.
 Agav Card Armor Dropped by Agav

Market : Lookup

+5% MATK, once again a general MATK% boost.
 Mutated White Knight Card Weapon Dropped by Mutated White Knight

Market : Lookup

The Magic version of the White Knight Card. You'll need 2 of these because thats the only Magic general card that has size modifiers on the weapon.
 Lady Solace Card Dropped by Lady Solace

Market : Lookup

The Only Reason it is here is because of the combo with Smile/Pray Giver Card for the +55% Neutral/Holy Property Boost for Ray of Genesis.
 Mutated Khalitzburg Knight Card Shield Dropped by Mutated Khalitzburg Knight

Market : Lookup

The Magic version of the Khalitzburg Knight Card. And as usual same effect as the Physical Version you get the usual bonus from the coombo but for Magic!
 Yellow Pitaya Card Garment Dropped by Yellow Pitaya

Market : Lookup

Reduces damage taken from neutral property by 15%.

Increases holy property magical damage by 3% per refine rate. [+ Boiling Marc Card] Reduces damage taken from neutral property by additional 5%.

Pretty defensive and offensive card slot because of the Neutral Property resist but the main boost here is the Holy Magic damage% boost.

 Smile Giver Card Dropped by Smile Giver

Market : Lookup

One of the Thanatos Card Comboes that boosts Neutral(Holy if with Pray Giver) Property Damage but the full effect can only happen if  Lady Solace Card is in your Weapon Slot.
 Pray Giver Card Dropped by Pray Giver

Market : Lookup

Same as Smile Giver but Holy teehee.
 Outrageous Cookie Card Footgear dropped by Outrageous Cookie

Market : Lookup

Max HP - 2%

Additional Max HP - 2% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. Atk + 1% Additional Atk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. Matk + 1% Additional Matk + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the compounded item. one of the best Footgear Cards for this slot as this boosts your MATK % based on refines so if you got a boots at high refines you get MATK % bonus for it.

 Boiling Marc Card Dropped by Boiling Marc

Market : Lookup

Increases holy and water property magical damage by 5%.

Increases holy and water property magical damage by additional 1% per 2 refine rate

Again another Holy property magic boost for the Boots section

 Nightmare Verit Card Dropped by Nightmare Verit

Market : Lookup

+5% MATK, but if you have your boots at +9 it gives another 5% MATK making it perfect for any General magic boosting builds.
 Headless Mule Card Accessory Droped by Headless Mule

Market : Lookup

The Only Accessory Card you need for the Holy Version of Ray of Genesis. +20% Holy and Water Magic is huge for an accessory Slot
 Dwigh Card Droped by Dwigh

Market : Lookup

A Card that used to cost 700m now is at an all time low so if you have the cash and luck (Opening Mystical Card Albums) this card is perfect for the Neutral version of Ray of Genesis
 Jewelry Ant Card Dropped by Jewelry Ant

Market : Lookup

The Psychic Wave autocast isnt the reason this card is used but its the combo with the Ungoliant Card mentioned above that makes this worth using. 30% Neutral Property magic boost is big for an Accesory slot
Shadow Gears
 Genesis Shadow Gauntlet
 Genesis Shadow Bracelet
 Genesis Shadow Earring
 Royal Guard Shadow Shield
Class Costume Weapon, Accessories, Shield Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) From the First batch of Skill shadow gears ever released. These Skill Shadow Gears are essential in providing the best damage possible for 2321.png Ray of Genesis and also Provides 0.5s cd making this skill spammable at 0.5s (with the Illusion Excalibur + Illusion Sacred Mission combo). The combo (Genesis Gloves + Royal Guard shield) only gives 60% Magical Defense Pierce at both +10 so you would need to sacrifice a bit of damage to put the Racial Tempest Shadow gears to reach 100%.

Only use the Glove and Shield combo if you're farming a map with multiple races but if not use this set in conjunction with the Racial Penetration Shadow gears to reach 100% Magical Defense Pierce.

 Tempest Shadow Focus
 Tempest Shadow Brooch
 Tempest Shadow Shoes
 Tempest Shadow Shield
Costume Accessories, Shield, Footgear Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) While we wait for the Full Tempest gears these Shadow gears are BiS in terms of providing 100% Magical Defense Pierce against specific races combined with their corresponding Racial Shadow Weapons and Armor from the mentioned instances.

Use these in conjunction with the Skill Shadow gears in place of the 60% Defense pierce if you're farming a dungeon with one or majority Race.

 Racial Tempest Shadow Gloves
 Racial Tempest Shadow Armors
Costume Weapon, Armor Custom Instances (Nightmare Toy Factory,Thanatos Tower Hard,Ancient Laboratory, Monster Hunter) Just to reiterate, While we wait for the Full Tempest gears these Shadow gears are BiS in terms of providing 100% Magical Defense Pierce against specific races combined with their corresponding Racial Shadow Weapons and Armor from the mentioned instances.

Use these in conjunction with the Skill Shadow gears in place of the 60% Defense pierce if you're farming a dungeon with one or majority Race.

Costume Enchants
 Paladin Onyx II [U]
 Paladin Onyx II [M]
 Paladin Onyx II [L]
Costume Upper, Middle, Lower Costume Enchants One of the builds that fortunately got the Class Stone treatment. The Combo set gives Bonuses to 2321.png Ray of Genesis, 367.png Pressure and also Variable Cast Time Reduction, Holy Property Magic damage, Max HP%.
 Royal Guard Onyx II [G] Costume Garment Costume Enchants Same as its Physical counterpart but this time it boosts 2321.png Ray of Genesis and 367.png Pressure along with Fixed Cast Time and holy Property Magic Damage.